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fernando#qc para preguntas / #qc for questions
fernandowe are very pleased to have here todya Ralf Baechle.
fernandoHe is the Project
fernandoleader of the SGI MIPS Port that tries to port Linux to this architecture.
fernandoHe is now in Brazil comming from Australia, and California.
fernandoHe is going to talk us about the Linux-MIPS project
BacchusFirst a good evening everybody.
BacchusNice that there is a good bunch of people on this channel list listen my talk.
BacchusI'm going to give a short introduction into the MIPS CPU architecture and some status report about the Linux/MIPS project.
BacchusIf there are any questions, please feel free to ask on #qc.
BacchusMIPS is one of the oldest, maybe the oldest RISC architectures on the market.
BacchusMIPS CPUs are being sold since ~ 1985 so the architecture which was derived from the Stanford RISC architecture is already quite old.
BacchusIt's a fairly classic RISC architecture.  The original R2000 processor has 32 general purpose registers, 32 fp registers.
BacchusIt has a 5 stage pipeline that is capable of executing most instructions in a single cycle.
BacchusAll arithmetic instructions are 3 opperand instructions that is they don't overwrite one of the source operands.
BacchusAlso the instruction set is very orthogonal.
BacchusThat is there is usually one instruction to solve a certain job efficiently.
BacchusA few instructions were added for improved performance so it's not entirely orthogonal.
BacchusThe instructions are all with no exceptions one word (32-bit) long.
BacchusThis simplifies the cpu's instructin decoding dramatically.
BacchusIt also means there is no instruction to load a 32-bit constant in a single instruction.
BacchusThat already requires two machine instructions.
BacchusSo something like "Load constant 0x12345678 into register $5" would work like:
Bacchuslui $5, 0x1234; ori $5, 0x5678.
BacchusThat initially looks shocking to a programmer who is used very complex instruction sets.
BacchusNo need to worry however.
BacchusMIPS assemblers know a lot of macro instructions that implement synthetic instructions which for example load a 32-bit constant into a register.
BacchusAnother noteworthy feature of the architecture are delayed branches.
BacchusOn MIPS the instruction that is immediately following the branch itself will be executed before the branch instruction itself.
BacchusAgain this may look confusing and again the assembler usually takes care of things.
BacchusWhere "usually" means the programmer can tell the assembler to not try to fill these delay slots if he thinks he does a better job.
BacchusAnothe restriction of the architecture are load delay slots.
BacchusAn instruction that is immediately following a load instruction cannot use the loaded value.
BacchusThe FPU on MIPS is very simple.
BacchusIt only provides add, subtract, multiply and divide operations.
BacchusI'm ignoring rounding operations and similar things for the puroposes of this introduction.
BacchusHowever these instructions are very fast.
BacchusUnlike i386 or m68k the MIPS CPU does only provide IEEE single and double precission formats.
BacchusThe extended precission format is not supported in hardware.
BacchusSome operating systems provide it in software but not Linux at this time.
BacchusFinally the MMU.
BacchusThe MIPS memory managment unit is the RISC princicle driven to the extreme.
BacchusAll that exists is a TLB.
BacchusA TLB is a fully associative memory in which the CPU searches for address translations for a virtual address.
BacchusIf an entry exists and a read or write access is allowed it is executed otherwise the CPU will take an exception.
BacchusThat's already all the MMU that exists in hardware.
BacchusThe entire rest is burndend to the operating system.
BacchusAnother interesting fact about the memory managment is that all instructions that are related to coprocessors 1, the TLB don't have interlocks.
BacchusThat is they might be executed in another order than they're written in the program code.
BacchusThat can turn into some headache but fortunately only for OS implementors.
BacchusA port of an OS is then a fairly simply thing.  Just change everything that needs to be changed and a few month later you may have reached the point where it boots into a shell :-)
BacchusWhat I just presented was an outline of the original R2000/R3000 MIPS.
BacchusLater models are fully compatible for the execution of user applications.
BacchusThe system side of the processor that is caches, tlb etc. has been improved alot since then.
BacchusUntil very recently there was no guarantee for OS compatibility for MIPS so operating systems had to be changed for each new processor type.
BacchusGood for the processor designers which were able to come up with streamlined new designs, bad for operating system people which have to change their code whenever a new processor was released.
BacchusToday Linux/MIPS supports a very wide range of processors of the MIPS family.
BacchusThis development is today largely driven by the embedded comunity which wants a fast and royalty free operating system and has found the answer in Linux.
BacchusAt the same time MIPS processors are about to vanish from desktops and servers.
BacchusToday Silicon Graphics is to my knowledge the last remaining manufacturer of MIPS desktops and servers.
BacchusAs such only a minority of the Linux/MIPS supported systems are desktop and server systems.
BacchusThe majority of systems are embedded systems.
BacchusLinux/MIPS is also used by various companies that are developing MIPS processors as a vehicle to verify their processor designs during development.
BacchusSo for example the Sony Playstation 2's CPU, the R5900 was running Linux on the similator already in '97 long before the first silicon was produced.
BacchusDon't ask about the BogoMIPS, such a similator may run as slow as 10 instructions per second.
BacchusJust to enumerate a few of the systems that are supported by Linux/MIPS today:
BacchusBaget, a Russian system using a Russian MIPS clone.  Used for industrial and military applications.
BacchusThe Cobalt Qube 1/2 and Raq 1/2 systems.  Later Cobalt systems are using i386 family processors.
BacchusA number of NEC DDB evaluation boards.
BacchusA number of evaluation boards from Toshiba.
BacchusLinux/MIPS has been ported to various devices such as Sony's Playstation or even HP Laserjet printers.
BacchusAs an aside, the Laserjet port doesn't yet support printing but it can run Gnome :-)
BacchusWe've ran Linux on Origin 2000 machines with upto 128 processors.
BacchusThat is to my knowledge still the largest single machine (not cluster) that Linux has ever run on.
BacchusLinux also runs on the DECstation family of MIPS machines.
BacchusThat makes it along with various members of the BSD family the only supported operating system on that platform.
BacchusIn the meantime there are a few companies most noteworthy Montavista and Redhat/Cygnus that have ported Linux/MIPS to further platforms.
BacchusSo probably nobody really knows the number of supported machines anymore.
BacchusIn short it runs on a wide range of machines from PDAs to full blown supercomputers.
BacchusFor larger systems using 64-bit kernels we also offer a 64-bit kernel.
BacchusIt's however not as mature as the 32-bit kernel.
BacchusAlso at this time mostly due to the lack of suitable development tools we don't have 64-bit applications.
BacchusAll software that is available for Linux/MIPS64 is 32-bit software running in a binary compatibility mode.
BacchusAside of that Linux/MIPS looks very much like Linux on any other architecture.
BacchusWe support the same development tools, we run largely the same applications.
BacchusPorts of various Linux distributions such as Debian, Redhat and Montavista's Hardhat Linux are available.
BacchusOne of the current problems is that installing a distribution can still be somewhat complex and not necessarily suitable for beginners or users without some solid UNIX sysadmin experience.
BacchusFortunately the latest generation of Linux distributions is about the eleminate this problem also.
BacchusI think my time is more or less over by now, so if there are any question this would probably be a good time.
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fernandoplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plsa pplas plas
pekesanclap clap clap clap
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BacchusMuchas gracias a todos :-)
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MJesusHallo!! and thanks!!!!!
BacchusYou're welcome.
fernandoa question
MJesusvery very important talk !!!
fernandoi'm not sure if an adquate question
fernandohow does compare gcc on linux/mips vs gcc on irix ?
BacchusI should add that for anybody seeking further information about Linux/MIPS there is a #mipslinux channel on openprojects and also a FAQ on http://oss.sgi.com/mips/mips-howto.html.
BacchusAside of some configuration things it's the same compiler.
BacchusThat is the generated code quality is comparable.
BacchusUnfortunately SGI's compiler is far, far superior in generating fast code to gcc.
fernandothat was my next question
fernandosgi's cc can run on linux/mips ?
BacchusIn theory it can, in practice that probably will not work.
BacchusWe've got an IRIX binary compatibility mode but that hasn't been used in a long time.
pekesanI only see a problem....how to get a MIPS machine for testing :)
BacchusI'd be surprised if it survives a hello world program ;-)
BacchusRealistically if you want a workstation try one of the online auctioning sites.
BacchusI didn't want to mention ebay but since you're asking :-)
BacchusEvaluation boards tend to be quite expensive.
BacchusSo they're not really suitable for the non-profit hacker.
pekesanthank bacchus
fernandomaybe we should bid for a new uninet sgi server
BacchusThere are also dealers for second hand workstations but these usually charge very high prices for very old machines.
pekesantwo expensice for a student like me :P
viZard Sir Bacchus du MIPS !
BacchusI know that occassinally SGI Origins are for sale on Ebay.
BacchusMonsigneur viZard :-)
BacchusAny other questions?
BacchusOk, I guess that means no more questions so I say thank you, muchas gracias and muito obrigado to everbody in this channel.
fernandothanks bacchus
MJesus:)) it's is too interesting for read more time...... !
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fernandoplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesus:)) it's is too interesting for read more time...... !
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MJesusplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plasplas plas plas plasplas plas plas plasplas plas plas plas
TJ+k rulez eeeh
fernandoplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
fernandoplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
TJclap clap clap
MJesusplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plasplas plas plas plasplas plas plas plasplas plas plas plas
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paskplas plas plas plas
paskplas plas plas plas
paskplas plas plas plas
fernandothank you to all of you for coming here
paskvery wwll
paskvery well
fernandoit was a nice talk, and a nice time
TJhoy no hay mas charlas no?
fernandothank you to ralph Baechle for expending his time with us
BacchusRalf :-)
fernandotomorrow we will have a talk about the experience of securing debian
fernando(and, other distributions)
viZardno no, Sir Bacchus !
fernandoand other lecture on KDE programming
fernandotoday or tomorrow (not confirmed yet) we will have a talk about e-commerce and linux
fernando COMERCIO

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