Diapositiva 17 de 52
Datos de 2,318 hombres asintomáticos 40–59 años que formaban parte de un estudio de Epidemiolgia e Clinica della Cardiopatia Ischemica Silente (ECCIS) project.1
Left ventricular mass was determined using echocardiography and adjusted for height.
The prevalence of LVH rose sharply with increasing BP.
1. Antoniucci D, et al. Prevalence and correlates of echocardiographic determined left ventricular hypertrophy in 2318 asymptomatic middle-aged men: the ECCIS project. Epidemiolgia e Clinica della Cardiopatia Ischemica Silente. G Ital Cardiol 1997;27:363–369.