Programa de Doctorado "Principios de Investigación en Medicina y Cirugía"
Generalidades Avisos Internet Programa del Curso

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    Drummond, Stoddart, Torrance. Metodos para evaluacion economica de los programas de atencion de la salud. Ediciones Diaz de Santos SA. Madrid, 1991. 

    Sacristan , Badia, Rovira. Farmacoeconomica: Evaluacion economica de medicamentos. Editores Medicos, Madrid, 1995. 

    Stronks K, Strijbis AM, Wendte JF, Gunning-Schepers LJ. Who should decide? Qualitative analysis of panel data from public, patients, healthcare professionals, and insurers on priorities in health care. BMJ 1997, Jul 12;315(7100):92-6.

    Blumenthal D. Health care reform at the close of the 20th century. New England Journal of Medicine, 1999, 340 (24):1916 
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    Byford S, Raftery J. Perspectives in economic evaluation. BMJ 1998 May 16;316(7143):1529-30.

    Gould MK, Dembitzer AD, Sanders GD, Garber AM. Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins Compared with Unfractionated Heparin for Treatment of Acute Deep Venous Thrombosis: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Annals of Internal Medicine. 130(10):789-799, May 18, 1999

    Greenhalgh T. How to read a paper: Papers that tell you what things cost (economic analyses). BMJ 1997;315:596-599 (6 September).

    Torgerson D, Raftery J. Economic Notes: Measuring outcomes in economic evaluations BMJ 1999; 318: 1413. (22 May)

    Briggs A. Economics notes: Handling uncertainty in economic evaluation. BMJ 1999 Jul 10;319(7202):120

    Palmer S, Byford S, Raftery J. Economics notes: types of economic evaluation. BMJ 1999 May 15;318(7194):1349

    Drummond R, Luft HS. Pharmacoeconomic Analyses: Making Them Transparent, Making Them Credible. JAMA, 2000; Vol. 283 No. 16, April 26, 2000: 2158.

    Drummond MF, Richardson SW, O'Brien BJ, Levine M, Heyland D. Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XIII. How to Use an Article on Economic Analysis of Clinical Practice: A. Are the Results of the Study Valid?
    JAMA. 277(19):1552-1557, 1997 May 21 
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    O'Brien BJ, Heyland D, Richardson SW, Levine M, Drummond MF. Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XIII. How to Use an Article on Economic Analysis of Clinical Practice: B. What Are the Results and Will They Help Me in Caring for My Patients? JAMA. 277(22):1802-1806, 1997 June. 
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    Perry, Seymour MD, MACP. Thamer, Mae PhD. Medical Innovation and the Critical Role of Health Technology Assessment. [Editorial] JAMA.282(19):1869?1872, November 17, 1999.

    Norheim, Ole Frithjof associate professor. Healthcare rationing - are additional criteria needed for assessing evidence based clinical practice guidelines-[Miscellaneous Article]. BMJ. 319(7222):1426-1429, November 27, 1999.

    Motheral BR, Grizzle AJ, Armstrong EP, Cox E, Fairman K. Role of pharmacoeconomics on drug benefit decision-making Results of a survey. Formulary 2000;35:412-21. No está disponible en el Internet, ir a la biblioteca!

    Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment. Guidelines for economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals: Canada. 2nd ed. Ottawa: Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (CCOHTA); 1997
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    Drummond MF, Jefferson TO. Guidelines for authors and peer reviewers of economic submissions to the BMJ. The BMJ Economic Evaluation Working Party. BMJ 1996 Aug 3;313(7052):275-83.

    Palmer S, Raftery J. Economics notes: Opportunity cost. BMJ 1999;318:1551-1552 ( 5 June ).

    Raftery J. Economics notes: Costing in economic evaluation. BMJ 2000; 320: 1597.

    Torgerson DJ, Spencer A. Marginal costs and benefits. BMJ 1996 Jan 6;312(7022):35-6

    Torgerson DJ, Raftery J. Economics notes: Discounting. BMJ 1999; 319: 914-915. (2 October)

    Byford S, Torgerson DJ, Raftery J. Economic Notes: Cost of illness studies. BMJ 2000 May 13;320(7245):1335.

    Moore JL. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Issues in Its Use in Regulation Congressional Research Service. Report for Congress. June 28, 1995.

    Hill SR, Mitchell AS, Henry DA. Problems With the Interpretation of Pharmacoeconomic Analyses: A Review of Submissions to the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. JAMA. 2000; Vol. 283 No. 16, April 26, 2000;283: 2116-2121

    Jones AJ, Sanchez LA. Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation: Applications in Managed Health Care Formulary Decision-Making. Drug Benefit Trends 7(9):12,15,19-22,32-34, 1995. Medscape

    Langley PC, Sullivan SD. Pharmacoeconomic Evaluations: Guidelines for Drug Purchasers. Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, 2(6), November/December 1996.

    Milkovich G. Rational Formulary Decisions Based on Pharmacoeconomic Analysis.

    Richardson WS, Detsky AS. Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: VII. How to Use a Clinical Decision Analysis. A. Are the Results of the Study Valid? JAMA. 73(16):1292-1295, Apr 26, 1995.
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    Richardson WS, Detsky AS. Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: VII. How to Use a Clinical Decision Analysis: B. What Are the Results and Will They Help Me In Caring for My Patients? JAMA. 273(20):1610-1613, May 24, 1995.
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    Task Force on Principles for Economic Analysis of Health Care Technology. Economic Analysis of Health Care Technology: A Report on Principles. [Report] Annals of Internal Medicine. 123(1):61-70, 1995 July 1.
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    Friedberg, Mark BA. Saffran, Bernard PhD. Stinson, Tammy J. MS. Nelson, Wendy PhD. Bennett, Charles L. MD, PhD. Evaluation of Conflict of Interest in Economic Analyses of New Drugs Used in Oncology. [Article] JAMA. 282(15):1453-1457, October 20, 1999.

    Barber, Julie A. Thompson, Simon G. Analysis and interpretation of cost data in randomized controlled trials: review of published studies. [Article] BMJ. 317(7167):1195-1200, October 31, 1998

    Shortell, Stephen M. PhD. Waters, Teresa M. PhD. Clarke, Kenneth W. B. MHA, MBA. Budetti, Peter P. MD, JD. Physicians as Double Agents: Maintaining Trust in an Era of Multiple Accountabilities. [Miscellaneous Article] JAMA. 280(12):1102-1108, September 23/30, 1998

    Christopher Evans, Ellen M. Dukes, Bruce Crawford. The Role of Pharmacoeconomic Information in the Formulary Decision-Making Process. J Managed Care Pharm 6(2):108-121.
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    Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. Methodological and Conduct Principles for Pharmacoeconomic Research. [Drug Benefit Trends 8(2):28-32, 34, 1996. SCP Communications, Inc.].

Generalidades Avisos Internet Programa del Curso