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Linux-HA Project

The objetive of Linux-HA project is not related with neither time of response nor velocity. They are completly different of the two before. The key is: whatever happends, keep the system running. They are used when is critical that the machine runs, and the machine must resist to hardware and software fall-offs. It is the general case of servers, but more specificaly of web servers, internet service providers, and in science on computers that control experimental machineries.

The project has software that can maintain heartbeats between nodes and take over IP addresses of failed nodes. Should a node fail, it uses the Fake Redundant IP software package to add the address of the failed node onto a working node to assume its responsibilities. Thus the failed node can be replaced automatically in a matter of milliseconds. For practical use, that heartbeat is usually kept in the several seconds range, unless you have a dedicated network link between the nodes. At that point, the user applications on the failed system still need to be restarted on the new node. It is also full supported by a firm.

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David Santo Orcero 2000-11-24