ISSN: 1578-7710

  Ética, formación y gestión


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REMI 2001, Vol 1
REMI 2002, Vol 2
REMI 2003; Vol 3
REMI 2004; Vol 4
REMI 2005; Vol 5
REMI 2006; Vol 6
REMI 2007; Vol 7


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Pautas de actuación clínica: Ética, formación y gestión

Las pautas precedidas por el símbolo [►] son las consideradas más relevantes.

  1. Ética

  2. Formación

  3. Gestión


2007 Support of the family in the patient-centered intensive care unit: 2004-2005. Crit Care Med 2007; 35: 605-622. [PDF]

►2002 Limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico en medicina intensiva. Cabré L, Solsona JF. Med Intensiva 2002; 26: 304-311. [Resumen] [Texto completo] [PDF] Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Crítica y de Unidades Coronarias.

►2002 Recomendaciones del grupo de bioética de la SEMICYUC sobre el consentimiento informado en UCI. Solsona JF, Cabré L, Abizanda R, Campos JM, Sainz A, Martín MC, Sánchez JM, Bouza C, Quintana M, Saralegui I, Monzón JL. Med Intensiva 2002; 26: 253-254. [Texto completo] [PDF] Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Crítica y de Unidades Coronarias.

2005 The European Union Directive on Clinical Research: present status of implementation in EU member states' legislations with regard to the incompetent patient. Intensive Care Med 2005; 31: 476-479. [PDF 112 Kb] European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.

2004 Statement of the 5th International Consensus Conference in Critical Care - Brussels, Belgium, April 2003. Chalenges in end-of life care in the ICU. Intensive Care Med 2004; 30: 770-784. [PDF 2479 Kb] European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.

2002 Withholding and Withdrawing Life-prolonging Treatments: Good Practice in Decision-making. [Texto completo HTML] General Medical Council.

2001 Recommendations for End-of-Life Care in the ICU. Crit Care Med 2001; 29: 2332-2348. [PDF] Society of Critical Care Medicine.

2001 Recommendations for Nonheartbeating Organ Donation. Crit Care Med 2001; 29: 1826-1831. [PDF] Society of Critical Care Medicine.


2004 Critical Care Medicine Training and Continuing Medical Education. Crit Care Med 2004; 32: 263-272. [PDF] Society of Critical Care Medicine.


2005 SAPS-3. Metnitz PGH, Moreno RP, Almeida E, Jordan B, Bauer P, Abizanda Campos R, Iapichino G, Edbrooke D, Capuzzo M, Le Gall JR. SAPS 3: From evaluation of the patient to evaluation of the intensive care unit. Part 1: Objectives, methods and cohort description. Intensive Care Med 2005; 31: 1336-1344. [Resumen] [Artículos relacionados]. Texto completo: [] [PDF 167 Kb]

2005 SAPS-3. Moreno RP, Metnitz PGH, Almeida E, Jordan B, Bauer P, Abizanda Campos R, Iapichino G, Edbrooke D, Capuzzo M, Le Gall JR. SAPS 3: From evaluation of the patient to evaluation of the intensive care unit. Part 2: Development of a prognostic model for hospital mortality at ICU admission. Intensive Care Med 1995; 31: 1345-1355. [Resumen] [Artículos relacionados]. Texto completo: [PDF 243 Kb] []

2005 SAPS-3. Material suplementario:  [PDF 794 Kb]

2005 SAPS-3. Hoja de cálculo:

2005 SAPS-3. Base de datos:

2004 Inter- and intrahospital transport of critically ill patients. Crit Care Med 2004; 32: 256-262. [PDF] Society of Critical Care Medicine.

2003 Maintenance of patiente physical safety in the intensive care unit: Use of restraining therapies. Crit Care Med 2003; 31: 2665-2676. [PDF] Society of Critical Care Medicine.

2003 Critical Care services and personnel: recommendations based on a system of categorization of three levels of care. Crit Care Med 2003; 31: 2677-2683. [PDF] Society of Critical Care Medicine.

2002 Understanding Costs and Cost-Effectiveness in Critical Care. [PDF 96 Kb] American Thoracic Society.

2002 Intensive care medicine in Europe - structure, organisation and training guidelines of the Multidisciplinary Joint Committee of Intensive Care Medicine (MJCICM) of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). Intensive Care Med 2002; 28: 1505-1511. [PDF  120 Kb] European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.

2001 Critical Care Delivery: Defining Clinical Roles and the Best Practice Model. Crit Care Med 2001; 29: 2007-2019. [PDF] Society of Critical Care Medicine.

2001 Unidad Coronaria: requerimientos. Rev Esp Cardiol 2001; 54: 617-623. [HTML/PDF] Sociedad Española de Cardiología.

1999 Guidelines for Developing Admission and Discharge Policies for the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Crit Care Med 1999; 27: 843-845. [PDF] Society of Critical Care Medicine.

1999 Guidelines for ICU Admission, Discharge and Triage. Crit Care Med 1999; 27: 633-638. [PDF] Society of Critical Care Medicine.

1999 Critical Care Services and Personnel: Recommendations Based on a System of Categorization into Two Levels of Care. Crit Care Med 1999; 27: 422-426. [PDF] Society of Critical Care Medicine.

1998 Guidelines on Admission and Discharge for Adult Intermediate Care Units. Crit Care Med 1998; 26: 607-610. [PDF] Society of Critical Care Medicine.

Asociación británica de enfermeras de Cuidados Intensivos (BACCN)

Entre los documentos que publica en su web la citada Sociedad, destacan los posicionamientos sobre la relación enfermera/paciente en las UCI [2] y sobre el uso de sujeciones a pacientes adultos ingresados en UCI [4].

2000 BACCN. Position Statement on Nurse Patient Ratios 2000. [PDF]

2004 BACCN. Draft Revised Position Statement on Nurse Patient Ratios 2004. [PDF]

2002 BACCN. Position Statement on The Role of Health Care Assistants 2002. [PDF]

2004 BACCN. Position Statement on The Use of Restraint in Adult Critical Care Units 2004 [PDF]

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