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dardhalThe lecture is in HTML format
dardhalIn the following days we are improving he documentation, with more standard formats
dardhalLet's begin
dardhalSince 1996 I am investigating, exploring and waiting for this, as many other people
dardhalTe day I will be able to switch my desjtop to soimething more stable, i will know about tru freedom
dardhalAfter many years of tests and discussiion, I think the time has come
dardhalIn this time I have been doing consulting, I have created a very humble consulting company, www.maslinux.com
dardhalI've been with this project for a year and a half by now, and during this time I have found many different environmens, that I am about to explain
dardhalThere are some predictiions on the media about Linux penetration into the desktop market
dardhalLinux will have 33% of computer desktops by 2003
dardhalFor thos of you that don't  know, I live in Panama
dardhalLatin america is in a very different position with respect to Europe and NOrt America
dardhalAnd here still remains the belief that "if it costs much, it must be good"
dardhalI have found customers who didn't contract me because i was "too cheap"  to be good
dardhalWhat makes you doubt, but there ara always customers who believe in you and what to bet to something new
dardhalTo check linux viability into the desktop, let's use a tool developed in the tech industry
dardhalBy now, I have only seen success Linux stories in the server market, bt this is a market where Linux is "easy to sell"
dardhalThe rea challenge is to install a whole bunch of things all over the place avoiding masive amounts of money escaping your country
dardhalSpecially here where our countries are poor
dardhal 25% hardware y software
dardhal 21% Administration
dardhal5% development
dardhal4% communications
dardhal21% final user
dardhal7% lost time
dardhalI now am going to explain these thing
dardhalLets see the tipical case
dardhalNOTE; the above is the composition of the TOC (Total Cost of Ownership), y forgot to translate this one :=)
viZardWe´ve been able to see how these TOC relates with
viZardTOC solutions using free/Open Source:
viZard20% Hardware & Software
viZard15% Administration
viZard23% Support
viZard5% Development
viZard4% Comunication
viZard10% Final user
viZard4% Dead time
viZardi´ll explain
viZardThere are different methos to gain a disminution at this topic
viZardby one side, we eliminate the clicles of upgrading hardware and software
viZardwhat we are used to di, cause there were not another choice
viZardWe can do this by centralizing all our storage resorces
viZardprossesing, by dispatching information to thin clients
viZardThis cost really is much higher that 20%
viZardcause we don´t know what kind of license will the client use in the next 2 years
viZardAdministration: the cost reduces a lot
viZardThe average price of a remote tool of inventary for other OSs is about $50 per client machine
dardhalThe good part about this is that the initial investment is just spent once, and once you have trained your admin, personnel, adquired yourmanuals and documentation
dardhalmany of these thing are even available on the Intenret
dardhaldevelopment and communications dont matter a lot, because they are independent of the platform chosen
dardhalhoweverm, we coulkd take into account the benefits of unifiying networks protocols
dardhalthat would imply less upgrades to our networking equipment, giving us further savings
dardhalhidden costs is where there is a greater loss
dardhalfinal user stechnical support is one the most expensive tasks, in time and money (one user losing his time helping another user, foir exasmplei(
dardhalThis is cause number 1 of lost productivity
dardhaland must be eliminated using proper support tools, to minimize support costs
dardhaldead (lost) time:
dardhaltime a user spends waitig for another user to help him
dardhalwe can implement a end user support infraestructure that includes instant messaginh, version control for installed programs , silent upgrades, centralized backups,
dardhalthaat way we can reduce support costs to a minimun, and even being a lot pessimistic we can estimate a 19% save in TOC costs
dardhalwith respect to a propietary solution
dardhala tipical case, a small business wit 5 PC
dardhalOur missioin: implement a permanent internet connection (for example, ADSL. CM, ISDN)
dardhalshare resources, legalize all installed software (becasue the BSA have already sent some red envelopes)
dardhalNow, please refer to the publised documentation at http://www.maslinux.com/umeet/
dardhalTYhere is a table with the corresponding references
dardhal5 Winfows XP license, 1495 USD
dardhal5 Office XP licenses 2395 USD
dardhalMicrosoft don't sell lower versions anuy more
dardhal5 memory upgrades to 128 MB, another 150 USD
dardhal1 license of MS small business. 1499 USD
dardhalcable modem for one year, 600 USD
dardhalgiving us a total of 6139 USD
dardhaland this is the fiugure in a situation where we have been extremely optimistic with respect to total costs
dardhalwe have not included future necessary licences, neither training costs, for example
dardhalwith our estimations, this little busines could have saved at least a 5% with respect to the popietary solution
dardhal<rmillan> vamos a ver si esto es cierto:
dardhal<rmillan> 5 KDE Mandrake 8.1 (download) $0
dardhal<rmillan> 5 Koffice, Staroffice $0
dardhal<rmillan> 5 Upgrades a 128MB RAM (DEK conworks just fine with8MB RAM
dardhal1license of mandrake single network firewall SNF 99 USD
dardhalsorr, memory upgrades are 150 bucks total
dardhalcable modme, one year, 600 $
dardhalfor the file server we can use any of the local pc with another copy of the same mandrake version
dardhaltotal inversion: 850 $
dardhalthis kind of deployment can take me about 28 hours, at 30 $ an hour, a total of  840$ of consulting
dardhaland 20 hours of training for 10 people, additional 450 $
dardhalTotal cost: 2139 $
dardhalSaving in soft+hard are about 35%
dardhalnow we must correct our initial calculations
dardhalinstead of being 25% of cost, har+soft should account for only 17%
dardhalsorry, 16%
dardhalso my TCO reduces even further to a 77% of the cost of the equivalent propietary solution
dardhaljust remember we have given many advantages to the cost anmalysys of the propietary solution
dardhalwe have not taen into accoubt their cost os trainig, additional licenses, consulting , etc.
dardhalUsing a pure TCO we have just shown that a linux desktop is an economic viable solution
dardhalLinux is free, but free as in speech, but not always as in free beer
dardhalwe have shown one configuration, bit the customer could have chosen a diffeent one
dardhalWith respect to technical viability, how many of you use MDK 8.1 ?
dardhalin my last MDK 8.1 ionstallations, it failed in just one of them, just oine
dardhaland this time there was no failure, jus the customer opted for RedHat instead ;)
dardhalIt is been more than a year that i don't need to load a driver via modprobe, and i fear of forgetting it :)
dardhalsome of the very few great problems thatt still remains are:
dardhal1. laptops
dardhal2. printers
dardhal3. scanners
dardhalmy own computer is a portable one, and i hads problems with its modem, it was not detected, as well as the printer
dardhalbecause is those of "all in one" devices with no drivers and specs from the manufacturrer
dardhaland finally, my scanner wont' work
dardhalhowever, these problems canbe easily avoided searching for the compatible hardware lists
dardhaland it is not different to what have happened with drivers for windows 2000 not being available
dardhalit is all about time
dardhalMy opinion is that linux works reasonably well with standard generic hardware
dardhalThis yields us as result:
dardhal1. A reduction of 23% in TCO
dardhal2. Easier installation that any other os, with all the funbctionality "out of the box"
dardhalI was thinking about clsing this lecture with a "top 10 reasons" not to use windowss (code red, nimda and so on)
dardhalbut instead i will focus on the real reasons i think linux is ready for the enterprise:
dardhalbetter software
dardhalmore return on investment
dardhalto get a success with linux on the desktops we must address little and medium sized busineses
dardhalbig business feel good paying large amounts of money to big business feel good paying large amounts of money to get licensesget licenses
sarnoldthank you dardhal :)
dardhalgovernmeents and business are slowly being forced to evaluate free solutions because the actual state of thism with respect to software upgrades is impossible to keep in the future
dardhalspecially with economy downtunrs like currnt one
dardhalIf linux is to have a chance in the desktops, the time is NOW
dardhalThank you for your attention, and sorry for being so late ther iun Europe
dardhal-The End-
viZardgracias =)
viZardEres de gran ayuda =)

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Mas información: umeet@uninet.edu