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Anyway, there exists limitations of Linux as a supercomputing tool. The most important ones are:
- Lack of any free Fortran parallelizing compiler.
- There does not exist a free Fortran-90 compiler. Fortran 90 is not as popular as its antecesor,
but it is broadly used on scientific media.
- Weakness of MPI. At this time, there exists some problems with free implementations of MPI, that lacks of support of threaded MPI extensions.
This is a serious problem, because several important computational chemistry
parallel packages uses threaded MPI as programme API.
- Weak knowledge about what means Linux and free software. It is true that Linux has
been strongly
supported by community, but at this time there are lots of people that do not want hear about
Linux, and consider Linux ``something bizarre of the computer guy''.
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David Santo Orcero