Córdoba. España
High phosphate is a key factor in the pathogenesis of secondary hyperparathyroidism. In addition, hyperphosphatemia has been shown to be a significant predictor of mortality among dialysis patients (1,2).
Phosphate and PTH secretion and synthesis
Recent in vivo and in vitro studies show that high phosphate directly stimulates parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion (3-10). Almaden et al (3) demonstrated that intact rats parathyroid glands incubated in a high phosphate medium increased PTH secretion despite no change in the ionized calcium concentration in the medium. This study was the first report of a direct in vitro effect of phosphate on PTH secretion. Previous attempts to demonstrate an in vitro effect of phosphate on PTH secretion using dispersed parathyroid cells failed to show an effect of phosphate on PTH secretion (11).
In fact Nielsen et al (12) showed that intanct parathyroid tissue rather than dispersed cells was required to see the in vitro efect of phosphate on PTH secretion and Slatopolsky et al (5) proved that when intact parathyroid glands were used there is an effect of phosphate on PTH secretion in vitro. In vivo studies by Kilav R et al (4) and Hernandez et al (7) showed in rats that dietary induced high serum phosphate produced an elevation in serum PTH and an increase in PTH mRNA. This effect could not be explained by changes in calcium or calcitriol.
High serum phosphate levels are observed in patients with end stage renal disease; we were able to show the stimulation of PTH secretion and PTHmRNA by high phosphate in vitro in hyperplastic parathyroid tissue obtained at the time of parathyroidectomy from hemodilaysis patients with severe hyperparathyroidism (8). Further demonstration of a direct effect of phosphate on PTH secretion was obtained in two in vivo studies in hemodialysis patients (9) and in dogs (10) respectively.
The mechanism by which the parathyroid cell senses changes in serum phospahte is unknown. A parathyroid cell membrane phosphate cotransporter was cloned (13); the synthesis of this protein is modulated by changes in the dietary content of phosphate, and it has been proposed that this transpoter may function as a putative "phosphate sensor" for the parathyroid cell (14) . However, little is known about the intracellular events that mediate the regulation of PTH secretion by phosphate.
By contrast, the early signal transduction mechanisms involved in the stimulation of PTH release by low extracellular calcium are increasingly understood. In order to understand intracellular mechanisms by which phosphate may affect PTH secretion it is appropriate to summarize the intracellular signals that mediate the chamge in PTH secretion in response to extracellular calcium. Extracellular calcium concentration modulates PTH secretion via a G-protein-coupled calcium-sensing receptor (15). This effector system includes the hydrolysis of membrane phospholipids by phospholipase C (PLC), phospholipase D (PLD), and phospholipase A2 (PLA2) to generate the appropiate intracellular signals (16).
High extracellular calcium is coupled to the activation of PLA2 and the formation of arachidonic acid (AA), a potent inhibitor of PTH release, which acts via the 12- and 15-lipoxygenase pathway (17,18). The precise mechanisms by which high extracellular calcium stimulates PLA2 activity in parathyroid cells are not totally clear although a recent work suggests that mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAP Kinases) are involved in PLA2 activation (19). In other cells, the level of intracellular calcium increases in response to calcium receptor dependent PLC activation; however, it is not known whether an elevation of intracellular calcium stimulates PLA2 activity, which could be a reasonable mechanism whereby PLA2 activity is coupled to the activation of PLC.
The results of an in vitro study in parathyroid tissue (3) showed that despite the presence of high phosphate concentration in the medium, the addition of exogenous AA to the medium restored the capacity of a high calcium concentration the inhibit PTH secretion. Therefore, the addition of AA reversed the stimulatory effect of phosphate on PTH secretion. In a different study, Almaden et al (20) demonstrated that the increasen in PTH secretion induced by high extracellular phosphate was associated to a decrease in AA production by parathyrioid cell. Thus high phosphate may stimulates PTH secretion by inhibiting AA production.
The inhibition of AA production by phosphate was tissue specific since in glomerulosa cells, which increase AA production in response to angiotensin II, the addition of phosphate to the medium did not affect AA production. In a more recent work (21) we have shown that in rat parathyroid tissue an increase in intracellular calcium (by enhancing calcium entry to the cell or by stimulating the calcium release from intracellular stores), activates PLA2 resulting in increased AA production; this results explain why in parathyroid cells the increase in intracellular calcium (which normally occurs in response to high extracellular) produces an inhibition of PTH secretion.
Since previously we have shown that AA production by parathyroid cells was decreased by a high extracellular phosphate (20), we evaluated the effect of an elevation of intracellular calcium on AA production in the presence of high extracellular phosphate. The results demonstrated that despite high phosphate in the medium the elevation of intracellular calcium was capable of inducing a marked increase in AA production which resulted in a decrease in PTH secretion.
The elevation of cytosolic calcium was able to prevent the stimulation of PTH secretion by phosphate. These results support the hypothesis that the reduction in AA production induced by high extracellular phosphate is due to an inadequate increase in cytosolic calcium in response to stimulation of CaR by calcium.
The recent work by the group of Silver on the regulation of PTHmRNA by phosphate reveals that low phosphate, and also high calcium, increases PTHmRNA by a post-transcriptional mechanism. The PTHmRNA molecule is stabilized by the AUF-1 protein, which bind to the UTR; parathyroid cell AUF-1 is increased by low phosphate and high calcium (22 ).
Phosphate and parathyroid cell proliferation
The knowledge of the mechanisms underlaying the regulation of parathyroid cell proliferation are poorly understood. The effect of phosphate on parathyroid cell proliferation has been addressed by Nave-Many et al., (23) who showed that in uremic rats fed a low phosphate diet (LPD, P=0.02%), the parathyroid cell cycle was markedly inhibited; however in these rats, the LPD produced hypercalcemia which may decrease the proliferation independently.
In addition, Yi et al. (24) found that in uremic rats a change in the dietary content of phosphate from 0.6 to 0.3% prevented the parathyroid proliferationwithout a detectable change in serum calcium, phosphate or calcitriol. Parfitt et al. showed an increase in cell birth rate in rats after an extremely high phosphate diet (HPD, P=3.4%); in that study (25), serum calcium decreased and calcitriol increased, changes that potentially affect parathyroid cell proliferation.
A study of our laboratory (26) showed that in normal rats a HPD (P=1.2%) stimulated the parathyroid cells to progress to the S phase of the cell cylce in association with an increase in serum PTH but without changes in calcium, phosphate or calcitriol. The stimulation of the proliferation was observed as early as 24 hours after initiation of the HPD and by day 15 the cell proliferation becamed normal; these results suggest that parathyroid cell cycle reached a new steady stateonce the parathyroid gland was enlarged.
The fact that serum phosphate did not increase does not exclude the possibility of an increase in the body burden of phosphate resulting from the HPD; the phosphate accumulation may be responsible for the increase in parathyroid cell proliferation. Slatopolsky´s group has shown that in uremic rats, a HPD (P=0.8%), produced a significant enlargement of parathyroid glands even by 2 days after the induction of uremia (27,28). The same group of authors have studied the effect of phosphate on the parathyroid gland calcium receptor (CaR) (29). They found that high dietary phosphate decreases parathyroid CaR and that phosphate restriction prevented both, the development of the hyperplasia and the decrease in parathyroid CaR. Thus, they conclude that the improvement of the parathyroid function with dietary phosphate restriction in renal failure may be due, in part, to increased CaR expression.
Calcitriol is an important regulator of the parathyroid cell proliferation; in renal failure a deficiency of CTR contributes to the development of parathyroid hyperplasia (30,31). CTR inhibit parathyroid cell proliferation (32) by decreasing the expresssion of the proto-oncogene c-myc (33); however, hyperplastic tissues from severe 2ºHPT fail to respond to CTR (34,35). In a recent study in vitro, we have shown that in contrast to the normal dog, the response to CTR in human parathyroid glands from patients with 2ºHPT was marginal (36). Such a failure may be due to several factors, including a decrease in the number of the vitamin D receptors (VDR) (37-40).
The presence of hyperphosphatemia has also been accepted as other important factor in the resistance of the hyperplastic parathyroid glands to CTR (41). In a recent study (unpublished data ) we analyzed whether the rate of cell proliferation in hiperplastic parathyroid tissue from parathyroidectomized patients with 2ºHPT could be explained by any parameter of the glands or the patient at the time of the surgery. The results showed that the % cells in the S phase (a measurement of the proliferative rate) was inversely correlated with the age and female gender.
However, when the proliferative rate and the response to CTR (the inhibition of cell proliferation by CTR) of the same tissues was assesed in vitro, they showed to be inversely correlated not only with female gender, but also with the level of the pre-parathyroidectomy serum phosphate. Previous reports have also pointed out the neccesity of a control of serum phosphate to achieve a a proper response of the PTH secretion to CTR in uremic patients (42).
In a recent study in azotemic rats, Dusso et al have shown that a high phosphate diet increases parathyroid cell proliferation by increasing TGF-a whereas a low phosphate diet decreased parathyroid cell proliferation by stimulating the expression of p21/WAF; however they could not stablish a relationship between the high phosphate and the expression of p21 (43). CTR is known to decrease cell proliferation by inhibitig c-myc, which then result in the stimulation of p21. Thus, it is possible that the dietary phosphate loading could overcome the stimulatory effect of CTR on p21 to stimulate the parathyroid cell proliferation.
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