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(c) David Santo Orcero - All rights reserved.

This licence is free -from freedom of speech-, but this is not a GPL licence. If you want to do something special with the document that is not on this licence, please ask me. Sure that you will can do, as far as you keep a reference of the authory of the document.


You are allowed to use this document at your own risk, on the following terms:

  1. . You are freely allowed to use this document for your own, but if you use this document to do scientific research and you publish something, you must cite this document on your paper. The full citation is marked bellow.
  2. You are freely allowed to improve this document, and distributed the improvement, as far as you do ALL the following things:
    1. You must keep this licence on the destination document. Anyway, the part that you improve or append can include further restrictions based on more works that must to be cited, but the new whole document must remain free.
    2. You must indicate clearly what parts of the document you improve, and what parts of the document you include. It must be clear what parts of the document are original.
    3. You must keep special care on do not modifiing neither the autory, neither this licence text. It must be clear my authory of the main document, and that any derivated work must cite the work that I indicated on this HOWTO.
    4. Derivated works can not be distributed on a printed media -book, journal- without my written permision. The permision will be usually granted, however, in the same conditions that printed versions descrived below.
  3. You are freely allowed to distribute this document in any electronic form, as far as you do ALL the following things:
    1. You must keep it unmodified. If you modify it, you fall on the part of the licence described avove.
    2. If you do a product -Linux distribution, or same thing similar- and you sell it, I must recive a certification of the inclusion of my work -for curriculae- and a copy of the final version without any cost of my own on the address indicated below -but please ask to me before because I can move to other house-. For non-profit uses you can ask to me to find another agreement on this point.
  4. You are freely allowed to print this document to your personal use. Distribution of the printed form falls on the term descrived bellow.
  5. You are freely allowed to include my work on books, use this work as part of a paper, and publicate this work in any print media as far as you do ALL the following things:
    1. You keep it unmodified, and you print the full text, specially the part of the authory and the licence. If you want to print part of the document or the document improved, you must ask to me first.
    2. If you are going to print and distribute this document on a print form, and this document is more or equal of the 80% of the work, I must appear as the only author of the final printed work.
    3. If you are going to print and distribute this document on a print form, and this document is less of the 80% of the work, I must appear as author of the final printed work. I must be the first author of the final printed work if the % of this document on the final printed work is equal or greater than 1/numberOfAuthors *100 of the final printed work.
    4. In any of the cases before, I must recive a certification of the inclusion of my work -for curriculae- and a copy of the final version without any cost of my own on the address indicated below -but please ask to me before because I can move to other house-. For non-profit uses you can ask to me to find another agreement on this point.

The work that you must cite for your publications is at:

Or ask to me at or

The address to send the certifications and the copies is:

David Santo Orcero

Departamento de Física


Rua Cristovião Colombo, 2265

São Jose de Rio Preto, SP



I am only a student with a fellowship. If you cite my work, the chance of maintain my fellowship becomes greater. Keeping my fellowship will allow me to continue writting free documentation and free software for you. Thanks.

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David Santo Orcero 2000-11-24