Logo Umeet2001








rielcdub,sarnold: is there anything in particular you want me to say about you ?
sarnoldheh, I can't think of anything that isn't being a smartass :)
cdubheh, sarnold's cunning intelect and smashing good looks speak for themselves ;-)
sarnoldoh dear; my good looks aren't that smashing, so now I have to wonder what cdub is implying about my intellect :)
JALHI guess.
rsdis LSM somewhat related to NSA work on security for Linux?
acmelike the netfilter infrastructure?
acmewhat other uses do you envision when this infrastructure (i.e. the hooks) are in place? resource control (i.e. kinda like userbeans)?
velcoblob ? like Binary Large OBject ? large ?
acmekinda like inode->u.generic_ip, netdevice->private, struct sock->protinfo.destruct_hook (yes, I'm overloading the thing) 8)
acmeuserbeans: is user quotas for kernel resources, Andrey Savochkin did it and Marcelo Tosatti worked a bit on it in the past
acmeok, I see, but I can see that it'll end up being generic "enough" for some other uses... 8)
acmeok, too much "off-topic", I'll not divert you from security anymore 8)
JALHhiya acme :)
acmehi JALH
acmethe inode->u.generic_ipnope
rielwill it be possible to use multiple security modules at the same time ?
riel(say, ACL + vserver)
rielcdub: mmmm, something like ACLs would combine well with something like vserver  (virtual servers in one machine)
malucocdub : like LIDS do?
malucocdub : yes
acmecdub:  using the netfilter existing infrastructure for the network parts of LSM is a nice thing
acmecdub:  but by doing that you're extending a network specific infrastructure and going toward a more generic infrastruture ;)
acmeso netfilter, LSM, EA, userbeans, etc could be a big generic hook infrastructure 8)
acmeI see, embrance, enhance, eliminate^Woops, improve ;)
acmeyes, LTT, I forgot that, how could I 8)
acmebut there are common parts and this is where all the projects can benefit
velcois LSM concerned with authentication ? where does it get credentials (and veryfier). or it is outside the scope of LSM ?
acmeyup, if you solve one problem in a elegant (whatever that mean ;) ) way, it can be reused in ways the original author din't antecipated
hensemaI've recently read in some interview that the Hurd is able to run a process without a user concext, eg. without rights. This would enable a ftp server to run without rights (as apposed to running as root on Unix) until a user is logged in. Would something like this be implementable using LSM?
hensema(running without rights is a gross simplification, BTW)
Jaewhich modules are already available ?
rielMJesus: are you there ?
viZardanother 20 minutes, I rhink
rielviZard: I think I have to go soon, could you close the lecture when cdub and sarnold are ready ?
rielthat is, point people to http://umeet.uninet.edu/umeet2001/english/prog.eng.html
rieland set the channel -m  ;)
rielviZard: also, there seems to be another lecture in 30 minutes
wliIs it within the scope of LSM design to counteract covert communication channels?
viZardyes, it is
wliFor instance, driving up system load could be used to propagate a signal.
rielcdub, sarnold: shall I open #linux for discussion and applause ?
cdubriel, yes, i think so
sarnoldriel, unless someone else types a question real soon now ... :)
JALHclap clap clap clap clap clap clap

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