Logo Umeet2001








IRC log started Mon Dec 3 14:51
IRC log started Mon Dec 3 14:51
fernand05 minutes and we will start
MJesussi alquien quiere ayudar a traducir a español, por favor, que entre en #redes
JALHMJesus, and in englitch?
rielfernand0: ok, lets wait a few minutes for people who had problems connecting
sarnold#linux +m ?
rielsarnold: soon ;)
MJesusjalh, here we speak  english, in #redes spanis, in #media maori, in #seti arabic, in #jornada portunhol, in #media gaelic, etc   ¶:Þ
velcoMJesus: #media ?
JALHI can't speak spanish tho ;(
MJesusindeed, we can smile in all idiomatic version!
HoraPevelco, it was a joke...
velcoHoraPe: got that much ;)
MJesusmoari, from  New Zealand (kia ora=hi)
fernand0kr ?
rielok, the channel is now moderated
rielif I think it's an interesting thing to talk about, I'll put it into my lecture right here
* riel likes improvising ;)
fernand0Dear friends,
fernand0we are going to start
fernand0we should start this meeting giving thanks.
fernand0First of all, giving thanks to all the people who registered for the
fernand0conference, and the people who are going to give lectures here.
fernand0Of course, an event like this, would not be possible without the
fernand0collaboration of many people, that worked hard in order to organize all the
fernand0Thanks also to all of them
fernand0Last year UMeet begun as an adventure: to try to join people here to talk
fernand0about different aspects of Unix
fernand0 We got impressed: many people collaborated
fernand0and helped to construct this, and asked nothing for this collaboration.
fernand0Our hope is that this year meeting will be, at least, as good as the last
fernand0year one.
fernand0One of the persons who offered his collaboration last year was Mr. Riel.
fernand0It is our pleasure to present you today Rik van Riel, one year (and some
fernand0days) later.
fernand0All of you undoubtely have heared about him. Just in case...
fernand0et us remember that he is a  kernel hacker working for Conectiva, in Brazil.
fernand0He is going to give here today a Kernel Surprise Lecture.
fernand0Mr. Riel ...
JALH*clap* *clap*
rielwell, since this is the opening lecture of Umeet 2001, I'll be giving a lecture in the tradition of all keynote lectures
riela somewhat high-level overview of a particular topic, with some short technical excursions into the matter
rielmy "slides" are available on http://surriel.com/lectures/umeet2001.html
rielyou don't really need them with this lectur, but it could be nice to look at
rielok ;)
rielI will start this lecture with an overview of what happened with the 2.4 kernel in the last year
rielabout one and a half year ago, kernel 2.4.0-test1 was released
rielthe idea behind this release was that many people would test the kernel and report bugs to the kernel hackers
rielso the bugs could be fixed before kernel 2.4.0 was released
rielso much for theory
rielin practice ...
riel... almost nobody tested kernel 2.4, before 2.4.1
rielso most major bugs got discovered after 2.4.0 was released
rielin fact, the first few months of the 2.4 kernel was a period of mainly bug fixing, on a kernel not much more stable than a development kernel ;)
rielbut it was lots of fun, people discovering bugs and getting them fixed within a few weeks
rielonly around kernel 2.4.3 or 2.4.4 were we starting to run into the harder-to-fix bugs, where it took considerable effort and thinking to analyse and fix bugs
rielluckily Usenix and OSDN were organising a nice event in San Jose this march
rielthe 2.5 kernel summit
rielat this event many kernel hackers got together, not just to talk about the 2.5 kernel (as was planned), but also about problems in 2.4 and how to fix them
rieland, in a stroke of luck, Red Hat decided to fly its kernel hackers to the US a week earlier
riel.. and lock them into the office in North Carolina, with enough coffee and food for a week
rielthis resulted in a lot of harder to find bugs in the core kernel getting found
rielsome of them even got fixed in that week, while others got discussed at the 2.5 kernel summit
rielthis means that the event which was supposed to be about 2.5 has also helped 2.4 a lot  ;)
rielok, a quick question:  <FloodeR> Question to riel: Don't you think that it be a little dangerous to "play" with stable kernel series?
rielwell, FloodeR has posed a good question here
rieland he is right, once a stable kernel really is stable, we probably should not play with it
rielbut one of the big problems was that 2.4 did not really get tested until about 9 months _after_ 2.4.0-test1 was released
rielso many of the bugs, which happen only on special workloads on huge servers, simply not found, not even by the stress tests some kernel hackers run
rielin order to fix these bugs, some playing around had to be done
rielok ........
rieljuly 2001 was another strange point for kernel development
rielfor some reason, Linus seems to have gotten very busy around that time
rielrumours are it has something to do with the fact that he has 3 children, a wife, a full-time job doing hardware things at Transmeta _and_ is trying to run Linux kernel development at the same time
rieljust imagine doing the linux kernel as a hobby ;)))
rielanyway, because of this, a lot of patches simply didn't get into Linus his kernel
rielAlan Cox, on the other hand, had integrated enough bug fixes by now that his kernel was getting relatively stable
rielstable enough to integrate things like big architecture upgrades (S390, PPC, ..) and integrate new code such as UML and ext3
rielthe extra stability and new features meant that many kernel developers started switching to Alan's kernel and making patches for Alan's kernel
rielouch, I'm getting a few --- #linux :Cannot send to channel
MJesus[22:26] <hensema> riel: just for reference, what kernel was current in juli 2001? 2.4.9?
rielok, it seems most people get everything allright
rielhensema: in juli, we were around 2.4.7, IIRC
rielwell, since many developers were running Alan's kernel around that time and the difference between the kernels by Linus and Alan got larger, some patches being sent to the mailing lists did not even apply to Linus his kernel
rieland both kernels started forking away from each other
rielthis got worse in august
rielaround this time, Alan's 2.4.9-ac kernel got stable enough to survive pretty heavy stress tests on big servers
rielwhile Linus started integrating use-once and other experimental features into his VM
rielaround this time, almost all distributions were using Alan's kernel as the basis for their kernel RPM
rielalso, even more patches only worked on Alan his kernel, making it even harder to get both kernel trees in sync
rielin september it got to the point where Linus gave up on the VM in his tree and switched to a new VM by Andrea Arcangeli
rielafter which it took until around 2.4.14 to get that new VM stable  (which is quite fast for a VM subsystem, btw)
rielwell, a question  <onki> riel, we have seen rumours about two vm's (on the kernel list it was suggested a.f.a.i.k) would that be a good idea in your opinion?
rielafter last weekend's thread about natural selection vs. design in kernel development, and also after having my VM and Andrea's VM compete for a month or so, I think it's good to have competition    ;)
rielbut having 2 VMs in the kernel at the same time is just too much overhead to be worth it, in my opinion
rielif somebody can write a VM, that person should have no problem generating a patch people can apply ;)
rielwell, moving on with last year's kernel news ... Linus got his kernel really stable around 2.4.14
rieland fixed the last bugs in 2.4.15  (urhmmm, hummm, well, almost)
rielso 2.4.15 got forked to 2.5.0 and the 2.4 tree was handed over to Marcelo Tosatti
rielnote that a LOT of bug fixes and updates have not yet been merged in 2.4, so I guess marcelo will be buried alive in patches for several weeks to come
rieland he will have the difficult task of trying to integrate critical patches and updates, while at the same time keeping the kernel stable
rielI'm sure marcelo will be able to handle this, though ... marcelo is a pretty careful and conservative maintainer by nature ;)
rielok, if there are no questions on 2.4, I'll go on with the second half of my lecture
rielok, it seems we have somebody with a question  ...  lets wait a bit for the 2.4 questions to be asked ;)
riel<wol> riel: I've followed the 2.4 development and I'm nervous that critical bugfixes seem never to get integrated.  Do you think this will change now Marcelo is in charge?
rielok, I sit next to marcelo at the office, so this is an easy question ;)
rielthen again, maybe marcelo could answer this one ?
rielmarcelo, are you around ? ;)
rielok, no marcelo ;(  I'll try to answer this one ;)
rielwell, I've heard from marcelo that he has a large list of patches waiting to be integrated
rielupdates frome the PARISC, HPPA and PPC people
rieland a lot of other bugfixes and updates coming directly from the maintainers of various subsystems
riel<hensema> riel: lots of people tend to be unhappy about the critical bugs in released kernels, like 2.4.11 and 2.4.15. Do you think anything can be done in order to prevent such bad releases?
rielhensema: ok, I think this is a very hard problem
rielthe main problem here is that bugs need to be discovered before they can be fixed
rielbut in order to have bugs discovered, people need to be able to download and run the kernel
rielso this is some sort of chicken-and-egg problem ;/
rielon the other hand, now that 2.5 is forked and 2.4 development can slow down a bit, I think the number of critical bugs will get a lot less
riel<dabeej> the vm you had in earlier releases of 2.4  <dabeej> which release would you call your best ?
rieldabeej: that would be 2.4.13-ac7  ;))
rieldabeej: once the VM got stable in 2.4.9-ac, I still had a lot of work to do making it quick ... and even 2.4.13-ac7 is still missing some of my patches ;)
rielok, two related questions
riel<Folken> riel , and what about the -rc proposed in LKML?
riel<onki> riel, additional question to hensema's question, is there some sort of list kernal hackers are using to test a new release?
rielwell, if marcelo will use the -rc scheme I don't know, but I think it could be a nice way to attract more testers to the kernel
rielwhich would be a good way to find bugs _before_ the "final" release is out
rielonki: the mailing list would be linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org, which is _the_ place to send any kernel bug reports
rielbug reports are always welcome, especially if they prevent other people from running into a bug
rielok, a clarification of -rc
rielbetween eg. 2.4.16 and 2.4.17, there will be various kernels
rielthe first test kernel will be 2.4.17-pre1, which includes new things
riel2.4.17-pre2 would include more new things
rielafter some time, there are enough new things for one release, and it would be time to release 2.4.17 final
rielbut, how do we know the things in 2.4.17-pre<last> work ?
rielthe -rc idea is to release a 2.4.17-rc1 kernel, the first Release Candidate
rielat this point, the quality should be the same as normal final releases
rieland the idea is that people will test them, and inform the kernel hackers if some bug is left
rielif a bug gets found, it is fixed and a 2.4.17-rc2 is released, with the bugfix as _only_ change
rielif that kernel stays stable and no new complaints come in for some days, a final 2.4.17 kernel gets released
rielthis should prevent the embarassing bugs we've seen in earlier 2.4 kernels ...
riel... but the problem is, this only works if people test the -rc kernels ;)
rielif people do not test the -rc releases, the bugs still will not be found until the final version ;)
riel================== end 2.4 ... on to 2.5 =====
rieltime to go on with the second part of my lecture
riela lot of people want to know what is going to happen in the 2.5 kernel
rielwell, I have some bad news for those people
rielI cannot look into the future ;)
rielalso, no real plans are made for the long term future of Linux, so nobody really knows what will go into the 2.5 kernel
rielbut what I can do is give an overview of some interesting projects which are going on, some of which will maybe get into the 2.5 kernel
rielthe first two projects I'm discussing have already been in the 2.4 kernel for a while, or are still in ;)
rielbut they're still pretty new
rielthe first is UML, or User Mode Linux
rielthis is an architecture, just like Linux for PPC, Linux for S390, Linux for m68k, etc...
rielbut the difference is that this is a port of Linux ... to Linux
rielnow you may wonder to yourself:  "if I have Linux, why would I need Linux?   I'm already running it"
rielwell, good question indeed
rielthe answer is that User Mode Linux was mainly done because it could be done and because Jeff wanted to do it ;)
rielbut interestingly, since the early implementations people have found some legitimate applications for this beast
rielfor one, you can run multiple "linux virtual machines" on one piece of hardware
rielthis allows you to completely separate the people using a machine from the web server program
rielor to separate individual users from each other
rielthis can increase security and fairness on a box
rielanother implementation is testing new kernel versions, so when you have only 1 machine, you can run UML to test a kernel before corrupting your real root filesystem when rebooting 2.4.15 ;)
riel<Bugblue> riel: what are the advantages instead of using 'chroot' or in HP-linux so called: 'compartments' ?
rielBugblue: when you do chroot(), it is still possible to do things like sending signals to other processes ..
riel.. or forking 100 infinite loops to starve the CPU and slow down other processes
rielwith UML your virtual machine will not get more resources than allowed, and you will not be able to slow down other virtual machines too much
riel<Jae> riel: will UML be added to 2.5 ?
rielJae: I think it will ;)
riel<onki> riel, if you would provide a 'kernel instance' with UML would the admin still have control or would the user have to much freedom?
rielonki: at the moment, UML is not completely secure yet, but I think that in the future it will be possible to give even hostile users root in their own virtual machine without any danger
riel<kroks> but you have ulimit for preventing that kind of starving resources
rielkroks: there are two problems with ulimit
rielfirst, most ulimits are per PROCESS, so one user can simply start 100 processes and still eat all resources
rielsecondly, ulimit doesn't fix the security problem that a user can see other processes or try to influence them
riel=====> time for the next project ;)
rielanother new project, which is in 2.4 already, is Inter-Mezzo
rielIntermezzo is a fun project by Peter Braam
rielit is a distributed, replicated filesystem
rielwe are all familiar with NFS, where you can see files over the network and use them like normal files
rielbut this has a number of problems
rielif the server crashes, or you move your laptop to a conference (away from the server) you can no longer see your files
rielsecondly, NFS over the internet is very slow and insecure ;)
rielinter-mezzo takes a different approach
rielfiles get -replicated-, each machine gets a copy
rieland when an update is made, it is stored on the local disk and sent to the server
rielthis means that when you travel, you can still access the files on your laptop
rieland when you get back to the network, it will send the changes you made to the server
riel<Sorvin> riel : meaning, Inter-Mezzo is just .. well.. Offline Files for linux .. ? :)
rielSorvin: well, that depends on which meaning for "offline files" you take, it has been (ab)used for at least 5 different things over the years ;)))
rielanother fun use of inter-mezzo would be in web serving
rielif your web site is so busy that one server can not handle the load, you could mount the files over NFS and serve them from 2 servers
rielbut this means you'll need 3 servers to do the work of 2 ;)
rielalso, if the nfs server goes down, you're bust
rielanother option would be a set of scary rsync scripts, with all the problems of bugs and out-of-sync pages
rielinter-mezzo would make things easy, just upload your new web content to one of the servers and the other gets it automatically
rieland if one server crashes, you're still online
riel<MCArkan> riel: won't intermezzo takes too much network resources if it duplicates files ?
rielMCArkan: I'm not sure what algorithm inter-mezzo uses, so I really don't know ... but it does have the advantage of knowing when a file is changed, so it is easy to send over just that one change
riel<HoraPe> what happens when both the laptop and the server have modified the same file?
rielHoraPe: in that case, inter-mezzo will detect the problem and tell the user to fix it
rielthis is probably just as well, since you don't want the computer to mess up your files ;)
* riel moves on to the next topic =======> LSM
rielLSM, or Linux Security Modules is a security plugin mechanism first proposed at the 2.5 kernel summit
rielcurrently, in the open() system call, the kernel does a number of checks
rielchecking things like user id, file permissions, etc...
rielthe LSM project still has these checks, but adds one extra thing ..
riel.. if a security module is loaded, it calls the security check function from this security module, optionally even the functions from multiple modules
rielthis means you can change the kernel's security policy without having to patch and recompile the kernel
rielit also means you can use a number of different security modules together, without having to work out conflicting patches
rielsarnold: I forgot which projects are already using LSM, could you give us a short list if you're around ?  ;)
sarnoldSELinux is built entirely on top of LSM
sarnoldserge's DTE project is built using LSM
sarnoldseveral people are working on porting Solar Designer's Openwall patches
sarnoldand chris wright is working on porting the vserver project to use LSM
rielok, lets go for some questions on LSM, maybe sarnold could even answer them  (since he is involved with the LSM project)
riel<onki> riel: could you explain the difference between iptables and LSM? is LSM arranging security on the user part?
sarnoldah, yes, POSIX.1e capabilties is also implemented as an LSM module
sarnoldand, we have implemented traditional euid==0 checks in the dummy module :)
gregkhIPTables changes the way the network packets gets routed through the kernel.  LSM provides hooks into the network stack to change policy based on the data, which is much
gregkhmore flexible than ibptables itself.
sarnoldNSA has supplied funding, and probably staff members (though I can't say specifically) to the SELinux project, and much of the LSM framework has been designed to meet the needs of LSM; in short, 'create', no. 'contribute to', yes. :)
gregkhFor instance, LSM should be able to reject packets from a specific program on the machine, or only allow specific programs access to specific network ports.
sarnoldsorvin, mulix -- the open() call is not reduced to simply callouts to module functions
sarnoldfor instance -- is calling open() with write permission on a file a security check? sometimes write permission is denied because the file is a read-only medium, such as cdrom
sarnoldmulix, it is implemented mostly as callbacks in security structures
sarnoldyou can find the patch at http://lsm.immunix.org/ with all the fun gory details :) (look for security.h. :)
sarnoldmulix: no, LSM will not assist hijacking syscalls.
* riel would like to move onto the next subject
rielwell, actually I'm skipping some things because of the time
zuezyou have the floor :)
riel=====> ext2/3/4 developments and other filesystems
rielin 2.4 we saw the introduction of 2 journaling filesystems for block devices
rielreiserfs and ext3
rielthese filesystems still have some limitations, though
rielfor one, 32 bit block numbers
rielwhich means a filesystem size limit of 4 billion blocks, or some 16 TB maximum
rielwhile I know I won't be hitting that limit any time soon, other people have gathered enough mp3s (or other data) already
rielso we will need to fix this
rielof course there are XFS and JFS, which have 64 bit data sizes everywhere and don't have this problem
rielbut since ext2 and reiserfs exist, people are working on them too to get those filesystems fixed
rieloh, lots of filesystem questions ... I guess I'll go answer those ;)
riel<setepo> riel: XFS will be added in 2.5?
rielsetepo: I don't know what Linus will do, but there is a chance XFS will get integrated
riel<zuez> speaking of filesystems, are you folks planing something like growfs for ext2 partitions?
rielzuez: it already exists, both resize2fs and parted are able to resize ext2 filesystems off-line
rielChristoph Hellwig even has a patch to be able to grow ext2 filesystems online, that is, while the filesystem is mounted
riel<HoraPe> riel, bsd people use something called softupdates, supposed to be a more rational way of ordering writes that has lot of the journaled fs without being so complex, will linux get some fs like that?
rielHoraPe: ok, lets get a few things straight here
rielfirst, softupdates and journaling are both pretty complex systems
rielsecondly, while softupdates guarantees that the filesystem comes back in a consistent state, you still need to run fsck once in a while
rieljournaling provides transactions, meaning that only a journal replay is enough to get the filesystem fully correct again
rielhaving said that, neither softupdates or journaling is "perfect", you still need to do recovery after a crash
rielluckily there is a third possibility
rielnetapp's WAFL uses a primitive form of this trick and Daniel Phillips seems to have perfected the theory
rielit is called "phase trees"
rielwith a phase tree, you have 2 copies of the metadata
rielone copy which is the currently referenced one, which is fully consistent
rieland when changes to the filesystem are made, they are done in unused space
rielonce the changes are complete, or at least in some consistant state, all the new metadata is written to disk
rieland as the last change, the superblock is changed to point to the new metadata tree
rielthis way you always have a consistent filesystem
rielwithout the need for any recovery after reboot
rielchanging from the current metadata tree to the new one is called a "phase change"  (IIRC)
rielthis also fixes a big problem with mail servers, where you have 200 incoming emails and fsync() is called for each of them
rielthe filesystem can simply let 10 fsync()s complete on the same phase change
rielwith only 2 write ordering periods, which is more efficient than either softupdates or journaling can provide
riel<ninjalj> what happened with the patent claim against Phillips?
rielninjalj: ok, first netapp has never filed a patent claim
rielsecondly, daniel phillips says he already implemented the things described in netapp's patent in 1986, so if netapp filed a claim they would just loose their patent ;)
rielthirdly, phase trees are a new version of the idea in netapp's patent ... most likely not even covered by netapp's patent
rielok, one last filesystem question
riel<wol> related, there's the buffer cache and the page cache, what is the difference? it seems like the buffer cache is slowly going away?
rielwol: the buffer cache died in 2.4.10 ;)
rielwol: block devices are now cached in the page cache, too
rielwol: and buffer heads are now nothing more than IO descriptors, used to tell the device drivers what to do with pages from the cache
rielok ==============> OpenGFS
riel(I'm skipping drbd due to lack of time)
rielGFS is a very cool project by Sistina Inc.
rielit allows multiple machines to share the same set of disks and the same data
rielthis means you can share data without having to use a file server
rielnot only is this good for performance, it also means the system can be more reliable
rielbecause there is no file server which can crash ;)
rielthis is a great tool for clustering
rielyou can, again, have a number of web servers get their data directly from the same disks
rieland if any of the servers goes down, the others can just continue their work
riel<MCArkan> riel: what's the difference with intermezzo ?
rielok, the difference with intermezzo is quite large
rielwith intermezzo, each computer has its own copy of the files and synchronisation is done over the network
rielwith GFS, you have _one_ shared pool of disks
rielfor example, two raid cabinets on fibrechannel
rieland 5 computers on the same fibrechannel bus
rielall 5 computers have direct access to the disks
rielwithout any of them playing file server
rielin the case of fibrechannel, GFS does the locking on the disk itself
rielso it asks the disk to lock disk block #34523 for node A
rieland node B can have disk block #54534 locked
rielalso, if one node needs a lock held by another node, the disk will ask the node to release the lock, with a certain timeout
rielthe problem is, you really want special hardware for the best performance
rielthough there are some tricks to do GFS with normal hardware, you don't get the full benefit when you do that
rielit is really a much more high-end, but also more flexible solution than eg. intermezzo
riellastly, recently Sistina made GFS a closed source commercial product
rielthis is unfortunate, but just like happened with SSH, immediately an open source project started from the last GPL version
rielyou can find OpenGFS on http://www.opengfs.org/
riel===================> memory management
rielover the last few weeks, many people have asked me about memory management
rieland people have asked me to talk about it now
rielso well ... here it goes ;)
rielover the last years, Linux always had a pretty simple memory management subsystem
rieland every stable kernel had unstable memory management for the first year or so
rielI think this is because there is little or no coordination on VM work
rieland during a development kernel, all good patches get integrated, even if they conflict with other good patches already in the kernel ;)
rielbecause of this, I have decided to work on a memory management subsystem outside of the linux kernel
rieland I will make patches available regularly
rielother people have already indicated an interest in working together with me trying to make a consistent VM subsystem
rielone of the main plans is trying to learn from the past, learning from what other OSes do good and where other OSes fail
rielone of the things we have noticed is that FreeBSD's memory management has reached a point where people are happy with it
rieland no changes are planned for the future
rielto me, this is an indication something must be right
rielon the other hand, there are a number of shortcomings,
rielfor example, FreeBSD's data structures are so large that the kernel doesn't boot on a machine with 4GB of RAM or more ;)))
rielso just porting over code from any other OS is not really an option
rielone thing which is obvious is that we will want to have mappings from physical pages to the page tables mapping them, so-called "reverse mappings"
rielbecause this allows us to select pages to evict on a physical basis
rielthis is good if you need to free up pages in certain physical address ranges
rielwhich is needed when you want to free up ISA DMA memory
rielor when you want to assemble large pages so processes can run faster (eg. 4MB pages on Intel)
rieland also when you need to free memory in a particular node on NUMA
rielas another side effect, it allows us to simplify the pageout selection code, the point where we choose which page to swap out
rieland simplifying that should get rid of a lot of the balancing issues we've seen over the last 10 years ;)
rielother things we want to include are support for large page sizes
rielbetter IO clustering
rieland a big code cleanup
rielfor one, we would like to have process memory fit into the page cache, like normal files
rielso we can remove all the special code needed to handle swapped pages
rieland use the same filesystem code for everything
rielcleaning up the code and making SMP locking simpler is another item on the TODO list
rielok, it's almost midnight in Europe now
MJesus[00:01] <riel> ok, it's almost midnight in Europe now
rielMJesus: oops, this lecture really took too much time ;)
riel<wol> you say this will happen outside the main kernel, but will it be intended to go back at some point, or will it remain a separate patch forever?
rielwol: the idea is to submit it to the main kernel when we (the people working on it) think it is ready
rielok, any more questions ?
* riel waits a little bit
rielok, I guess not
MJesusperhaps, it will be good a second session ?
rielthanks for your time, I hope I haven't bored you too much
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
sarnoldthank you riel :)
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
rielplease come back for the other lectures of this year's Umeet
fernand0plas plas plas plsa plas plas plas plas plas plas
fernand0plas plas plas plsa plas plas plas plas plas plas
fernand0plas plas plas plsa plas plas plas plas plas plas
FloodeRplas plas plas
fernand0plas plas plas plsa plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
FloodeRplas plas plas
FloodeRplas plas plas
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
fernand0plas plas plas plsa plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
dreim0nthx riel
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus4plas 5plas 6plas 7plas 8plas 9plas 10plas 11plas 12plas 13plas 1plas 2plas 3plas
MJesus4plas 5plas 6plas 7plas 8plas 9plas 10plas 11plas 12plas 13plas 1plas 2plas 3plas
* anders cheers
FloodeRplas plas plas
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
paranoueiclap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
jcopenhaof course.. the day to give a lecture I actually have work to do at my job...
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
dardhalGood luck with yuor new VM efforts !!!
coxtorero torero torero torero torero torero torero
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
coxtorero torero torero torero torero torero torero
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
* jcopenha pouts because he missed the lecture
dreim0nMJesus:  this colors....
lucreAL FIN
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
coxtorero torero torero torero torero torero torero
MJesus4plas 5plas 6plas 7plas 8plas 9plas 10plas 11plas 12plas 13plas 1plas 2plas 3plas
diegoplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
diegoplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
coxtorero torero torero torero torero torero torero
Rawsockplas plas plas plas plas
* hensema_ throws his underware
IRC log ended Mon Dec 3 16:53

Mas información: umeet@uninet.edu