Why do we need accurate blood pressure readings?


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Why do we need accurate blood pressure readings?

Which conditions should be standardized for blood pressure measurement?

The cuff


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Reliability for various combinations of number of visits/measurements with three different BP measurement devices

Other factors to consider for BP measurement accuracy

Do we have normative blood pressure data for children?

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Automated oscillometric BP measuring devices recommended for hospital use by BHS and AAMI criteria

Automated oscillometric BP measuring devices recommended for self-measurement(upper arm) by BHS and AAMI criteria

ABPM and Pediatrics

ABPM and Pediatrics

Mean systolic BP (SBP) values, in mmHg, in the four studied conditions, in 45 normotensive (NT) and 30 hypertensive (HT) adolescents

Mean diastolic BP (DBP) values, in mmHg, in the four studied conditions, in 45 normotensive (NT) and 30 hypertensive (HT) adolescents

Relationship between findings on casual auscultatory measurements and ABPM parameters in hypertensive adolescents

BHS/AAMI recommended ABPM Systems Currently on the Market

ABPM devices validated by BHS/AAMI criteria for use in children

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Autor: Vera Koch