Using Large Scale Databases to Measure Out comes in Critical Care



Peter Pronovost,  MD, PhD*

Derek C. Angus, MD, MPH†




*   Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Surgery, and Health Policy and Management.  Johns Hopkins University, 600 N Wolfe Street; Meyer 295; Baltimore, MD

†   Health Delivery and Systems Evaluation Team (HeDSET); Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine; University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, PA



Running head: Data Sources for Critical Care Outcomes Research


Keywords:  Outcomes research, critical care, observational research, database management, randomized clinical trials.


Address for correspondence:

Derek C. Angus, MB, ChB, MPH
Room 606B Scaife Hall
Critical Care Medicine
University of Pittsburgh

200 Lothrop Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15213.


Tel: (412) 647 8110
Fax: (412) 647 3791



For a long time, critical care research has focused on mechanism of action studies in the laboratory and efficacy studies inn small groups of patients to explore the effects of specific therapies.  With the reorganization in health care financing and delivery, there is a need to understand what “works” in medicine, and researchers are now asking such questions as, does the way intensive care is delivered affect outcome (open versus closed), does a full-time intensivist versus a generalist improve outcome, do different populations access intensive care services differently, does insurance status affect access to critical care services, and are the organizational characteristics of ICUs associated with outcomes.{Pronovost, Jencks, et al. 1999 ID: 3283}{Angus, Linde-Zwirble, et al. 1996 ID: 934}{Knaus, Wagner, et al. 1993 ID: 1926} In order to explore these types of questions, it is usually inappropriate to conduct a prospective study. Rather, we need to conduct observational outcome studies on existing databases that describe the “real world.” 

Although the major intent of this paper is to describe the availability and potential use of large-scale databases, we believe it is essential to first understand the basic principles involved in the conduct and interpretation of observational outcomes studies. Therefore, in this paper we briefly overview the design of observational outcomes studies as applied to critical care medicine followed by suggested criteria for evaluating data sources and in-depth review of the available data sources from which these observational studies can be conducted.  For further discussion of the role of observational outcomes research in critical care, we refer the reader to the report of the recent American Thoracic Society Workshop on outcomes research in critical care.”{Rubenfeld, Angus, et al. 1999 ID: 3284}


Observational outcomes studies in critical care

By some estimates, critical care accounts for up to 1% of the gross domestic product of the United States.{Jacobs & Noseworthy 1990 ID: 73}  Despite this large expenditure, there is little evidence to support much of the daily practice of critical care.{Cook, Sibbald, et al. 1996 ID: 3201}  The rapid growth in health care costs, attributed in large part to the increasing use of expensive technology, has forced clinicians, payers, and society alike to consider the value of medical care.{Schwartz 1987 ID: 3202}  We can evaluate the value, or balance between cost and quality, of medical care through outcomes studies that attempt to define “what works and what does not” and that are being used to formulate practice guidelines, to assess quality of care, and to inform health policy decisions.

Outcomes research is designed to define what works in the “real world,” as opposed to the contrived world of a randomized clinical trial.  To address its questions, outcomes research relies on a variety of disciplines including clinical epidemiology, informatics, anthropology, economics, health services research, health policy, and biostatistics.{Curtis, Rubenfeld, et al. 1998 ID: 2811}  While it is difficult to offer an exact definition of outcomes research, it is helpful to distinguish efficacy studies (randomized clinical trials) and effectiveness studies (outcomes research) (Table 1).    To answer their questions, outcomes researchers use a variety of study designs and techniques (figure 1).    Although randomized clinical trials have the strongest validity to answer “is A better than B,” they are often not possible to conduct due to ethical or logistic reasons, are expensive, and do not focus on patient centered outcomes.  Observational outcomes research is designed to evaluate interventions, providers, organizations, and health systems.  

Providers, patients, and payers use outcomes research.  Providers use outcomes research to create practice guidelines and to evaluate quality of care.  Patients use outcomes research to aid in treatment and health care purchasing decisions.   Payers use outcomes research to create national guidelines, to identify ineffective care, and to make purchasing and coverage decisions.  Outcomes research has only recently been accepted by academia, embraced by managed care organizations, and demanded by patients. 

Outcomes research can focus on a variety of outcomes that include mortality, morbidity, complications, symptom relief, quality of care, health status, functional status, health related quality of life, patient satisfaction, and cost of care.  To evaluate these outcomes, the researcher can use the following tools: formal literature review and evidence synthesis, secondary dataset analysis, quality of life assessment, patient satisfaction surveys, risk adjustment, patient preference assessment, and cost effectiveness and decision analysis. Observational outcomes studies include prospective and retrospective cohort studies and case-control studies.  Several critical care observational studies have been conducted.{Lemeshow & Le Gall 1994 ID: 796}{Knaus, Zimmerman, et al. 1981 ID: 113}{Berenson 1984 ID: 83}  Observational outcomes research can be used to identify associations between various exposures and outcomes.  Exposure is defined broadly in outcomes research and can include medications, medical procedures, socio-demographic status, organization of health care delivery, access to health care, region of country, or provider.  Associations between exposures and outcomes are particularly important when there is evidence to believe a causal relationship exists.  Some observed associations are due to a confounding variable that can obscure a true causal association or create the appearance of a causal association when none exists.  For example, uninsured patients may have higher ICU mortality because they present with more severe disease.  Identifying and minimizing the effect of these confounding variables constitutes a large part of the design and analysis in observational outcomes research. 

The need to control confounding variables in observational outcomes research is in counter-distinction to randomized clinical trials which are much less affected by confounding variables because randomization reduces treatment allocation bias and reduces selection bias by randomly distributing both known and unknown confounding variables between the exposed and unexposed groups.  Since observational outcomes studies do not use randomization, they are subject to bias and the researchers must make explicit efforts to minimize bias.

Critical care presents several unique challenges for outcomes research.  To formulate a research question, an investigator must be able to define a disease, treatment, patient population, or provider to study.  Operationalizing these variables for critical care outcomes research is complex.  Compare the investigator studying outcomes after myocardial infarction to one studying the same research question in sepsis.  Myocardial infarction is a common disease that is readily diagnosed with several laboratory tests and thus is easy to define a population of patients with the disease.  Patients with myocardial infarction receive treatments that are relatively specific for the diagnosis and are generally cared for by cardiologists, internists or family physicians.  Sepsis, on the other hand, is defined by clinical criteria which continue to evolve and that does not have an accepted diagnostic test or unique treatment, and thus it is difficult to define a diseased population.{Bone 1992 ID: 3101}{Bone 1991 ID: 3203}{Vincent 1997 ID: 1658}  Critically ill septic patients may receive their care from a variety of physicians including surgeons, anesthesiologists, family physicians, general internists, pulmonologists, and pediatricians.  Critical care is a challenge to the outcomes researcher precisely because the key variables of disease, patient population, therapy, and provider are difficult to define and these challenges increase the risk for bias.

Can we believe the results of outcomes research?

Observational outcomes research, regardless of the study design, is subject to a variety of biases and, because of this, many people question the validity of the results.{Moses 1995 ID: 3212}{Byar 1991 ID: 3213}  Biases can be introduced in the way patient samples are selected, in the way the outcome, exposure, and confounders are defined or measured, and in the analysis.{Sackett 1979 ID: 3214}  Readers are cautioned not to combine all such concerns into an assessment of whether data collection was prospective or retrospective; neither approach is necessarily superior. Instead, the reader should focus attention on the specific nature of the bias, its direction, and magnitude.  Biases do not always invalidate a study.  Rather, the reader should evaluate how the researchers dealt with the biases.  However, observational research methods do not account for unknown confounding variables (only randomization accounts for unknown confounders), and the reader of an observational outcomes study must address the possibility that the observed effect (or lack of effect) is due to an unknown confounder.  Clinical experience, sensitivity analysis, and confidence intervals all help the reader assess the potential for an unknown confounder to bias the study results.


Criteria for evaluating datasets

Outcomes research relies on data to answer research questions.  There are encounter, enrollment, medical records, and survey data to choose from.  Below we have outlined the criteria for evaluating datasets that are commonly used for outcomes research.



A data source may appear ideal in terms of the patients studied and the data collected.  However, the data may be expensive or impractical to acquire.  For example, Public Use Files for Medicare data can cost as much as $18,000 per year of data.{Iezzoni 1990 ID: 3204}  Acquiring data from insurers or other proprietary data sources can be a laborious task, complicated by considerable paperwork and by concerns relating to ownership.  Additionally, the ability to access electronically stored data, such as warehoused laboratory data, may be limited for technological or political reasons.



The way in which data are collected and coded can introduce biases that affect the results of particular questions.  Most secondary data sets were designed for billing purposes and these financial incentives may increase their validity but impair their value.{Jollis, Ancukiewicz, et al. 1993 ID: 625}{Iezzoni, Foley, et al. 1992 ID: 2113}{Mitchell 1998 ID: 3285}  Datasets coded by medical records departments suffer from the vagueness of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9-CM) system and the errors inherent in the abstraction process.{Romano, Roos, et al. 1994 ID: 3205}  Although it would appear that medical records are the most accurate data source, they are not infallible.  Physicians vary in their thoroughness and diagnostic accuracy, and medical records may not contain accurate data about processes or outcomes or care.  Such potentials for bias in a given dataset do not preclude its use, but rather, require that the user and reader be aware of the potential limitations.



Datasets might not be appropriate for the research question for several reasons.  They may lack sufficient detail to provide adequate severity of illness, comorbidity, or diagnosis data on patients.  Studies that seek to follow patients across multiple hospitalizations or to incorporate data from several datasets will require unique patient identification information that may be lacking in a particular dataset.  Older datasets may be inappropriate for researchers questioning a current practice.  No single dataset will address all research questions.  As an example, the APACHE III{Knaus, Wagner, et al. 1991 ID: 36} and MPM II{Lemeshow, Teres, et al. 1993 ID: 159} development datasets, while rich in clinical detail, do not contain variables for answering quality of life questions.


Data sources for observational outcomes research in critical care

Data Sources

Just as the methods for outcomes research differ from clinical trials, the data sources also differ.  Often times the data source is labeled, either by the authors or the readers, as "administrative," a term used frequently in order to describe datasets collected for purposes other than research.  This is an inappropriately broad term in that it groups data sources that vary widely in form, function, and content.  To address this, we present the taxonomy recently proposed by the ATS that classifies secondary datasets based on their “administrative purpose,” such as encounter, enrollment, or clinical trial.  This taxonomy is summarized in Table 2 with examples and described in detail below.  The different databases present varying challenges in maintaining patient confidentiality.  Although this is an area of current debate, we will not address it in this essay.


Encounter Data

Encounter datasets represent databases whose purpose is to maintain a record of health care encounters, typically maintained by payers, to track reimbursement.  Data are often grouped by ambulatory care visit or hospital admission.  However, these data can be summed to generate data on a region and if unique patient identifiers are available, can also be linked to create a longitudinal history for individual patients.

There is considerable variation in the quality and detail of these datasets.  For example, datasets may allow different numbers of diagnoses or procedure codes, and may vary in detail regarding ICU utilization.{Iezzoni 1990 ID: 3204}  When data are collected for billing purposes, financial incentives driving the data collection can impair its value but may increase validity because coding is tied to reimbursement.{Jollis, Ancukiewicz, et al. 1993 ID: 625}{Iezzoni, Foley, et al. 1992 ID: 2113}{Mitchell 1998 ID: 3285}  Datasets coded by medical records departments suffer from the vagueness of the ICD-9-CM system and the errors inherent in the abstraction process.{Romano, Roos, et al. 1994 ID: 3205}  Analyses based on variables available in encounter data may miss important relationships present in detailed clinical data.{Poses, Smith, et al. 1995 ID: 3206}  Authors presenting results from such studies should therefore clearly specify the characteristics of the dataset and its limitations.

There are three major sources of encounter data: federal government, state government, and private insurance companies.  


Federal Government

Medicare data

 In administering Medicare, the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) processes enormous amounts of beneficiary, billing, and institutional data.  Most of the data are publicly available through HCFA’s Office of Statistics and Data Management, Bureau of Data Management and Strategy.  Since 1991, all institutional providers and physician claims are entered into the National Claims History (NCH) 100% Nearline File that contains all claims submitted by Medicare beneficiaries.  These files are enormous with over 2.5 billion records{Health Care Financing Administration 1995 ID: 3215} and require extensive skill to work with.  Researchers can purchase confidential data extracted from the NCH files and configured into analytic files.

A common extracted file contains information on inpatient stays and is called the Medicare Provider Analysis Review (MEDPAR).  The MEDPAR database contains records for 100% of the Medicare beneficiaries who receive inpatient services.  The data elements in MEDPAR are from the UB 92 hospital claim form and include demographic data, ICD-9-CM codes for the primary diagnosis and up to 5 secondary diagnoses, ICD-9-CM codes for the principal procedure and up to 5 secondary procedures and dates, specialty bed days including ICU days, charges for several cost centers, reimbursement data, and data on the type of ICU and ICU days.    Most researchers purchase a 5% sample of this file that contains encrypted codes for physicians and hospitals.     


State hospital discharge databases

Thirty-six states collect data from hospitals on patients discharged from nonfederal hospitals.{Iezzoni 1997 ID: 892}  Although most states gather these data to help contain hospital costs, states vary in the agencies that administrate these databases and on whether data are required on all discharged patients or only certain patients such as Medicare and Medicaid.  The data elements in a typical state database include demographic data, ICD-9-CM codes for principal and secondary diagnosis (although the number of secondary diagnoses varies), ICD-9-CM codes for primary and secondary procedures without dates, ICU days, the hospital ID, and an encrypted patient and physician ID. Although some states do not allow researchers access to this data, most allow researchers to purchase the data without unique patient identifiers.  The lack of a unique patient identifier limits the ability to link patients over multiple admissions, and thus the episode of care is limited to the hospitalization.  On request, some states grant special permission to link patient records from multiple hospitalizations, although this is becoming increasingly difficult.  Due to differences in coding and data definitions, comparisons across states is problematic.{Iezzoni 1997 ID: 892}


Medicaid data file

Medicaid is a combined state and federal government program and the eligibility, coverage, and databases vary across states.{Ku, Ellwood, et al. 1990 ID: 3095}  Medicaid claims databases can be purchased but are rarely used for outcomes research because they are large, patients move on and off Medicaid eligibility, and there is state-to-state variability in the data collected.   Additionally, risk adjustment may be problematic because most risk adjustment models were developed in more affluent populations and might not apply to vulnerable populations such as Medicaid patients.{Iezzoni 1997 ID: 892} 


Private insurance claims

Many health insurance companies have useful administrative databases.{Garnick, Hendricks, et al. 1996 ID: 3092}  Like other encounter datasets, these data are designed for business purposes, not health services research, and may be difficult to use.  However, there are companies that specialize in obtaining data sets from managed care organizations, combining them, and selling them to researchers.  Studies using these data sets are further complicated because data elements and definitions vary between organizations, and the patients in these data sets are generally younger and healthier than those in Medicare or Medicaid data sets.  Additionally, private insurance claim data usually only include claims paid by the insurance company and thus may not reflect the complete episode of care or the extent to which services were utilized.

Enrollment Data

In addition to information about patients’ encounters with the medical system, one might also wish to know about the denominator population from which the encounter numerator is drawn.  This allows the investigator to draw inferences about population-based rates of morbidity and utilization of health services for various diseases and to investigate changes in these rates and utilization over time.   In calculating rates and utilization, researchers should be careful to use a denominator that reflects the same sampling frame as the numerator.  Hence, a study that uses Medicare data for the numerator should use Medicare enrolled persons as the denominator.{Romano & Harold 1992 ID: 3098}  However, private insurance claim data are usually very good at defining the denominator (insured population) that allows calculation of rates.


Census data

Census data can provide age, race, and gender specific data as well as some information on socio-economic variables at the national and regional level.   Census data can be used to provide denominator data (population at risk) or to help adjust for patient characteristics (age, race or socioeconomic status.)

Annual zip code enrollment file

HCFA has data on Medicare enrollees organized by state, county, and zip code.   This dataset can provide denominator data for Medicare claims analysis.


Electronic Clinical Data

The electronic medical record promises to be a boon to outcomes research should a usable format gain widespread acceptance.  There are several electronic medical records designed specifically for use in the ICU.{Clemmer & Gardner 1991 ID: 3207}  Whether or not a formal electronic medical record exists, virtually all clinical information in the modern hospital, including laboratory data, pharmacy data, and many diagnostic test results are converted to an electronic format.  The extent to which data from these separate systems can be collated into a usable resource and subsequently analyzed for research purposes has not been explored. Barriers to the effective use of hospital databases include their sheer volume, the lack of standardized data collection and computer formats, lack of established quality control protocols, and protection of confidentiality and proprietary interests. Although electronic medical records will provide more detailed information about care processes and outcomes, they often do not completely or accurately reflect care rendered to the patient.{Starfield, Steinwachs, et al. 1979 ID: 3097}{Kosecoff, Fink, et al. 1987 ID: 3096} 


Data Registries

Data registries are databases focused on a particular disease or intervention, for example, the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or cardiovascular diseases.{Milberg, Davis, et al. 1995 ID: 1904}{Califf & Mark 1994 ID: 3208}  Data registries have the advantage of collecting a set of pre-defined data on a large number of patients with homogenous characteristics.  Frequently, data registries rely on collection from a single or several academic institutions and therefore may not generalize to other clinical settings. Because they only include patients with the disease or treatment of interest, many important questions about incidence, variability in management, and comparative outcome cannot be answered.  A new model for a data registry has been developed for select hemotological diseases in the Northern Region of the United Kingdom.  The population-adjusted clinical epidemiology (PACE) model emphasizes well-controlled studies to obtain valid numerators, adjusts the estimates for the relevant denominator population, and uses these findings to inform clinical practice on a continuous process.  Although methodologically elegant, PACE can be applied only where data are available about each patient, where data can be trended, where utilization and case management data can be linked to outcomes, and where a formal auditing system assures complete, accurate, and timely data.  Such systems are rare.


Performance Data

In the current era of health care reform, several organizations and agencies have begun to collect data explicitly for the purpose of assessing institutional and provider performance.  Some of these performance data sources are constructed de novo, such as the Society of Cardiovascular Surgery or Greater Cleveland Health Quality Coalition, while others, such as the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council coronary bypass surgery and acute myocardial infarction reports, involve the augmentation of existing data with clinical-based severity information.{Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council 1996 ID: 2382}{Sirio, Angus, et al. 1994 ID: 730}{PA Health Care Cost Containment Council 1995 ID: 2381}  There has been considerable debate over whether the available data are sufficient to allow for the discrimination between “better” and “worse” providers.{Iezzoni 1997 ID: 2385}  These datasets are of great potential value in that they are collected across a number of institutions and usually contain data significantly richer in clinical detail than other encounter datasets and thus allows researchers to evaluate the association between care processes and outcomes.


Survey Data

Traditionally, assessments of critical care and critical care therapies have been based on clinical measures and objective outcomes such as mortality.  Increasingly, however, attention is being focused on the importance of patient-centered outcomes such as patient preferences, functional status, health related quality of life, and satisfaction with care.{Spoeri & Ullman 1997 ID: 3209}  While most surveys have not collected ICU-specific information to date, it is likely that this information may appear in the future and be a valuable data source for outcomes research in critical care.


Clinical Trial Data

Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) contain a considerable amount of detailed information on the demographics, severity of illness, and outcomes of critically ill patients that has been collected prospectively under rigorous conditions.  In addition to meta-analysis, which combines results from several RCTs to estimate a treatment effect, it may be possible to perform a secondary cohort analysis on the patients in the clinical trials.  This approach has been used in clinical trials of acute myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism to explore the effect of different risk factors on outcome.{Mak, Moliterno, et al. 1997 ID: 3210}{Carson, Kelley, et al. 1992 ID: 3211}  While these datasets seem promising, the same factors that limit the assessment of effectiveness by RCTs may make extrapolation from their patient data to broader populations problematic.  For example, it was recently demonstrated that the mortality rate in asymptomatic patients having carotid endarterectomy is 10 fold higher in Medicare patients than the mortality rate observed in the Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study.{Wennberg, Roos, et al. 1987 ID: 887}  Consequently, readers and researchers should consider carefully the applicability of these data sources for the potential questions asked.


Prospective Cohort Data

There are several datasets that were collected with the specific intention to be representative of ICU populations.{Knaus, Wagner, et al. 1991 ID: 36}{Lemeshow, Teres, et al. 1993 ID: 159}  These databases are valuable sources of rich clinical detail in broad, generally representative, critically ill populations.  The principal limitations governing their use include limited ability for investigators to access the data and the selected data elements collected.  For example, the APACHE III database collected daily information only through day 7 and thus is not a good source for understanding the characteristics of resource use in patients with long ICU length of stay.  Nevertheless, the level of clinical detail, attention to ICU specific diagnoses and variables, and large size make these datasets the current standard against which other data sources ought to be compared for many critical care observational outcomes research questions. 


National Minimal ICU Datasets

In part as a response to the limitations of prospective cohort data, several countries and national societies have developed or proposed the widespread collection of a core set of data on all ICUs and ICU patients.{Nelson 1997 ID: 2383}  One example of a national dataset is the Society for Critical Medicine’s Project IMPACT that is collecting standardized data elements in several ICUs across the country.  These projects are ambitious and some have been plagued by a lack of funding and slow initiation.  Nevertheless, since their purpose is to understand national ICU delivery, including an understanding of the demographics and outcomes of critically ill patients, the cost and processes of care, and the extent to which practice variation occurs, such datasets will be very useful resources.


Future Implications

The reorganization of health care financing and delivery, rapidly advancing technology,  evidence based medicine, and an informed and empowered consumer base have all contributed to the prominent role of outcomes research in medical decision making.  In the future, detailed data on medical practice and outcomes from a broad range of providers will shed new light on current practice and suggest optimal practice.  In addition to patient level data, study level datasets will continue to grow and can be used to understand the effects of therapies and to help define what “works” and what does not in the “real world”.  Other future advances will likely include longitudinal electronic patient records that will allow better assessment of the long-term effects of critical care, the timing of critical care within an illness, and the impact of critical illness on patients and families.  Additionally, consumerism will continue to grow, and we will likely need to produce performance reports for ICUs that  may drive policy and purchasing decisions.  Although this is an exciting future, we must remember the strengths and limitations of both outcomes research and the large databases from which the evaluations are based.

Figure Legend


Figure 1:  Study designs in outcomes research.  Study designs are either experimental, where treatment allocation is determined by chance, or non-experimental, where treatment allocation is determined by something other than chance.  Data synthesis methods involve both data synthesis studies and observational studies.
Table 1.  A comparison of features between traditional clinical research and outcomes research.

Randomized Clinical Trials

Outcomes Research



Mechanisms of disease

Impact of disease on the patient

Many entry criteria

Few entry criteria

Minimized selection bias

Selection bias; needs risk adjustment

The effect of biochemical and physiologic factors on bio-physiologic outcomes

The effect of socioeconomic factors on patient centered outcomes

Disease centered

Patient and community centered

Standardized protocol

Protocol reflects practice

Inventing technology

Assessing technology

Evaluates drugs and devices

Evaluates interventions, providers, organizations, and health systems





Table 2.  Data sources for critical care outcomes research.

Data Base Type




Usually collected to track resource consumption.

Describes events (e.g., hospitalization).

May or may not have unique patient identifier.

Clinical events usually classified by ICD-9-CM codes.

Main strength is size.

Often complimented by linkage to enrollment data.

Medicare Provider Analysis and Review

State hospital discharge databases


Maintains information on number (and often demographic details) of persons eligible to use a given health care resource.

Useful when linked to encounter datasets to generate population-based rates.

HMO enrollment database

US census

Medicare beneficiary file

Electronic medical record

A single electronic repository for all health-related information generated during health care encounters.

Used for clinical management at many institutions, especially in the ICU.

Little role in research currently.

Problems with confidentiality and inter-institutional variation.

Commercial packages including those by EMTEK Inc., HBOC, Inc. and Cerner, Inc.


Prospective collection of patients with particular condition or procedure.

Often rich clinical detail but may be limited to single center or voluntary participation by centers.

ARDS Registry{Milberg, Davis, et al. 1995 ID: 1904}

Duke Cardiovascular Databank{Califf & Mark 1994 ID: 3208}


Often consists of encounter data complimented by additional prospective data collection.

Currently designed for provider "benchmarking" but potentially valuable augmentation of standard encounter data for many other research questions.

PHC4 CABG dataset{PA Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4) 1995 ID: 3286}


Usually involves collection of patient-centered information such as patient satisfaction or quality of life.

Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS)

Clinical trials

Combined datasets of all patients (or only placebo) enrolled in trials that had similar entry criteria.

May be valuable for evaluation of other disease characteristics within this cohort.

Limited by selection bias in study design and entry criteria, type of participating institution, age of studies, and the number and quality of data elements common to each study.

Placebo arms of sepsis intervention trials in critical care

Prospective observational cohort

Prospective data collection on large cohort of ICU patients.

Advantages include clinically rich data and large size.

Disadvantages include duration of follow-up, availability of linkage between admissions, details on non-ICU care, and insufficient size and correlation with underlying population for epidemiologic studies.

Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE III){Knaus, Wagner, et al. 1991 ID: 36}

Mortality Prediction Model II{Lemeshow, Teres, et al. 1993 ID: 159}


Minimal data set

National databases of all ICU patients.

Proposed by several investigators in Europe, the US, and Australia but no complete examples widely available for research currently.

Project IMPACT, Society of Critical Care Medicine

Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) database project


Adapted from ATS Workshop on Outcomes Research{Rubenfeld, Angus, et al. 1999 ID: 3284} (permission pending)



Figure 1.  Study designs in outcomes research


Figure 1.  Study designs in outcomes research


Adapted from ATS Workshop I{Rubenfeld, Angus, et al. 1999 ID: 3284}  (permission pending)



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