Logo Umeet2001








IRC log started Thu Dec 13 19:26
Fernand0we are happy to have today the talk of Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña.
Fernand0He is a Debian Developer, in charge of several security-related packages,
Fernand0and others. He is also actively involved in Spanish-translation of Debian
Fernand0He is working in Germinus Solutions [http://www.germinus.com, visit them,
Fernand0not now LATER ;) ],
Fernand0in the security division of the company.
Fernand0He is going to talk today about Howto improve security in an open operating
Fernand0system: Debian GNU/Linux.
Fernand0Thank you for comming here, and specially thanks to Javier for preparing
Fernand0this interesting talk for UMEET conference.
Fernand0Questions will be in #qc, as usual
Fernand0Mr. Fernández-Sanguino...
jfsThanks all for coming.
jfsFirst off, the conference will be in english
jfs*unless* all here in the channel are spanish speakers (which I guess is not the case)
jfsSince questions are at the #qc channel I will be grateful if the people
jfsmake questions as they see fit.
jfsAlso, since the conference/lecture is quite open regarding the theme
jfsI do not mind people saying what they would like to here.
jfsI do not have a time limit (but I guess you do) since I'm at the office and we're not closing til late today :)
Fernand0in fact, you have }:)
Fernand0next conference is in 2:30 ;)
jfsIn any case, just to complement what Fernand0 has just mentioned
jfsmy interest in security in Debian GNU/Linux has grown with my working in the security division area
jfs(for about a year).
jfsI am a Debian developer since 1998 so it's also evident that my interest has grown in that
jfsarea for that time.
jfsI have been working in the last year in order to provide some more security in the Debian project,
jfseven if not working directly in the Security Team, by providing software that might be useful for security-related purposes.
jfsIn any case, at first I will go through some basic steps on how to harden a Debian GNU/Linux
jfsI guess that the practical side is the one you will value most.
jfsAnd that practical side is documented at the Debian Documentacion Project
jfs(more specifically at http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/index.en.html)
jfsSo, feel free to browse through the document during or after the conference.
jfsSo, the question that one would start asking himself is: should I have a bastion host? should I harden my installation?
jfsThe answer is, of course, it depends on what your needs are.
jfsYour security needs are different if you are just surfing the web at your home
jfsfrom what your needs are if you want to setup an server for a government organisation. Ain't it?
jfsI also warn you that I quite like doing polls on the conference
jfs(we would use the #qc channel for that).
jfsFirst poll: who has hardened a UNIX system before?
Fernand0who can say that he ardened it?
Fernand0maybe sort of
Fernand0or tried would be a correct answer ;)
jfs(That way I can also see the kind of audience I have here :)
jfsonly two people? Well that out of 40 is quite a surprise (but maybe the others are just sleeping right now :(
Fernand0or they are shy ;)
sarnold|gsleeping .. sorry :(
karinai did
jfsIn any case, when you have a given system you need to have it hardened
jfsbe it an anonymous attacker, a virus or a malicious program, if a given system is not
jfshardened you are bound to have problems in the long run.
jfsEven home users, which are being now really being hit hard by many malicious people
jfsdo need to have hardened systems or at least need some kind of protection.
jfsSo, before you begin setting up a server or any given system
jfsyou have to think "what will I use it for?"
jfsWill I use it for an exposed WWW server?
rielwell, some distros just don't have services running by default ;)
jfsWill I use it as a shared connection server for my LAN?
jfs(so that they all use a single router to access the Internet)
jfsWill I just use it at home for surfing and writting documents/emails?
jfsOnce you know what you are going to use it for you can figure out your potential threats
jfsthe more the threats you have the greater the risks
jfsSo, what does it all have to do with Debian?
jfsWell, it has do to because one of the most important things that can keep you secure is
jfsto install only those things that are necessary in your system.
jfsThis means that if I want to use a printer only for myself, I do not put a printer service for everybody in my LAN to use.
jfsDebian GNU/Linux is great for this.
jfsI'm not going to talk around issues regarding physical security and the environment
jfswhich are ilustrated in the document through some of the "before you begin steps"
jfsNow, if you have this ideas clear. Go ahead and install.
jfsThe default installation of Debian (no package selection)
jfsis quite limited in functionality. There is only one tidbit in Debian 2.2 which you mightw
jfswant to disable rather quickly if you do not use it: the RPC portmapper (used by the NFS server and other software)
jfsEven if you have quite a limited number of services running on your machine, and even less listening on the outside for people to come and ask
jfsYou better implement your security policy beforehand in the system.
jfsThis means, that if your users can only do some simple stuff and only connect at specific time frames.
jfsImplement this restrictions in your system (that is, if you have users that access your systems)
jfsDebian does ship with full Plugged Autentication Support Modules
jfswhich allow you to configure fully what are the users's limits: core dumps, memory, processes, logins (from where, when) and that kind of stuff
jfsCustomizing this is useful even if you have no users, since you have to consider your running services as also "users of the system"
jfsWhat shall we do now?
jfsWell, install whatever you need for your service.
jfsThere are two issues here regarding Debian that are quite important:
jfs issue #1: All services installed in Debian are enabled ( *not disabled*) by default
jfs issue #2: All services in Debian are installed in a "secure by default" manner (to the extent possible)
jfsThere are some exceptions to issue #2 (some services could be hardened better)
jfsbut Debian developers have to find a balance between usability and security.
jfsThat balance is not easy to find however.
jfsAnd all security measures can be, of course, improved.
jfsWell, you can do this two ways, you can do it the Regulary Way (tm)
jfsthat is, configure your system's services one by one in a thoughtful way.
jfsWhich can be a pain if you do not know how to or you are doing it for many machines.
jfsOr use an automatic system to do it for you.
jfsPoll: How many of you here know Bastille (and are listening?)?
rielI've looked at bastille, but never used it
dardhalme too
Fernand0it disableb my at for users :/
dardhalI've even tried to translate it to Spanish, but things went wrong
jfs[It's kind of funny, there's a lot of people (45) here but not very talkative]
jfs[nobody has questions up to the moment?]
jfsWell, for those that do not know Bastille (I take silence as a yes)
jfsBastille (www.bastille-linux.org) is an automatic system to harden a system
jfsunlike Titan (www.fish.com/titan) it's intent is to automate the hardening process and
jfs, at the same time, ilustrate the user/administrator on what bastille will do for him.
jfsWell, guess what, Bastille is available in Debian. Version 1.2.0 is a patched version (it does not support Debian upstream)
jfsbut from version 1.3.0 Bastille (as provided at sourceforge) will fully support Debian.
jfsThat's one thing I'm quite proud ;) (even if there are some bugs lurking, I fixed some myself today)
jfsBastille can automatically setup some security measures (both the user limits I talked about previously and service hardening) automatically
jfsNow, Bastille may not be able to secure all the services currently and that's what the
jfsManual is for, to secure other services too...
jfsI am currently working on providing some more Debian-speficic tests/checks/features for Bastille (so you should see that improving in the near future)
jfsIn any case, a hardening procedure goes as long as your paranoia goes.
jfsThe prefered method is: install, harden, install, harden, upgrade, test etc...
jfsWhat other things can we configure in order to improve our overall security?
jfsWell, a firewall is a nice thing to have. But's it's better not to depend on it too :)
jfsDebian GNU/Linux provides different firewall schemes depending on the kernel you are running (since that is, of course, kernel dependant)
jfsBut it also does provide a number of firewall configuration modes the user/admin can choose from.
jfsOf course, playing with ipchains/netfilter syntax can be a pain. So that's what firewall-easy, easyfirewall, gfcc, mason
jfsand other cool firewall generators (like firestarter) are there for.
jfsAlso missed knetfilter, BTW.
jfsThis are new to Debian 3.0 (woody, soon to be released) and were not previously in Debian 2.2
jfsNow, if you want to add another level of security
jfsyou need to add intrusion detection in your system and logging auditing.
jfsYou can setup two kinds of intrusion detection in a given Debian GNU/Linux system: both network and host IDS.
jfsNetwork IDS (which can be setup in the hardened host or on another host)
jfscan be provided with Snort (the main reference) and other tools like ippl or iplogger
jfsHost IDS can be provided in many ways. The standard Debian installations provides a simple (but useful)
jfsmechanism to do a limited host-ids: suid checks (configured at /etc/checksecurity)
jfsYou can also setup, host checks using the 'debsums' package which provides checks for modified binaries installed by Debian packages
jfsAnother package I'm currently working on which can be used for intrusion detection (as well as internal audits)
jfsis tiger. A kind of old package from the Texas University (the TAMU team IIRC)
jfswhich can check your systems' configuration and look out for suspecting activity.
jfsThe Debian package has been improved to add new debian-specific tests, and I did a quite a cleanup of bugs the last week so it's quite better know :)
Fernand0are there any plans to support a security-scripts like in BSDs ?
jfsIf want another layer of security then you can go for upgraded kernels
jfscan you elaborate more I do not know the BSD security scripts?
Fernand0BSD systems have a set of scripts
jfsFernand0 asks if there are plans to  support a security-scripts like in BSDs
Fernand0checking each night about changes of setuid, suspecting activities in the system, and so on
jfsI am not very knowledgeable regarding thoses scripts (will have to check though)
Fernand0there was a project to adapt them to red hat like distros, but not sure if some problems appeared
Fernand0and it was discontinued
jfsBut in any case tiger is, for example, made up of security scripts that can be run on a single report (calling 'tiger')
jfsor through a given cron job. The cron job can be configured to run different security scripts at different times.
jfswhere can I find them'
Fernand0i understand this
Fernand0this is the reason i remembered bsd's
Fernand0let me check ;)
jfsFor example, you can check all your filesystem each day and check your open ports once an hour.
jfsTiger, even if a little out of date in some checks, has quite a flexible framework to work with.
jfsIn any case, I was talking about security in the kernel.
jfsDebian admin/users do not have to download the patches for themselves and aplly them and go through all the problems that can appear if the patch is not for the same kernel version you want to run...
jfsDebian developers are working in providing some of the kernel patches so that they can be installed easily in a given Debian system.
jfsSince Debian has a flexible way to make local kernel packages, user's just have to make use of a new package if they want functionalities like those provided by LIDS, OpenWall and SELinux (currently not available in the distribution although there are some sample packages)
jfsI read today yesterday's intersting talk regarding the Linux Security Modules
jfsso when that's ready it would be even easier to install those kernel-related changes.
jfsNot all security-related patches are yet available, but some already are (and this is also a new feature in Debian 3.0)
jfsDebian also provides tool to avoid rootkit installations (through the chkrootkit package)
jfsAny questions up to here? Does someone want to ask for more in depth information?
Fernand0all of these packages will be stable enough for woody in time ?
jfsFernand0 asks if "all of these packages will be stable enough for woody in time ?"
jfsWell, many of the packages have been tested by both maintainers and users so they should be stable enough.
jfsHowever, help by users in order to debug some bugs still lurking around is very much appreciated (developers have a limited time :))
jfsSome of them have been available in the 'testing' area for quite some time.
jfsIn any case, most of the stableness depends on the upstream sources (not debian developers)
Fernand0I found it
cronosall the packages mentioned have been available for a while
jfsFernand0, thanks, will check.
cronoswhat you are saing is that Debian is going to make debs
cronosof stuff lile tripwire and LIDS ?
jfscronos asks if I'm saying that Debian is going to make debs
cronosi don see how can you make a deb that installs LIDS
jfsNo, I'm saying that Debian already has those debs for quite some time and users have tested and used them during that time.
cronosor SELinux
jfsAlso, there is an important issue regarding software: it has to "fit in" the system. And Debian packages do fit in the system (or else they should have an important bug report)
jfscronos wonders "how can you make a deb that installs LIDS"
cronosdo debian has a  LIDS or SELinux deb?
sarnold|gas both LIDS and SELinux require kernel patches, any .deb would probably be a simple patch file, plus the associated utilities
jfswell, you do not "install LIDS".
cronos<jfs> well, you do not "install LIDS" << that is my point
sarnold|g(and associated manpages, of course :)
jfsThe deb packages that provide LIDS install the kernel patches so you can make the kernel package with lids.
cronosyou have debs for stuff liike tripwire
cronosand aide
cronosnot the others
jfsThe way that kernel packages works is that it automatically downloads/installs the appropiate kernel sources and patches it so you can have a LIDS enabled kernel
cronosThe deb packages that provide LIDS install the kernel patches so you can
cronos          make the kernel package with lids.
cronosthats more likely
jfsAll this is tested so it works flawlessly.
jfsLIDS for example (I'm checking the code right now :)
jfsalso provides a way to enable lids on system startup (creating /etc/init.d/lids and handling the SystemV rc links)
jfsHowever, Debian could (but does not currently IIRC) provide the kernels themselves already with LIDS, or Openwall or SELinux. However kernel patches are a better aproach (since you can have already a custom kernel and we don't want to break it don't we :)
jfscronos says that there are  "debs for stuff liike tripwire and aide but not the others"
jfscronos, you are right regarding LIDS I might not have explained myself correctly
cronosjfs i am impress, thanks for sharing that, i did not know trhat debian could do that
cronosjfs but at least the debian team is moving in the right direction
jfswell. Check http://packages.debian.org/samhain http://packages.debian.org/integrit
jfs(samhain is not in testing due to a grave bug not yet solved BTW)
jfsWell. I was going to talk about audits (if people feel like it :)
jfsShould I go for it?
jfsWell, even if you have a hardened system you want someway to test it.
jfsIn Debian you can currently do both black box audits and white-box audits.
jfsOne of the packages I started with in Debian, quite a lot time ago, is SATAN.
cronoshe he, there has to be silence, the channel si on +m
cronosbut yes,please go ahead : )
viXardYES !
jfsYes, granted, SATAN is quite out of date, but it's packaged for Debian (and installs like a breeze, I still remember a book about "security" saying that SATAN was difficult to install and work in Linux :)
jfscronos, well I expected answers in this channel but not all people are signed here :)
jfsIn any case Debian also provides Nessus (www.nessus.org) and up-to-date security assesment scanner with a lot of features.
jfsRenaud Deraison is doing a really good work with it (quite a number of plugins)
jfsand it does compete head to head with comercial-closed source scanners
jfsSo you can use a Debian GNU/Linux box to audit your hardened server (but don't use the same box, it's supposed to be used over the network).
jfsIf you want internal audits, you can use tiger, as I mentioned above, for security audits too.
jfsI could took also on how the Debian Security Team works too, if you like.
jfs[I was working on providing some statistics for these conference which might be interesting]
jfsWell, if there are no more questions I will talk a bit on how the security is handled by the Security Team in Debian and finish with those remarks the conference.
jfsOk. The Debian Security Team is the group in charge of handling security issues. It's a separate group so it can act quickly to resolve security issues and a security fix does not have to wait for the upstream author or debian developer to be applied.
jfsThey keep up to date with common places regarding security vulnerabilities, this means Bugtraq (and keeping up to date in Bugtraq is not an easy task)
jfsand some other "more oscure" sources :)
jfsWhen a vulnerability is found they test if Debian is vulnerable to it. If so there are two ways to proceed.
jfsFirst off, keep in mind that the Debian security team supports the "stable" distribution. The reason being that "unstable" just changes too much and that patches get there faster anyway.
jfsSo the security team first checks if the Debian stable version is vulnerable and if so produce a fix (the upstream might have made it already or it's based on a newer version and needs to be backported)
jfsWhen the fix is ready it is tested *in all* architectures.
jfs(do not forget that Debian supports more than just i386, since it currently works in six architectures IIRC). As a matter of fact Debian 3.0 will be supported in ten IIRC.
jfsWhen the tests have been made and the packages have been checked then a DSA (Debian Security Advisory) is sent out to debian-security-announce, bugtraq and other security related lists.
jfsThe packages are available for download at security.debian.org (sorry, no mirrors yet, in order to avoid trojans)
jfsSo how does one keep up to date with security fixes?
jfsThe magic line is.........
jfsdeb http://security.debian.org/ potato/updates main contrib non-free
jfs(BTW tiger also checks if you do not have your packages up to date checking against the DSAs)
jfsAlso, these security checks are moved on to "proposed-updates" area which is the packages area in Debian stable distribution for packages that are supposed to be upgraded just after an installation.
jfsThis proposed-updates area is also the one that motivates the release of "version" of a stable release. Since the unstable release might get some time to get frozen (sometimes over a year), the ISO images and package sites are updated with these. There have been up to 4 new releases of Debian 2.2 (latest stable) due to new security bugs being found before a new release is finished.
jfsAs to how much time does it take for the Security Team to produce an update that really depends on what the problem is and if a fix is easy to produce/backport.
jfsBut, in any case, many security issues are fixed in less than a week and quite a lot of them are fixed the same day that the information is posted at Bugtraq
jfs[I was preparing a graphic regarding this but it's difficult to aggregate information from the DSAs and Bugtrags database, that is, it's not easy to automate it, but will post the results somewhere when I'm done]
jfsOh, and I forgot to say it. All the security fixes (DSAs) are digitally signed with the key of one of the members of the Security Team.
jfsDebian does have the ability to sign packages and check signatures upon download but we're not quite there yet (but check the debsigs package in woody :)
jfsWell, I guess that's more or less all I was thinking on talking about.
sarnold|gdid they finally get the OK from a lawyer type that putting crypto into main is acceptable?
jfsummm... yes... but the september 11th issues might have changed the environment a bit..
jfsAnd I hope I have given an overview (even if not too in-depth) regardin Debian GNU/linux security.
jfsIn any case it's time for questions now. So it's your turn to talk :)
jfsFirst one:
jfssarnoldlg asks "did they finally get the OK from a lawyer type that putting crypto into main is acceptable?"
jfsAnswer: since the law regarding cryptography export did change this year Debian could move crypto into main.
jfs*However* due to the tragedy of sept 11th it is not clear if there will be a US drawback regarding this issue (there have been quite some movements in the Congress)
c0rEden donde
jfsSo, Debian woody will *not* have crypto in main for the moment. It would be a shame to do all the changes needed to the infrastructure for this
jfsand then change it back again (probably after woody is released) when the law restricts again that kind of exportation.
danic0rEd: #redes
jfs[that's not an official standpoint, is my point of view]
c0rEdviZard veo logs despues tengo que salir ahora
c0rEdviZard nos vemos
jfsMore questions? (don't worry if they are in Spanish, I will translate them...)
cronosjfs thanks, it think this was one of the best so far
viZardplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesplas plas plas
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viZardplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
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MJesplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
peter111plas pals plas plkas plas plas plas plas plas plas
peter111plas pals plas plkas plas plas plas plas plas plas
sarnold|gthank you jfs :)
MJesplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
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MJesplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
peter111BRAVO¡ BRAVO¡
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MJesplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZardplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas (se supone que son aplausos)
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MJesplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZardplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZardplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZardGracias jfs XD
jfsyou are all welcome.
peter111plasd plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
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peter111plasd plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
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peter111plasd plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
peter111plasd plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
jfsAre there any questions? Any takers?
MJesplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesand also for translators!
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MJesplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
cronosa bit?
cronosi think a lot
jfsVenga, seguro que alguno tiene alguna pregunta, u os habeis enterado de todo?
MJesa little!
dardhaljfs: ¿ la política de seguridad de Debian no habla acerca de "minmun knowledge" ?
cronosjfs yo tenia una pregunta pero es de el metodo de desconeccion de TCP
dardhaljfs: es con respecto a los permisos de, por ejemplo, /etc/security/*
cronosjfs quisieras oirla?
jfsdardhal asks "doesnt' debian policy talk about minimum knowledge?"
jfscronos, no se si podré contestarla :)
jfsdardhal, yes.
cronosjfs quisas lo dejamos para otro momento, grx
jfsdardhal, The Debian filesystem is setup in a "hardened" way.
dardhaljfs: I was wondering about world-readable files under this directory
jfs(or at least tries to)
jfsdardhal, in any case, there is quite a number of things that need to be set according to your own security policy.
dardhalWouldn't it be more secure to "hide" those files from everyone but root (knowing what it is on the files could easy an attck, directing it to some accounts, at some times, etc) ?
jfsIn the case of /etc/security I'm not really sure why are they world readable (do not know if something would break if they were not)
jfsYou might be right here, I will have to check that.
jfsBut, in any case, sensible information *is* protected in Debian.
dardhaljfs: Ok, thanks (check Debian bug #96565)
ToniSBpero en cualquier caso, la informacion sensible *esta* protegida en debian
ToniSBperdon ;)
HoraPeToniSB: s/sensible/sensitiva/
jfsProblem is that in some sites there might be more sensible information that needs to be protected in diffferent ways that in other sites.
zeroggood evening
jfsFor example, some sites might have a security policy that says "no user will know which other users are available in the machine (or using it)"
jfsObviously, in order to setup your policy you have to "tune" your system, and Debian cannot expect to be tuned to all the possible environments.
cronosjfs el directorio es drwxr-xr-x, pero ficheros como group.conf y pam_env.conf son -rw-r--r--
cronosno es solo Debian
dardhalIt is clear that every site has different security requirements, but I thought that "minimun knowledge" was a Good Thing (TM)
jfsIn any case, that's a good question, and I will take a look at it (reading bug 96565 maybe the policy needs to be fixed)
jfsMore questions?
cronosTransendental Meditation ?
cronos<jfs> More questions? <, yes, one request, please join us more often
jfsWell, its the second time in a row...
MJesusyes !!! you are right cronos !
cronosen serio
jfs(second year I am at UMEET :)
cronoscolegas, yo me tengo que ir a cortar le~a
zerogau revoir
MJesusplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
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MJesusplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
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viZardplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZardplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZardplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
jfsthanks all for attending.
dardhaljfs: great job Javier, nice to see you again :)
MJesusplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
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peter111plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas pklas plas plas plas plas
peter111plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas pklas plas plas plas plas
MJesusplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas s plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesusplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas s plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
kikovse dardhal...
dardhalkikov: buenas noches
jfsbuenas noches :)
peter111plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plass plaS PLAS PLAS pals plas plaa plas plas plas p,as plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
peter111plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plass plaS PLAS PLAS pals plas plaa plas plas plas p,as plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
peter111plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plass plaS PLAS PLAS pals plas plaa plas plas plas p,as plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
Elizsaludos a todos!
Elizsaludos a todos!
viZarden algunos 40 minutos la conferencia titulada Aplicaciones en KDE
viZarddictada por Antonio Larrosa
viZardno se lo pierdan
viZardasi aprovecho y le rega~o ya que tengo dos dias instalando KDE2.2.2
zerogque flojo
viZardmas tarde (muy tarde para europa) la conferencia titulada "Comercio Electronico" dictada por Daniel Yucra
viZardes el Qt
zerogun rpm y no lo puedes instalar?
viZardlleva mucho compilando
zerogcompilalo en casa
viZardprestame tu maquinita ;)
zerogahi ta, nadie le hace caso
zerogyo prefiero gnome
zerogese kde tra mas vainas que barco de ilegales
viZardes para la gente de mi casa, a ver si aprenden
pekesanyo ni uno ni otro
viZardhombre, si es para mi mama !
zerogbueh, pekesan en mi freebsd solo tengo consola
zerogque ya de grafiquitos tamos hartos
zeroglos dos OS mejor diseniados son el QNX y el BeOS
zerogverdadera belleza y buen gusto
zerogpara tu madre?
zerogno seas criminal
zerogme refiero al interface gui de ambos os's
zerogel xp parece un juego de video : )
viZardse fue la luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuz/
zerogque pais este virgen de la altagracia
pekesanbueno...mi xfce no esta mal...lo he dejao mu bonito
pekesanel xp ni lo konozko ni pienso
zeroguh  que silencio
pekesanlos demas estan bien si
pekesanlos dos el qnx y el beos
zerogpero conoces el QNX?
zerogbonitos y eficientesw
pekesande vista
pekesanno he trabajado kon el
pekesanpero he visto escritorios
zeroglo malo del qnx es que no es smp
zerogy el beos lo compro la palm
pekesaneso es bastante malo
zerogasi que no se sabe que ira a pasar
zerogya casi me muero con la compra y  venta del procesador alpha
zerog1pos yo casi me muero con la venta del alpha
zerog1lo que significo su muerte
zerog1para mi, el mejor procesador ever built, y que me excuse el aleman de ayer con su mips
pekesanyo es ke alphas no los he visto ni en photo
pekesanyo estuide mips
pekesanme diverti bastante estudiando teoria sobre MIPS
zerog1lo que pasa e s que alpha era una empresa independiente

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