Teleapplications can be defined as : Human performance systems that integrates telematics for:

1.- Training purposes ( Teletraining )
2.- Medical assisance ( Teleteaching )
3.- Work efficiency ( Teleworking )

Organization enviroment is mandatory for a successfull innovation . since choice of technology is not just a technical decision but requires values jugement as well . Furthermore any Teleapplication ( mission oriented policy ) required three main actions :


I.- PLANNING : Technology may be use within the system in two ways

a) To be added to the existing one

b) To replace the existing technology

- Changing technology

- Changing the methods of working

1. Structural changes in the organization
2. Changes in the individual work practice
3. Changes in the decision making powers


II.- DESIGN : Remain educational and operational rationals for using technology

1. Work enviroment ( designed with a telecommunication engineer and expert on security (see Chapter 8 )
2. Staff enviroment ( desgined with an architect )


III.- DELIVERY of efficient teleservices require a control and monitoring node ( STUDIO ) to

  1. Control include
    • schedule access
    • update and optimized systems according to new technology and links
  2. Monitoring include : acquisition, transmission, analysis and storage information



A service delivery have to assure that:

all operating conditions are in place
will be run efficiently
it sound in order to insure the system continuity



Therefore :
The generic applications that can be included under the umbrella of Teleservices for Health Care are :

  1. Teleconsulting
  2. Cooperative decision making
  3. Case Handle : colaborative processing and management set documents containing individual information of the patient
  4. Remote data base acces
  5. Teledidactics :
  6. Telemonitoring : supervision at distance of biomedical data
  7. Telecare : Provision of health care to the patient at distance ( teleadvising,teletreatment ... )



In many of these service the underlying condition is the capability to provide the service simultaneously to different points and users in a MULTICONFERENCE enviroment that assure QoS ( quality of services)
Apart from ATM,DQDB,FDDI ( which standards are not fixed yet ), the ISDN is the only standardized network available at the present moment for multimedia conferencing with QoS.
Nevertheless ISDN device are point ot point designed terminals ( H.320 standard ), insuficient and not able to do the time consuming multiplexing task required for a multiconference with various users. The only possible Multipoint Communication require to connect each terminal through a special end-point routing device called MCU ( Multiconference Unit ).
The MCU is capable of handing various simultaneous data streams and in large multiconferences various MCUs can be connected.
The MCU ( H.231 standard ) accomplish part of the task reserved to a Studio Manager by means of the H.243 protocol for exchange and conference control together with the optional conference control mechanisms ( T.124, T.128 ) for the " floor control strategies " using mixing or switching methods for audio and only switching for video.
Its CPU controlled the audio and Videoprocessor unit and stablish management, connections, authorizations , income and outcome users and similar tasks.



Teleworking enviroment can be solved with CSCW based on :

Comunity of agents ( human-systems ) exchanging data,services,expertise in a common enviroment are known as AGENCIES :
ACL = agent communication language - KQML/ KIF
Users ( humans ) interact with other agents through specialized agents called : PERSONAL AGENTS or Personal Assitants

The AGENTS can be divided into :

  1. Data Base Agents
  2. Processing agents Image processing services
  3. Personal assistants Support users


Part or total reproduction not allow without permission

Revisado: lunes, 26 mayo 1997.
Con el soporte informático y de comunicaciones del CICEI, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria