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Congress Details

fernandofirst of all, let me apologize in the name of the previous speaker who
fernandocouldn't come here because of some personal problems
fernandoAlvaro del Castillo's talk will be announced.
fernandoWe are very pleased to have here today Mark
fernandohe is a Lead Developer
fernandoon project ZealOS, and also he is developer on projets like: Open Projects
fernandoVisit them
fernandoWell, do not abandon us, anyway ;)
fernandoand The Unviverse (http://www.advogato.org/The%20Univer
fernandoAlso in
fernandoTry to visit it ;)
fernandoHe is going to talk about ZealOS.
fernandoMr. Zealey ...
JALHWell, first time I've done a talk on irc
JALHso please bear with me
JALHZealos is a project to develop a cool operating system,
one which is totally modular
JALHand can be upgraded on the fly, by loading newer
versions of the modules
JALHIt would also be nice to impliment some method of
having a per-user module-space, so one user could have some
modules loaded that didn't affect another user's modules
JALHThis is the sorta thing that the hurd does, but umm, the
hurd doesn't ;>
(Signed off)
JALHZealos is based round a very small core, aiming to be <
50kb compiled
JALHand then it boots, with minimum drivers
JALHand uses those to load other modules
JALHwhich will form an operating system
JALHSo, for example, if someone write an emulation of the
linux tcpip stack, you could load that module
JALHand then it would behave like linux, tcp/ip wise
JALHthe cool thing about per-user modules is that one user
could have the linux tcp/ip stack module loaded and another one
could have the bsd one loaded, at the same time
JALHbut that's a bit far in the future :)
JALHAnother feature of zealos is that it can be upgraded
on-the-fly, so if you have some module running, you can just load a
newer version of that module, and it will automatically link itself in with
the rest of the kernel, as if nothing had happened
JALHSo no more reboots :)
JALHas the whole OS is modular, you can do this to any part
of the OS
by peer)
JALHThis is done basically by having a function-lookup
table, and then all calls go via an offset of that table, so just updating a
pointer in that table means that it will refer to a new function
JALHThis does slow the system down a bit, but not by much
JALHespecially on CISC CPU's, like x86
JALHAnother interesting feature is the new build system that
I'm just writing a spec for, and soon to be coded
JALHit's going to support the standard, make config, make,
make install etc
JALHand also support automatic downloading of module
JALHa bit like apt in debian, but for the kernel
JALHand also, configuring of specific modules etc
JALHThere's also going to be a server up on the internet, where you
can request it to build a kernel for you, if you give it the kernel config via a
JALHAnd also a CPAN-like front-end for the manual downloading of
module source
JALHthey'll also be a nice update command, to update all
modules, or ones you specified to the latest source version
JALHAnother thing, dunno how well it would work, is a
system to detect the current config of the box and generate a config
for you based on that, obviously it could never be 100% perfect, but it
would save a lot of time for someone.
JALHSo, current status of the project
JALHThere's quite a lot of the core kernel code around
JALHno tasking yet, but quite a nice and simple mm system
JALHjust needs page-faulting adding to it
JALHThere's a kick-ass ATA hard disk reader, beats the
linux one by about 25% on my box (in PIO mode), needs DMA mode
JALHWe're working on a PCI sub-system, already detects
the card you have in your computer, bridges etc, a bit more work
needs to be done on that though
JALHand zwane is working on SMP, not got it booting on an
SMP box yet, but we're getting there :-)
JALHWe've got the base of an ext2 implimentation, it just
needs extending to support fun stuff, like files and directories :-)
JALHthere's a web page at http://zealos.org, lots of links there
JALHand the whole code is in CVS
JALHThe mailing list is zealos@zealos.org
(majordomo@zealos.org to subscribe)
JALHany questions etc ?
JALH(please ask them in #qc)
raphaWhere do you want to go with ZwalOS? Will it remain a
just-for-fun system?
JALHum, oops
JALH#qc is moderated ;(
raphabecause of that I allowed myself to ask here
JALHrapha, yeah, it'll stay just for fun I think :)
(Signed off)
JALH<erikm> JALH: how would you replace the low level
kernel without having to
JALH          reboot?
JALH<velco> upgrading on the fly, how about processes (if
have such cool stuff)
JALH          which already use given module ?
JALHThere is no low-level kernel in zealos, it's all just functions, all of
which are registered with the functions code, so if you upgrade a function, it
will automatically be used over the old version
JALH(the only thing that can't be upgraded is the functions code :)
JALH<hensema> JALH: Will/does it have any API compatibility with
other OS'ses
JALH          (Posix)?
JALHIt doesn't atm, but should be easy enough to write POSIX
wrapper functions and bundle them into a module
JALH<viXard> What license is Zealos under ?
JALH<LarstiQ> How is this different from (other?) microkernels ?
JALHFor a start, it's not really a microkernel, a microkernel has
user-land servers on it which communicate with a base kernel
JALHafaik, nothing like this has been done before :-)
JALH<[freedom]> ZealOS & Hurd... The microkernel tech is really an
alternative to
JALH            the actual stile of OS's?
JALHI'm not sure, no microkernel has ever 'made' it before, if
you look at the likes of bsd and linux, they're all monolithic
JALHbecause in the world of kernel's, neatness doesn't really matter,
speed does
JALH(well, w2k is a microkernel supposidly, but...)
JALH<gcc> In How Many Time do you think that your system will be
JALHNot sure, I doubt it will be long though (5 years later... ;)
JALHIt depends what you mean by complete, is linux complete?
JALHSomething usable should happen within the next year, we have
some people interested in doing a tcp/ip stack for it, ...
JALH<viXard> how many people working in the core team ?
JALHabout 3 or 4
JALH<viXard> what´s the latest version released ?
JALHum, there's nothing that's been released, the current code in
CVS prolly won't compile (as it is bleeding-edge)
JALHtbh, I don't think anything yet has been good enough to release,
sure, it's got some nice bench-marks in it, but no shell or anything that people
would be interested in apart from the code :)
JALHThere is talk of doing an in-kernel shell via a module to let you
peek about at bits of the kernel as they run. That could be quite fun
JALH<FloodeR> If you load a module that require
JALH<FloodeR> An upgrade of other modules (core kernel, for
JALHInteresting problem, I'd think it should error out, and give a -f
(force) option for maniacs
JALHand maybe an option to upgrade the bits that need upgrading
JALH<[freedom]> Where is the ZealOS documentation project?
JALHThere is a /lot/ of documentation of all the functions in the
JALHlinux 2.4 has some limited documentation of the core functions
etc, but this was only added in a general format in 2.[34]
JALHZealos was designed from ground-up with a kernel documentor
that produces a text-file atm of all the important functions, and what they
require, args they take, etc..
JALH<gcc> Is your System Supporting any Window Manager like
JALHNope, nothing like that atm, however I think that the way to go is
a display driver API in module form, A general interface API, with some layers
to filter down to specific drivers in the kernel
JALH<FloodeR> Do you have any network support?
JALHNope, someone is interested in writing the networking
parts of the kernel though :-)
JALH<[freedom]> What is the default fs of this OS?
JALHNothing really atm, there's some ext2 code in there, but
it doesn't do much yet ;>
JALHit's pretty high up our to-do list
JALHThere's not going to be a zealfs though, there's enough good
fs' out there atm, so it would just get whipped :)
JALHthink reiser, ext[234], xfs, ...
JALHMailing list is used for devel atm, as there are no lusers to worry
about :-)
JALH(there is nothing to luse)
JALH<[freedom]> Now, around of the OS exists many util for this
support, what
JALH            about this?
JALHWell, there's lots of opensource apps around, that work on just
about anything, so I doubt they'll be a lack of apps for zealos, when zealos
supports apps... ;)
JALHany last questions or ones that you think I've tried to avoid?
JALH<erikm> JALH: why doesn't the zealos mascot look as cute as
tux? ;)
* JALH shoots erikm ;>
JALHit would just turn itself and knock tux out of the way
JALHwell, *I* like it :P
JALH<rapha> Mark, what about the execution of 'foreign' binary
* rapha likes the mascot
JALHI'm assuming you mean linux elf etc.. ?
JALHagain, could be done via a module, though I'd doubt anyone
would want to write a module to allow doze .exe's to run..
JALH(The 'native' system will be ELF)
JALH<rapha> Another question you will probably answer like this, but
a bit more
JALH          wierd ... would it be possible to have ZealOS read a
JALH          file upon boot, then have it deciding wether the boot will
be in
JALH          text modus, or with a nice picture?
JALHThat would be very cool, something like the linux fb thing
JALHagain, just a module that it would load near the beginning of
start-up :-)
JALH<[freedom]> Can i take adventage of the VM for the develop of
JALHI develop it in both plex and on my test-box, I usially test on plex
first, as it gives better debugging info
JALHno ZML yet tho;(
JALH<viXard> is there any intetion to port ZealOS to other
architecture ?
JALHYes :-)
JALHIt should be very easy to port, as most of the code is generic as
opposed to arch-dependant
JALHIt's designed to have the minimum arch-specific code
JALH<LarstiQ> JALH: How about Rik van Riel's VM subsystem
project, will you be
JALH          able to use that ?
JALHShould be possible, I don't know enough about how it works, I'd
think it would take quite a bit of modification to run on zealos though, as it is
designed differently
JALH<rapha> Hardware drivers. How hard would it be to port all of
linux' hardware
JALH          support to ZealOS-modules?
JALHIt would be difficult
JALHbut not impossible
raphacould you go a bit deeper into this?
rapha(do we have the time?)
JALHWell, the linux design philosophy is that you design for a
monolithic arch
JALHas linux always has been and always will be monolithic
JALHAlso, the API's are different, so doubtless there would be quite a
lot of simple things to change
JALHbut they're not so dissimilar
JALH<gcc> What about Security?
JALHWe've got that sussed at the moment by not having a
JALHbut I doubt we can go on like that forever ;(
JALHI think secirity is mostly a user-space problem, sure, you can
have hooks in-kernel and extra security checks etc..
JALHimplimented by guess what.. a module ;>
JALH<[freedom]> I insist, if you have modules, is possible the support
JALH            processors like PowerPC...
JALH<[freedom]> Cisc or Risc Archit
JALHYep, it's designed with portability in mind
JALH<viXard> So, ZealOS will be on the wilde sooner than Hurd ?
JALHTBH, I don't think hurd will ever make it, I don't know of anyone
developing it now
JALHIt's just got too big and complexed, when the design philosophy
of zealos it to be small :-)
JALHhm, I think that's the end :-)
> 4plas 5plas 6plas 7plas 8plas 9plas 10plas 11plas 12plas 13plas 1plas 2plas 3plas
> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
FloodeRPlas plas plas plas plas plas
FloodeRPlas plas plas plas plas plas
FloodeRPlas plas plas plas plas plas
fernand0plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
fernand0plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
FloodeRsplas plas splas plas splas
FloodeRsplas plas splas plas splas
fernand0plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
FloodeRsplas plas splas plas splas
> bravooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
fernand0plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
JALHhehe, thanks :-)
> bravooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
> viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva
> viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva
> viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva viva
jdejesusbclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
day cure!)
[freedom]muchas gracias :))
> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
JALHno probs :-)
[freedom]la conferecia estuvo de pk
hensema_nice talk, JALH
> the people are still trasnlating in #redes, a moment
FloodeRI think that its great, but too much work jet :)
> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
* JALH makes a file of the speach
gccclap clap clap clap
Kefarplas plas plas plas
Kefarplas plas plas plas
Kefarplas plas plas plas
Orozcongrats JALH
Desconociaqui es la conferencia?
fernand0desc: era
> ha sido
Ramonvery well :-)
fernand0well I suppose we can continue talking here if you feel
Desconociy cuando es la proxima?
FloodeRBueno, yo me tengo que ir!
> very very hard work !!!
FloodeRMañana mas
> congratulations Jalh
JALHthanks all :)
gcckeep Working!!!
Desconocifue hace una hora?
> si, recien acaba....... lo siento
> well too tired Jahl ?
choongclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
choongclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
JALHhey choong :)
choongheya :)
> JALH, are you sure it was your first conference ????
choonghavent read your speech yet
choongI was trying to get some sleep but couldn't sleep
Desconociustedes podrian poner el horario en gmt, por favor
JALHMJesus, yep
Desconocio es mejor si envio un correo
(BitchX: it adds that extra uNF to your sex life!)
choongI'll check it out tomorrow ;)
JALHzealos irc channel is on openprojects.net, #zealos
> please read the web: you have the hours in every big and regular city
of the whole wolrd
gccwhere are you from JALH?
JALHgcc, England
Desconoci[]: EOF from client)
viXardDesconoci: hay un menu de horario en la pagina del
programa del congreso
Vincentveri good  conference
viXardummmm, where are logs published ?
viXardzuez ?
botijozuez es probablemente just relaying vizard words :)
JALHah, are you doing a log ?
gccJalH, What do you think about this kind of Conference by irc?
fernand0we publish the logs on our web
raphafernand0: url?
* rapha looks
JALHgcc, well, I could never have done that in real life, so I guess
they're good :)
* JALH too ;>
fernand0jalh's is not there yet
KlaussHola a todos!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Klaussgracias !!!!!!!!
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