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SMP support

SMP support of Linux have a very bad press. I really do not know why, because I work dayly with that kind of machines, and they ARE stable if the memory is good. And if the memory is bad they are unestable with all OS, because it is a hardware problem.

It is true that Linux do not support the must out of the line hardware SMP facilities. It is also true that it has support only for NT (neither 95, nor 98).It is also true that I had never known anybody with such hardware. If I could spend so much money, I would buy an Alpha processor, and stop playing with Intel toys.

It is also true that SMP support is Beta. But "Beta" is a relativistic term. Masquerading has been beta code for years, and I have been used dayly masquerading for years without any trouble or bug. Other operating sistems have release code for its internal functions, and hangs twice per day, on the best of the situations, in a production environment.

SMP is a simple way to do parallelism on Linux. But it is far away to be the cheaper. Let's see others.

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David Santo Orcero 2000-11-24