Locatelli A, De Benedetti L, Marcos G, Gómez M, Álvarez S, Pérez Moreno G.
Nefrologia Olivos. Buenos Aires.Argentina.
Purpose: to observe the effects on nutritional status during CAPD and APD treatment in consecutive periods in the same population of 18 P .
Patients and method: We retrospectively analyzed the last serum albumin and transferrin values in each treatment modality to characterize P nutritional status as normal, slyghtly, moderate and severe depletion.
Additionally cholesterol , triglycerides (trig), levels, weight, BMI, nPCR, adequacy, and SGA in 18 patients in CAPD who were incorporated to our APD program since February 1996 to September 1998. Mean age was 57.2 years ( 29-74) at the begining of APD treatment. Male 61%. Follow up: CAPD 30 months (3-53), APD 16.72 months (8-26). Diagnosis: Glomerulopathy 35%, PQKD 20% Type II DBT 20%, SLE 5%, Interstitial Nephritis 5%, Nephrolitiasis 5%, Unknwon 20%.PET results: high average 45%, high 30% and low average 25%.
Albumin CAPD 3.59+-0.37g/l, APD 3.79+-0.43g/l(P<0.05).
Transferrin CAPD 342+-96.77ug%, APD 199+-73.29ug% (P<0.001).
Weight,BMI, Cholesterol, HDL, Trig.and nPCR remain without changes.
KT/V CAPD 1.3+-0.3, APD: 1.83+-0.48 (P<0.001).Clearance CAPD: 43.64+-7.31l/w, APD: 52.42+-13.47l/w (p<0.001).
Nutritional SGA scores in APD:A: 27% B: 66.66% C: 5%.
Conclusions: albumin, KT/V and clearance improved significanlty; transferrin impaired significantly and weight ,BMI ,cholesterol remain without changes.