With the objetive of share and divulge experiences, help to generate professional relationships between the profesionals and incite the communication in the area of the news technologies in Internet, UniNet, with the great collaboration of other entities united by cooperative eagerness, it is proposed to meet the 1st INTERNATIONAL MEETING on IPV6, FIREWALL, ENCRYPTION and VPN in UniNet, June 19-26, 2001. It is open to anybody interested.
It is intended to make posible the mutual enrichment and the upgrade of all that are relationed with these new technologies, joining the opinions and experiences of all and anyone who want participate. Participation is free. The most ambitious goal of this Meeting is establish permanent interprofesional ties, that make easy in the future the cooperation in the developement of the news technologies. We invite all you to participate!.
The Organizer Committee More information: 6fevu@uninet.edu |