Causas de Síncope en Pacientes Referidos a Unidades de Síncope
Alboni P, et al. JACC 2001; 37: 1921-1928
Los Neurólogos no pintan nada en el Síncope…
This slide provides a simple classification of the principal causes of syncope, and may be helpful in thinking about the strategy for evaluating syncope in individual patients.
Within the boxes,the most common causes of syncope are indicated for each of the major diagnostic groups. The numbers at the bottom of each column provide an approximate value for the average frequency with which that category appears in published report summarizing diagnostic findings (Alboni J Am Coll Cardiol 2001; 37: 1921-1928). It should be noted that orthostatic causes are not often referred to specialists and consequently tend to be under represented in the literature.