Logo Umeet2001








rielfor questions and answers, you can go to #qc
rielremember that during the lecture, you can always ask questions in #qc
* leonardop is back (gone 00:33:36)
rielif you have any questions, you can ask them at any time during or after the lecture, in the #qc channel
FloodeRQuestion to riel: Don't you think that it be a little dangerous to "play" with stable kernel series?
rielFloodeR: ok, I'll answer that one ;)
FloodeRThanks :)
JALHlike changing the vm...
hensemariel: just for reference, what kernel was current in juli 2001? 2.4.9?
HoraPe(to be answered in #qc, what's UML?)
rielcould you cut'n'paste on #qc what the last line was you got from me ?
hensemaUser Mode Linux
sarnolduml == user mode linux .. run linux on top of linus as a user process
rielbah, server problems it seems ;(
HoraPeriel, "the extra..."
Ap<riel> the extra stability and new features meant that many kernel developers started switching to Alan's kernel and making patches for Alan's kernel
dabeejthe extra stability and new features meant that many kernel developers started switching to Alan's kernel and making patches for Alan's kernel
rielHoraPe,Ap: ok, thanks
dabeejhey riel, continue
HoraPeok, i didn't get the acronym :-)
andersHoraPe: http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/
Bugblueriel:we miss a much....
onkiBugblue: don't worry, I'm running a log
* Bugblue is doing the same
* Bugblue just did /ignore *!*@* (joins,modes,parts,quits)
onkiriel, we have seen rumours about two vm's (on the kernel list it was suggested a.f.a.i.k) would that be a good idea in your opinion?
Bugbluethat should look a bit better
Bugblue*it was a hint*
onkimaybe a little advanced (my question)
rielonki: I'll try to answer that question ;)
onkik, thnx
HoraPeBugblue, tnx
BugblueHoraPe: smodes is also a good idea
bernardoalguién sabe el nombre de algún software serio para componer musica
hensemabernardo: english please
viZardbernardo, canal de preguntas para #umeet
seteporiel: what is happening with XFS? XFS will be added in 2.5?
HoraPehensema, not needed to write in english...
HoraPeriel reads (more or less) spanish and portuguese
hensemaYeah, but not all people on this channel do and questions are copied to #linux by riel...
Bugbluein Xchat users can click on the conference button (the [c] right beside the inputline where you type text) just choose #linux and click on this button. It will automatically ignore everything that is not normal text
rielwell, this is the first half of this lecture, if you have questions about what happened in 2.4 last year, please ask them in #qc
IkarusBugblue: it will show mode and nick changes
viZardhe's gone, see ?
HoraPehensema, when riel answers you can understand the answer... it's something :-)
BugblueIkarus: it will not show joins, parts and quits...
IkarusBugblue: correct
dabeeji have question!
dabeejthe vm you had in earlier releases of 2.4
t00R__viZard =)
thobias_riel: what do you think about most distributions start using Alan's kernel
hensemariel: lots of people tend to be unhappy about the critical bugs in released kernels, like 2.4.11 and 2.4.15. Do you think anything can be done in order to prevent such bad releases?
dabeejwhich release would you call your best
wolriel: I've followed the 2.4 development and I'm nervous that critical bugfixes seem never to get integrated.  Do you think this will change now Marcelo is in charge?
ArmyBugblue : when 'll they be online?
coxriel: the bugs you are talking about do affect "normal" servers?
viZardpeter111, shhh
dabeejand would you continue working on your vm in future
manahariel what are the major differences between yours and marcelo VM (i've had no time to look at marcelo VM :(  )
* fluxie is away. idle for 30m (time: 01:35pm)
Armymanaha : its Andrea VM not Marcelo's
velcoArmy: it's Marcelo's now ;)
t00R__riel: has the vm from AA been tested publicly ? (mjesus asks this)
Armyvelco : owkee velco scores one point :)
Folkenthat was like invoking a spirit...
dabeejmarcelo isnt around riel
rielseems like it ;(
Folken"if you're here knock 3 times"
dabeejriel: im gonna go sit in "the channel"
wolriel: (for instance: the periodic complaints about not being able to tell how Andrea's VM works, and recently it was said that this was because doc patches are discarded.)
dabeeji got someone logging for me
dabeejgood job so far
viZardriel: somebody asks me, what's a VM?
wolviZard: virtual memory subsystem.
sarnoldvirtual memory system .. it handles running more programs at once than can fit in memory
peter111riel: yo quiero aprender a cambiarme la Ip ¿tienes algun programa?
peter111traducelo ahi viZard
t00R__peter111: ifconfig ;-)
Folkenriel , and what about the -rc proposed in LKML?
peter111 ifconfig ·· comando desconocido
fernand0peter callese, por favor
Armyriel : how is the janitor-project doing?
viZardpeter111: ahora estamos en medio de una conferencia, dejalo para despues, si?
onkiriel, additional question to hensema's question, is there some sort of list kernal hackers are using to test a new release?
coxa kernel QA team is being needed :)
Folkenriel , but that give us the other problem discussed, no one will test -rc's
* hensema will
* Army will also when he has time
Rawsocki've been testing since 2.4.0 and got no prob
dmcThe main thing is to have -preX kernels that are guaranteed not to have new features before they become a release...
Rawsockbut can't test too well
velcovelco is now known as Lorette
wolMight it make more sense (at least in 2.<odd> series) to give up on -pre and just keep incrementing the SUBLEVEL?
rielwol: maybe
AdamKA myriad of different release naming schemes has been discussed nearly to death on LKML
sarnoldthere are only 255 sublevels to play with in odd series (at least, as currently implemented..) .. using -pre allows more than 255 kernelseasily :)
AdamKAnyone whos interested, feel free to check an archive
Armywol : you meen something like and
JALHthat's what zealos uses :>
HoraPeit's a port of linux to linux or to posix?
wol*shrug* I come from a universe where test releases are called "20010407 snapshot" and we spend _months_ testing each point release, so the kernel versioning system has never really worked for me.
velcoHoraPe: to linux
HoraPeie, can i run uml in a bsd (or nt) ?
JALHI believe it runs on bsd
velcoHoraPe: has linux specific ptrace calls
JALHnot sure about nt
JaLit's a linux-kernel patch
wolArmy: no, just 2.4.17, 2.4.18, 2.4.19, ... keep bumping the smallest number until it works.
velcoHoraPe: it could be _ported_ though
JALHHoraPe, talk to jdike on #kernelnewbies on irc.openprojects.net
JaeWill UML be added to the linux source tree?
JALHit was in the -ac ones
Bugblueriel: what are the advantages instead of using 'chroot' or in HP-linux so called: 'compartments' ?
drethis isn't like tue impletation of compaq on his tru64 that can run several o.s. at the same time ??
Bugblueriel: and could't we do it already with vmware (and others like that?)
dre(the uml )
onkiriel, if you would provide a 'kernel instance' with UML would the admin still have control or would the user have to much freedom?
Jaeriel: will UML be added to 2.5 ?
kroksbut you have ulimit for preventing that kind of starving resources
hensemaJae: like he said: he cannot look into the future
lennertriel: jeff dike said at LK2001 he would submit uml for 2.5 any day now
* hensema counts on UML being added, though ;-)
JALHhey lennert!
* Bugblue bets hensema for a bbq-beer
Armykroks: ulimit is nothing compared with prm
lennerthey JALH
Armykroks : prm gives you more control about what every one is allowed todo
coxriel: what about the security provided by the NSA Linux distrib compared to UML?
FloodeRriel: The process of generate uml virtual enviroments, can starve the machine, or while you don't use it they are stoped? Imagine a university machine
ArmyFloodeR : prm is taking care of that
lennertrunning >5 umls on a moderate box will noticably slow it down
kroksArmy: i dont know anything about prm, thank you for telling me about it
lennert(because of the uml timer tick)
Folkenlennert , moderate box being what?
lennertFolken: pentium iii 800 or so
FloodeRI'm thinking in at least 50 umls
Folkenlennert , not so bad...
lennertwe need a tickless kernel.. :)
Armykroks: with prm the kernel can limit things, hopefully will it make 2.5
TJhey congratz for conference its very interesting
lennertas it is, idle uml's take up too much resources
Sorvinriel : meaning, Inter-Mezzo is just .. well.. Offline Files for linux .. ? :)
Bugbluewe need a IBM Z-series mainframe.... what can run about 40.000 concurent linux instances
Bugbluewithout any problem except the money
velcothe overhead that uml instroduces is mostly due to the redirection of system calls, besides system calls slowdown all the rest works the same way, with the same speed.
Joselito1who is -rc
MCArkanriel: won't intermezzo takes too much network resources if it duplicates files ?
ArmyBugblue : money? just order it :)
* JALH hands riel cvs :-)
ArmyBugblue : just say you want to see the machine running before you buy :)
cdubJoselito1, -rc means release candidate
Rawsockum JALH
sarnoldjoselito1: -rc == release candidate
HoraPewhat happens when both the laptop and the server have modified the same file?
BugblueArmy: I did and they wanted to put a test machine here (for a month)
RawsockIntermezzo is a transparent filesystem layer i suppose
Rawsocklika a HURD translator i suppose
ArmyBugblue : when can I come for a visit? :)
lennertHoraPe: intermezzo doesn't deal with that yet
Rawsock( doh, said that word again )
HoraPewhat does it does when that happens? croaks?
lennertRawsock: yes, but does need some per-filesystem support code
lennertintermezzo uses either an own algorithm, or the rsync protocol (librsync)
lennert(for replication)
lennertreplcation changes are tracked by keeping a KML, kernel modification log
JALHLeenooks S&M!
lennertthis is a sort-of journal of modifications, but it's not circularly rewritten.
lennertit's more akin to db-style archive logging
JALHit uses a luser-space lib?
Rawsockum sweet
lennertJALH: it consists of two components, presto and lento
lennertJALH: presto is the kernel part, lento the userspace part
lennertJALH: lento takes care of forwarding changes
lennertJALH: lento is, incidentally, written in perl
Rawsock:) andante ma non troppo
* JALH takes a look :)
IkarusIn PERL, sick
Sorvinriel : will it replace PAM ?
onkiriel: could you explain the difference between iptables and LSM? is LSM arranging security on the user part?
mulixsorvin, it's a userspace component
mulixpam is userspace, lsm is kernel space
peterme voy...
Sorvini know, but will it make PAM unneeded ?
peterchao a todos por aqui!!!!!
mulixnot likely
mulixbecause some things are better checked in userspace
mulixand some are better checked in kernel space
Sorvini see.
Sorvinthanks :)
mulixsure, dont mention it :)
cdubriel, sarnold: NSA (SELinux), standard POSIX.1e capabilities ;-)
Armyriel: do you know if anything from example openwall or lids are going to be included in 2.5?
FolkenSELinux bd included...
cdubiptables, is just network, LSM, uses iptables for some of the network hooks
cdubsorry, netfilter
onkicdub: thnx
coxdid the NSA create the LSM?
onkinetfilter indeed
sarnold<cox> did the NSA create the LSM?
Sorvinmulix : does that mean that all the security checks that are being done when open() is called, will be simply a list of LSM modules to be invoked ?
cdubNSA presented to 2.5 kernel summit.
rapidriel : code on linux kernel is a mess... its planed to fix
cdubbut LSM is a combined effort of NSA and many others
Rawsockhum .. Loading magiclantern.o ?
rapidthings around? move funcions etc..?
mulixSorvin, i'm not sure about the lsm architecture
mulixif it's a series of modules, or a series of hooks or what
mulixperhaphs some of the developers could tell you, or just check out the source :)
kroksdoes LSM  means that when you make a program you dont have to care about security?
* hensema laughs
Folken'use the source Luke!' (TM)
mulixthat's *always* the right answer, folken :)
onkikroks, that would be cool :)
MCArkanhow reliable can the NSA members be ?
mulixsarnold, than how is it implemented?
Folkenyeh :)
cdubkroks, no, in fact, you may want to make your app _aware_ of the new security features in the kernel module
cdubbut, you can also use an LSM to confine code that you are unsure of.
sarnold<mulix> sarnold, than how is it implemented?
mulixsarnold, while we are at it, will lsm allow hijacking system calls?
Sorvinsarnold : of course not. but im asking this if developers could "plug-in" security checks of their own easily when open() is called
cdubor check http://lsm.bkbits.net ;-)
krokscdub: ok, but ive read that if you want to open a file in a secure way, you have to do more thinks that only call open(). will LSM implement that kind of security matters?
mulixok, sarnold, thanks very much.
sarnold<cdub> or check http://lsm.bkbits.net ;-)
kiwnixcan LSM do kernel stack protections?
kiwnixas solaris do
hensemasarnold: can LSM be used to RAISE permissions, instead of denying access to certain resources?
cdubheheh, hesema, yes, but not at the same granularity as denying.
sarnoldsince we don't need the lecture to last forever, and it is supposed to be *riel's* lecture, I'll hang out in #lsm-dev on irc.openprojects.net to answer more questions :)
rielsarnold: if you want to, maybe we could even schedule an LSM lecture somewhere in the next 2 weeks? ;0
dreim0nsarnold:  we can make a second lecture on this net if you want
zuezspeaking of filesystems, are you folks planing something like growfs for ext2 partitions?
seteporiel: XFS will be added in 2.5?
HoraPeriel, bsd people use something called softupdates, supposed to be a more rational way of ordering writes that has lot of the journaled fs without being so complex, will linux get some fs like that?
wolrelated, there's the buffer cache and the page cache, what is the difference? it seems like the buffer cache is slowly going away?
zuezyeah, i´d also like to point out that small difference :)
lennertcorrection, andreas dilger wrote the ext2 online resize patch (for ext2resize, ext2resize.sf.net)
lennertted t'so is currently figuring out another way of doing online resizing without needing an offline prepare stage first
lennerthe wrote something about this in the LK2001 proceedings
velcoHoraPe: with softupdates you may lose blocks, so have to run fsck sometimes, OTOH jornalled filesystems suffer from seeking to the journal (if it's on the same plate)
zuezor, you loose files that are cached.
lennertthere are still recovery situations that softupdates doesn't deal with, that's why newer solaris has a logufs
lennertphase trees are awfully identical to 'shadow paging' as described f.e. in 'transaction processing' by Gray and Reuter (1970-something)
ninjaljwhat happened with the patent claim against Phillips?
lennertGray basically concluded that shadow paging in system R was a failure
HoraPewhy that conclusion?
lennertHoraPe: fragmentation
lennertninjalj: patent claim?  from netapp?
vitucoriel: Could you tell us about the Networking code in 2.5.x later? Will it change again?
lennertTransaction Processing : Concepts and Techniques (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems), by Jim Gray, Andreas Reuter
dreim0nhummm one aobut this phase if changes are done with a veryu little tiem in a file like the oracle.db  that is a large file this can mean that you are working with an out-of-phase db ?
lennert<riel> the filesystem can simply let 10 fsync()s complete on the same phase change
lennertyou can do the same with journalling, it's called batch commit or group commit
lennertbad for latency, but really good for performance
lennertfrom what i've read about WAFL, it's just another implementation of shadow paging
viZardriel: is or will be LIDS merged with 2.4 or 2.5 kernel ?
sarnoldviZard -- no; one of the reasons why Linus proposed LSM is to avoid questions like this. :) The LIDS people have said they plan on porting LIDS to use LSM in the future, when they have omre free time
cdubviZard likely LIDS will be ported to LSM
MCArkanriel: what's the difference with intermezzo ?
HoraPehow is the hardware thing done?
coxhow you can share the same disks between multiple boxes?
dmcor any SAN.
zuezstorage area network?
dreim0nwe use fier channel in a little network of 30 compiuters it seem enough
dreim0nthe sotarge an hsg80 of sun with 19teras
FloodeRriel: What's about stability of opengfs? For production machines?
rielFloodeR: not quite there yet, but getting better fast
FloodeROk, thanks
dreim0nin what machines is ready to run ?? only  linux boxes ??
ninjaljFlooder, both intermezzo and opengfs are marked experimental right now
zuezhow do you prevent us the Systems Administrators with Linux from tuning cahce sizes and stuff?
zuezthing you don´t really need to worry about iwth fbsd.
zuezindeed, riel, m.m is good with fbsd.
zuezyou can bot with 4Gb of RAM
zuezit should cause a panic tho
zuez19990604-CURRENT has a fix for it, afaik.
wolyou say this will happen outside the main kernel, but will it be intended to go back at some point, or will it remain a separate patch forever?
rielI guess this lecture has gone on for too long already ... if you have questions you can answer them in #qc
onkiriel, this raises a lot of questions for me, be prepared to answer them within the next week :) thanx for the lecture, it was good
hensemariel: thank you for the informative lecture.
dmcriel: thanks.  Great talk.
MCArkanriel: thanks
mulixthanks, riel, it was very interesting

Mas información: umeet@uninet.edu