Discussion board


Piero Ruggenenti M.D.*°, Carlos Chiurchiu M.D.°, Giuseppe Remuzzi M.D.*°

* Division of Nephrology and Dialysis, Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo ° "Mario Negri" Institute for Pharmacological Research, Negri Bergamo Laboratories
and Clinical Research Center for Rare diseases "Aldo e Cele Daccò"


Discussion on-line dijo:


[22:25] *** BEPPE (BEPPE@ has joined #cin

[22:25] (SCigarran> Wellcome Dr Remuzzi

[22:26] (nickMalvi> Welcome, Dr. Remuzzi from Canada

[22:26] (BEPPE> Good evening

[22:26] (SCigarran> good evening dr remuzzi

[22:26] (SCigarran> How do you do?

[22:28] (BEPPE> I'm fine why don't we start?

[22:32] (SCigarran> Well, MJ are you ready?

[22:32] (Lulusita> Buenas noches: Prof Foyaca y Dra Ibanez en linea

[22:32] (MJesus> buenas noches

[22:33] (SCigarran> Buenas noches Dra Ibañez y Dr Foyaca

[22:33] (Lulusita> Estamos listo!

[22:38] (SCigarran> Today, as , we have with us, Dr Remuzzi, very well known in the nephrology field


[22:39] (Speaker> Piero Ruggenenti M.D.*°, Carlos Chiurchiu M.D.°, Giuseppe Remuzzi M.D.*°

[22:39] (Speaker> * Division of Nephrology and Dialysis, Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo

[22:39] (Speaker> ° "Mario Negri" Institute for Pharmacological Research, Negri Bergamo Laboratories and Clinical Research Center for Rare diseases "Aldo e Cele Daccò"

[22:39] (Speaker> Bergamo - Italy

[22:40] (Speaker> El término microangiopatía trombótica (MAT) se refiere a una lesión estructural de la pared vascular (principalmente arteriolas y capilares), con engrosamiento de la misma, trombosis plaquetaria intraluminal y obstrucción parcial o completa de la luz vascular. La presencia de trombocitopenia y anemia hemolítica son caracteristicas constantes de MAT y reflejan el consumo y la disrupción de plaquetas y hematíes en la microvasculatura.

[22:40] (Speaker> La presencia de otros signos clínicos depende de la distribución de las lesiones microvasculares y la consecuente disfunción organica. Han sido descriptas, dependiendo de la prevalencia de lesiones renales o cerebrales, dos entidades patologicamente indistinguibles pero clínicamente diferentes: el Síndrome Urémico Hemolítico (SUH) y la Púrpura Trombocitopénica Trombótica (PTT). La injuria a las celulas endoteliales es el factor principal y probablemente inicial en la secuencia de eventos que llevan a MAT.

[22:41] (Speaker> La toxina-shiga y otras endotoxinas bacterianas, como así también anticuerpos, inmunocomplejos, ciertas drogas y virus (en particular HIV), son tóxicos endoteliales in vitro y pueden causar SUH/PTT in vivo.

[22:41] (Speaker> La pérdida de la tromboresistencia fisiológica, la adhesión leucocitaria al endotelio dañado, el consumo de complememto, la anormal liberación y fragmentación del factor de von Willebrand y el aumentado shear stress vascular pueden sostener e incluso amplificar el proceso microangiopático. Las anormalidades intrínsecas del sistema de complemento y del factor de von Willembrand dan lugar a una predisposición genética para desarrollar la enfermedad que pueden jugar un rol fundamental en formas recurrentes o familiares.

[22:42] (Speaker> En niños con SUH relacionado a shiga-toxina la evolución es generalmente buena, en tanto que en formas familiares o atípicas de SUH/PTT es frecuente el desarrollo de secuelas neurológicas y renales.

[22:42] (Speaker> El recambio o infusión de plasma constituyen los únicos tratamientos con eficacia comprobada. La nefrectomía bilateral y la esplenectomía pueden servir como terapia de rescate en casos muy seleccionados con resistencia a la terapéutica con plasma.

[22:43] (Speaker> 4 it's all !

[22:43] (MJesus> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[22:43] (MJesus> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[22:43] (MJesus> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[22:43] (MJesus> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[22:43] (MJesus> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[22:43] (SCigarran> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[22:43] (SCigarran> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[22:43] (MJ-usa> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
[22:43] (MJ-usa> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
[22:43] (MJ-usa> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
[22:43] (MJ-usa> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
[22:43] (SCigarran> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[22:43] (MJ-usa> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
[22:43] (MJ-usa> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
[22:43] (MJ-usa> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
[22:43] (SCigarran> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas

[22:44] (MJesus> Dr, Remuzzi, thank for writing in Spanish !

[22:44] (MJesus> molte gracie

[22:45] (SCigarran> Dr Remuzzi thanks a lot!!

[22:45] (MJesus> it's also great to find you here !

[22:45] (pino> Dr. Remuzzi, le importa que le hagamos preguntas en español?

[22:45] (pino> o prefiere en inglés?

[22:46] (BEPPE> espanol es bueno

[22:46] (MJesus> do you understand Spanish ??

[22:46] (MJesus> you can also answer in italian!

[22:46] (BEPPE> Si lo entiendo muy bien

[22:46] (MJesus> questions ?

[22:46] (SCigarran> Dr Remuzzi hay diferencia entre el SHU enlos niños proveniente del Shiga toxins y las otras formas?

[22:47] (pino> Aconseja iniciar el tratamiento siempre con plasma fresco?

[22:47] (BEPPE> Quali altre forme?

[22:47] (SCigarran> Shiga vs nonshiga

[22:47] (SCigarran> associated

[22:48] (BEPPE> Il plasma va riservato alle forme

[22:48] (BEPPE> gravi in pazienti anurici e sopratutto negli adulti

[22:49] (BEPPE> però non ci sono studi controllati

[22:49] (BEPPE> le forme nonshiga dei bambini possono essere sporadiche o genetiche

[22:50] (BEPPE> di quale volete che parliamo?

[22:50] (SCigarran> della endotoxins

[22:53] (BEPPE> quali endotoxine?

[22:55] (otro-apod> Las drogas que inducen SHU actuan de la misma manera que las endotoxinas?

[22:55] (BEPPE> di preciso non si sa

[22:56] (BEPPE> credo che sia i farmaci che le tossine inducano un danno endoteliale

[22:56] (BEPPE> in questo senso si possono considerare simili

[22:58] (MJesus> ¿hay alguna medida eficaz para prevenir la aparicion del sindrome hemolitico uremico ?

[22:59] (pino> ¿debemos iniciar el tratamiento con plasma fresco lo antes posible, aún si tener un diagnóstico de certeza?

[23:00] (BEPPE> per la forma da E.coli shigatoxin la prevenzione più efficace è quella di

[23:00] (BEPPE> non consumare carne poco cotta

[23:00] (BEPPE> specie nei paesi a rischio

[23:01] (otamendi> Las alteraciones en el clivaje del FcVW:¿ son causa, o secundarias a la agresión inicial? ¿Cual es su opinión?

[23:01] (MJesus> please, could we speak English ?

[23:01] (BEPPE> un modo di diffusione della tossina è attraverso gli utensili da cucina e le mani non lavate bene che possono venire

[23:02] (BEPPE> a contatto con verdure e altri cibi. Pastosizzazione della carne macinata

[23:02] (BEPPE> attraverso irradiazione previene previene la infezione da Stx.

[23:03] (BEPPE> L'infezione da coli 0157 non conferisce immunità e al momento non ci sono vaccini

[23:05] (pino> excuse me, at this moment, Dr Malvinder is with us, would you mind if we can speak in english?

[23:05] (BEPPE> New agents targeted to prevent organ exposition to Stx are currently under evaluation

[23:06] (Malvinder> Thank you.

[23:06] (SCigarran> Abaut shear stress What role plays?

[23:07] (BEPPE> the most promising are Synsorb-PK , a resin composed of repeated synthetic carbohydrate determinants linked to collodial silica that bind Stx.

[23:09] (BEPPE> von Willebrand factor's susceptibility to fragmentation incrases in response to rising levels of share stress which induces protein unfolding

[23:10] (BEPPE> and makes vWF proteolytic cleavage site more accesible to specific plasma proteases.

[23:11] (SCigarran> How these patients respond to plasma exchange?

[23:11] (BEPPE> which patients?

[23:12] (SCigarran> with severe forms of SHU

[23:13] (SCigarran> where the kidneys are a major site of vascular bed occlussion?

[23:13] (BEPPE> before the introduction of plasma manipulation mortality for trombotic microangeopaties was 90%

[23:14] (SCigarran> and elevated shear stress

[23:14] (BEPPE> after plasma exchange infusion was introduced mortality was reduced to 20-30%

[23:15] (MJesus> Dr. Remuzzi, do you think that treatment with clopidrgel will become dangerous?

[23:15] (BEPPE> now we now that respons to plasma exchange-infusion depends on the nature of the underling deseas.

[23:18] (BEPPE> Cancer, Mitomicyn AIDS associated HUS virtually DO NOT respons to plasma, familiar and recurrent cases of HUS related to

[23:18] (SCigarran> and Ticlopidine?

[23:18] (Malvinder> Dr. Remuzzi, in TTP there is deficiency of V WF cleaving-cysteine protease where this level is not affected in HUS and that's the reason that TTP patients responsds better to plasma based therapy than HUS?

[23:19] (BEPPE> complement factor H mutations respond very well. Stx HUS of children normally do not require plasma .

[23:21] (BEPPE> It is not true, that all patients with HUS have normal vWS protesis

[23:22] (Malvinder> Antiplatelet therapies like ASA or ?newer agents (tiklid, Plavix) only shorten thrombocytopenia and not effective alone.

[23:22] (Lulusita> Dr. Remuzzi: The neurological complications are related to ischemic o haemorrhagic events?

[23:23] (BEPPE> we have just summitted to Blood a paper entitled von Willembrand factor cleaving preotease (adamts13) is deficient in thrombotic purpura and in the hemolytic uremic syndrome as well.

[23:24] (Malvinder> OK, Good to know.

[23:26] (MJesus> yes.... thanks por this advance

[23:26] (pino> any more questions?

[23:27] (Malvinder> What about the pathogenesis of seizures that occur in up to 20-30% of pateints?

[23:27] (BEPPE> The paper shows that most patients with TTP we studied had deficiency of adamts13 activity moreover a complete deficiency of Adamts13 activity was also found in 5 of 13 patients with D-HUS during the acute phase and in 5 patients with the D-HUS in during remission.

[23:28] (BEPPE> Neurological complications are due to microvascular thrombosis of brain vessels.

[23:28] (MJesus> oh! what a pity.... lulusita are dr. Foyaca and wife, fron South African travel in Cuba

[23:29] (osgarur> When plasma is infused, What are we infusing to treat the process? Only the vWF cleaving proteasa? and What are we removing with plasma exchange?

[23:29] (Malvinder> Why antibiotic treatment of children with E coli infection, increases the risk of developing HUS?

[23:31] (BEPPE> thrombosis might be followed by focal Haemorhagies. These lesions also cause seizurres .

[23:31] (Malvinder> I mean, of course E. Coli OH157 in above question.

[23:32] (BEPPE> Brain edema may amplify the clinical picture .

[23:34] (pino> five last minutes last minutes, please, because we are on time

[23:34] (BEPPE> Several antimicrobial drugs , particularly the quinolones trimethoprim and furazolidone , are potent inducers of the expression of the Stx 2 gene amd may increase the level of toxin in the intestine.

[23:35] (pino> we announce that discussion pannels will be open till December 5th

[23:36] (BEPPE> Infusion definitly heòps in cases of factor H or vWF protease deficiency by restoring the deficient of abnormal factor

[23:36] (Malvinder> somehow got disconnected.

[23:37] (SCigarran> Yes, the line is busy

[23:37] (BEPPE> we remove volume first of all then fibrinogen degradation products cell debris and other toxins

[23:39] (MJesus> 4 thanks you very much !!!

[23:39] (pino> thank you very much to Dr.Remuzzi for accepting our invitation

[23:39] (MJesus> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[23:39] (MJesus> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[23:39] (MJesus> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[23:39] (MJesus> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[23:39] (MJesus> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas

[23:40] (BEPPE> Thanks a lot to all of you

[23:40] (MJesus> your cibercurriculum will be great Dr. Remuzzi

[23:40] (Malvinder> Thank you, Dr. Remuzzi. learn from your papers alot.

[23:40] (BEPPE> it was a great pleasure

[23:40] (pino> we should know that today is our last conference closing

[23:40] (SCigarran> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[23:40] (SCigarran> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[23:40] (SCigarran> plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
[23:40] (MJ-usa> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
[23:40] (MJ-usa> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
[23:40] (MJ-usa> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
[23:40] (MJ-usa> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
[23:40] (MJ-usa> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
[23:40] (MJ-usa> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
23:40] (MJ-usa> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap

[23:40] (BEPPE> I hope to have been of some help

[23:41] (SCigarran> trap traptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptra ptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptrap
[23:41] (SCigarran> traptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptrap traptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptrap
[23:41] (SCigarran> traptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptraptrap traptraptraptraptraptrap

[23:41] (pino> next days it will be published a fornefro discussion

[23:41] (SCigarran> fireworks sounds

[23:41] (pino> on this channel

[23:42] (pino> it will be a month discusion about several topics

[23:42] (ovand> clap clap clap clap

[23:42] (pino> for instance

[23:42] (ovand> thank you

[23:42] (Malvinder> Great work by the organizing committee to get nephrologist around the golbe.

[23:43] (pino> about sclerosing peritonitis, the next

[23:44] (pino> by the way, Dr Malvinder, we hope that next year you will be with us

[23:44] (SCigarran> I would like for next cin2002 all of you come back

[23:44] (Malvinder> Oh! yes, I would try my best effort.

[23:45] (SCigarran> Congratulations to all speakers and participants

[23:46] (SCigarran> Do you know that we get 790 entries around the world?

[23:46] (pedro> bye

[23:46] (Malvinder> I wish you all best of holiday season and Merry X-mas to you all.

[23:46] (SCigarran> bye

[23:46] (SCigarran> Same for you Dr malvinder. See you in Tampa

[23:47] (Malvinder> Will definitely try to meet you there.

[23:47] (MJesus> oh! you will know here

[23:47] (MJesus> pino you also travel tampa ?

[23:48] (pino> probably no, i do not will be there

[23:48] (otro-apod> Hi something wrong happened with conection

[23:48] (MJesus> scigarran :))

[23:49] (pino> thanks to everybody

[23:49] (Malvinder> Well done MJ, your support have been great.

[23:49] (SCigarran> Thanks Pino

[23:49] (MJesus> well I have dinner now

[23:49] (Malvinder> Good night to you all.

[23:49] (MJesus> I hope to see you in the next forum

[23:49] (pino> it is time to sing ... something

[23:49] (SCigarran> Good night and I see you next year!!!

[23:49] (SCigarran> Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[23:50] (pino> like meryy christmas..

[23:50] (Malvinder> Will definitely see you next year. Let me know the details.

[23:50] (pino> ok.

[23:50] (pino> it will be something similar like this

[23:50] (pino> adios a todos

[23:50] (SCigarran> much better!!!!

[23:51] (pino> it will be try

[23:51] (SCigarran> adios pino, gracias , muchas gracias

[23:51] (MJesus> and every month a meeting for discuss a topic

[23:51] (SCigarran> MJ not before February

[23:51] (SCigarran> we need some rest to visit Cuba

[23:52] (pino> here it is time to go to bed

[23:52] (SCigarran> and make the revolution

[23:53] (Malvinder> Cheers to CIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[23:53] (osgarur> Good night you all

[23:53] (Malvinder> I have to go now!

[23:53] (Malvinder> Thanks again. enjoyed it.

[23:53] *** Malvinder has quit IRC (Leaving)

[23:57] (SCigarran> Hasta pronto

[23:57] (SCigarran> Adios!!!!!!!!!

[23:57] *** SCigarran has quit IRC (Leaving)

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