Logo cin2003

Presentation and Committees






The 2nd Congress of Nephrology by Internet, CIN'2001 was held eighteen months ago. It was published in CD-ROM format containing all the presented works and the contents of the first meeting. It was also distributed by the "Revista Española de Nefrología" and sent directly to the authors. I want to point out the effort of the Scientific and Technical Committees, as well as the invaluable support of the UniNet Network, which made possible the preceding Congresses.

It is now the moment to begin another new project: the CIN'2003, Third Congress of Nephrology in Internet. As a result of both previous congresses, other Internet initiatives in Nephrology have appeared such as round tables, debates, symposiums and son on and so forth. All these initiatives, with their diversity, give us a holistic vision of Mankind, Medicine, and the World. It is possible today to discuss a subject or to comment clinical cases with different colleagues around the world through IRC. There are some Internet Study Groups united by interest areas or specialties. These exchanges were unthinkable several years ago.

This CIN'2003, Third Congress of Nephrology in Internet will share the same characteristics of the former. Invited Conferences and Free Communications will be discussed in panels as well as in live format, with the participation of all interested people.

We wish it will be something very useful and fruitful for our daily work.

We invite you all to participate !

Gerardo Torres Torres, M.D.
Director of the Nephrology Department
Hospital General Yague.
Burgos. España

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