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Start of #qc buffer: Tue Dec 04 23:50:23 2001
ENGLISH TRANSLATION HERE: "The new web programmation: web and PHP"'
daniour next lecture runs by Ismael Briones Vilar
daniis an activ developer working on PHP, a system
administrator, an a long list of jobs..
daniby now works at I+D departament on the spanish newspaper "El
daniWe whant to thanks to Ismael for his presence here today and
his lecture
daniand to all you for your interest
danithe lecture's title is "Arp Spoofing: sniffing segmented
daniMr. Briones: good night all
danii'll start developing this lecture
daniyou can ask questions, better in private query, to avoit
duplicated questions
danifirst of all, you can find the lecture at
(irvine.us.uninet.edu irc.br.uninet.edu)
FloodeRIn ethernet lan
FloodeRAll the computers share the same medium
FloodeRAll the computers get "all the traffic"
FloodeRBut only take the message to that be destain
FloodeRAn sniffer eliminate this filter in the ethernet card
FloodeRAnd put it in promiscue mode (Taken as himself all the
FloodeRWith it, the ethernet card (ecard) is capable to see all
traffic that flow on the net
FloodeRyou only need to put the appropiate filter
FloodeRAnd begin to capture the packet in that we're interested
(login/pass, telne, pop3)
FloodeRThe use of switch resolve this problem
FloodeRBy the lan segmentation, we only can "see" the traffic that
belong to us
FloodeRBecause the switch only route to our lan segment the
destined to our MAC address
FloodeRWhat's a MAC address?
FloodeRAll the computers in the same LAN share de media. For this,
there must be a unique identificator for each machine
FloodeROr best, for each ethernet card (ecard)
FloodeRThis not happen in a RTC conexion
FloodeRBecause all the data are destinated to the machine that be
FloodeRAt other point of the telefon line
FloodeRBut when we send data to a LAN (Local area network)
FloodeRMe must specify exactily who are the destination machine
FloodeRWe can do it by the MAC address
FloodeRA numbre composed by 12 hexadecimal digit
FloodeRThat identify each ecard
FloodeRThe mac address has 48 bit
FloodeRFirst 24 bit identify the crafter
FloodeRThis guarantied that can't exist two ecard with the same
FloodeRDuplicated MAC cause problems in the net
danithe restant 24 bits identify the serial number asigned by the  
manucacturer, what guarantees that there are not 2 cards with the same MAC
FloodeRIn unix
FloodeRWe can know the mac addres
FloodeRTyping ifconfig -g
FloodeRThe output seems like:
FloodeRifconfig -a. La salida de este comando se asemejará al
FloodeR<ismak> eth0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr
FloodeR<ismak>           inet addr:
FloodeR                  Mask:
FloodeR<ismak>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  
FloodeR<ismak>           RX packets:31658 errors:0 dropped:0
overruns:0 frame:0
FloodeR<ismak>           TX packets:20940 errors:0 dropped:0
overruns:0 carrier:0
FloodeR<ismak>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
FloodeR<ismak>           Interrupt:19 Base address:0xdc00
daniwhere the MAC address is 00:C0:4F:68:BA:50.
daniif we whant to know other computer addresses, we'll use our's
computer arp cache
daniwith the command:     arp -a
danithis command will show us the computers IP/MAC table stored on
that cache at that momment
dani(if we wont to get a computer's MAC address, wi'll fist ping.
This way wi save the MAC on the cache, and with "arp -a" we obtain this MAC
daniEach time we whant to communicate with another computer on the
network we need to know it's MAC address
danito get this we use the arp-request function on the broadcast
address ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
daniasking for the MAC from the IP of the computer we neet to
danithat will reply with arp-reply giving us it's MAC
danithis MAC will be cached for a few minutes, to be used on
danihere is where the problem starts
daniARP's working way
danithe protocol arp (Address resolution protocol) have the
of "translate" 32bit addresses to it's corresponding hardware addresses
daniwhen the computer needs to resolve an IP address to a MAC one,
sends a broadcast Arp Request to the network segment FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
daniasking to this IP's owner replay with it's ethernet (MAC)
daniyou can watch to the first page on the document to see this
josh[shine.cmw.sld.cu]: Connection reset by peer)
daniwith the goal of shrinking the network flow, each arp-reply
recived by the ecard is cached, anyway if we have not requested this.
danithat is, every arp-reply we recive is cached.
danithis factor is used to make arp-spoofing.
daniSolaris have a timeout and doesn't refresh the cache until
timeout is reached
danilimit expiration time
danithat's why solaris is not a wall to make arp spoofing
danithis method doesn't put the network interface on promiscuous
danithis is not needed because packets are for us and the switch
will route it to our computer.
daniLet's see wether it is possible..
danithis method consists on "corrupt" arp caceh of two machines we
wanto to sniff
danionce caches are corrupted, both hosts will start
but all packets will be destinated to us
danithen we sniff it and re-route to the correct host
FloodeROne time the cache are poisoned
FloodeRLooking at the cache of the machines
FloodeRAnd see that there be 2 machines with the same mac
FloodeRIn the second figure in the document you can see the
comunication diagram
FloodeRFrom our machine, we send bogus arp-reply packets to the
hosts that we want to sniff
FloodeRIn this replies, we must tell to the host 1
FloodeRThat the arp address of the second host is our address
FloodeRThis information remain in his arp cache
FloodeRThis machine send now the packet to host 2 but with our MAC
FloodeRThe packet are now in our machine
FloodeRThe switch route the data to our lan segment
(irvine.us.uninet.edu irc.br.uninet.edu)
FloodeRWe send a constan flow of arp-reply (the cache of the
machines can't take real arp information)
FloodeR(This is the url of the document)
FloodeRHOST 1 : arp-reply informando que tiene
FloodeR          03:03:03:03:03:03
FloodeRHOST 2 : arp-reply informando que tiene
FloodeR          03:03:03:03:03:03
FloodeRThe MAC 03:03:03:03:03:03 is of the machine who realiases
FloodeRWith this, we poisoned the arp cache
FloodeRFrom this point, the traffic inter host 1 and 2, reach our
FloodeRBut we must make that the sniffed host don't see any
FloodeRFor this, we must treat the packet that arrives our machine
FloodeRWith this, the communication from host 1 to 2, don't be
FloodeRAnd we can see all the traffic
FloodeRWe must configure now a sniffer to captuer all the traffic
(login/passwf, telnet, ftp, pop3, etc..)
FloodeRPerhaps the full session
FloodeRAs we can see, the proccess be easy
FloodeRWhat tools can we use to refuse arp-spoofing?
FloodeRtools to send arp-packet
FloodeRNot to refuse :)
FloodeRarptool, arp-fun, ettercap
daniettercap is a complet one, it allows may sniffing types: by
MAC, Arp-Spoofing
danisorry.. 4 methods: IP, MAC, ARP and Public ARP
daniit can be executed from a shell or from graphical mode
daniand behind other isues:
daniinsert chars on a conection, sniff SSH1 enchripted sessions,
catch passwords, kill connections, dettect Operating Systems, ..
danion the graphical environment we'll get shown at start a list
found hosts on the lan.
danito realize this search the proggram sends ARP-REQUEST of IPs
having in count the own IP and the netmask
FloodeRObtainig the arp-replys we can compose the list of the host
alive in the LAN. We must be too much carefully with the lan mask,
because if
milisecond of time inter each request :)
danian other effect we can get with arp spoofing is a DoS
(Denial of
daniUpdating ARP caches with unexistant MAC addresses
daniit will couse all packets to be droped
daniif we repeat it on all network clients we get a DoS attack on
all network computers (but don't do it.. ;-))
danithere exist a proggram called Parasite that listens on the
network for ARP Request packets and automatically send a spoofed ARP Reply
danithis puts the attacker machine like a MiM (Man in the Middle)
danion all the network, and can catch all switches network flow
daniwe must think about, after we used one of theese proggrams,
ettercap.., we must restore IP/MAC real values
daniif not, we will cause a DoS on the spoofed machines
danithere's no universal way to avoid theese attacks
daniindeed, the only one proper way is ussing statical MAC
daniif MAC are statical, can't be updatet, so.. ARP Replies are
danito avoid it, ARP addresses table should have a IP/MAC entry
each box on the network
danibut.. how not.. windows doen't will not work this way
daniit's seen that Windows boxes, using or not statical MACs,
updates the cache when recived an ARP Reply
daniabout Windows, I don't know whether exists any configuration
parameter (I haven't make enough tests on it) but some one comments to me
that it seems to exist something
danito avoid this update when using statical ARP
daniThe most efficient method is to dettect it early
daniwith ARPwatch we can dettect it
daniARPwatch listens all arp-replies on the network
daniand build a table with all pairs IP/MAC whichs is stored in a
daniwhen a MAC address assigned to an IP changes, a mail is sent
the network admin
daniuntil now we have seen the way we can use ARP protocol
vulneravilities to sniff on our network.
danibut there are many possibilities
daniAny switches can be mangled using ARP packets to reach that it
will act as a REPEATING mode insted of BRIDGING mode
daniit means, insted of sending packets by the correct switch's
"port", it will be send by all them, so all machines recives all network
daniit will be reached by filling the addresses table with a big
amount of fake MACs
MAC will sent all computers
daniwaiting for a response from the destination to cache this MAC.
danibut.. we are overloading the network with false MACs, so, it
will never happend
daniwhell, that's all for this lecture
dani^Bclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
dani^Bclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
#qc Cannot send to channel
FloodeRsplas splas splas splas splas
FloodeRsplas splas splas splas splas
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FloodeRsplas splas splas splas splas
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candelita[ahao.ijv.sld.cu]: Connection reset by peer)
End of #qc buffer Tue Dec 04 23:50:23 2001

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