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Start of #qc buffer: Wed Dec 05 23:17:26 2001
* MJesus avisa que en breves minutos dara comienzo la conferencia sobre
ZealOS en #linux
#qc Cannot send to channel
JALHthanks :)
erikmJALH: how would you replace the low level kernel without having to reboot?
velcoupgrading on the fly, how about processes (if have such cool stuff) which already use given module ?
velcoerr, fun stuff I mean
LarstiQHow is this different from (other?) microkernels ?
dbghow sybsystem state is preserved (if preserved) across module reload? do you have some generic interface/layer for this? or module has to deal with this task without any help?
hensemaJALH: Will/does it have any API compatibility with other OS'ses (Posix)?
IkarusHe means the boot part, the most basic part.
FloodeRHas you a compilar?
FloodeRTo the os?
erikmFloodeR: he uses gcc on linux to compile the stuff
viXardWhat license is Zealos under ?
[freedom]ZealOS & Hurd... The microkernel tech is really an alternative to the actual stile of OS's?
gccIn How Many Time do you think that your system will be complete?
viXard300 years ? ;)
matuchique pasa si un modulo en especial nuevo requiere de caracteristicas no disponibles en el kernel?
JALHenglish plz? :)
FloodeRWhat happend if a module require
viXardhow many people working in the core team ?
FloodeRCapabilities not present in the kernel?
JALHFloodeR, what do you mean?
viXardwhat´s the latest version released ?
FloodeRIf you load a module that require
FloodeRAn upgrade of other modules (core kernel, for example)
FloodeRWhat happend?
[freedom]No, linux never will be complete... :), but now he moves to the parallel computing...
matuchiyes what happen?
viXardHow come updated modules won´t conflict to another one any other user have loaded first ?
[freedom]Where is the ZealOS documentation project?
[freedom]or only exits the mail list for devel?
gccIs your System Supporting any Window Manager like Gnome?
LarstiQSawfish ? :P
[freedom]What is the default fs of this OS?
viXardext2 i think he said
[freedom]or only coded suport for the linux fs?
[freedom]why ext2?
FloodeRDo you have any network support?
FloodeRbsd socket, for example?
[freedom]Now, around of the OS exists many util for this support, what about this?
raphaI think he wants to know wether there are enough utils, and apps for ZealOS to have success
rapharight, freedom?
[freedom]yea.. ;)
erikmJALH: why doesn't the zealos mascot look as cute as tux? ;)
viXarddon´t compare mascots, they get hurt ;)
raphaMark, what about the execution of 'foreign' binary code?
fernand0it looks very nice
[freedom]like .NET tech :(
viXardand bite you while you´re asleep XD
[freedom]Can i take adventage of the VM for the develop of Zeal?
JALHfreedom, what do you mean?
raphaAnother question you will probably answer like this, but a bit more wierd ... would it be possible to have ZealOS read a configuration file upon boot, then have it deciding wether the boot will be in text modus, or with a nice picture?
[freedom]The linux kernel people, use the Virtual Machines for the devel...
viXardis there any intetion to port ZealOS to other architecture ?
LarstiQUML ?
LarstiQJALH: How about Rik van Riel's VM subsystem project, will you be able to use that ?
gccWhat about Security?
raphaHardware drivers. How hard would it be to port all of linux' hardware support to ZealOS-modules?
viXardSo, ZealOS will be on the wilde sooner than Hurd ?
[freedom]I insist, if you have modules, is possible the support for processors like PowerPC...
[freedom]Cisc or Risc Archit
LarstiQJALH: Like the LSM ?
viXardHow come developpers doesn´t get in on Hurd project ?
[freedom]sounds really nice...
LarstiQLots of people work on the Hurd
viXardya think ?
[freedom]Exists communication with other proyects with the same tendency?
JALH[freedom], nope
[freedom]like the Hurd
LarstiQviXard: see the Debian Hurd kc ml
LarstiQviXard: I am seeing that activly develops the hurd
* LarstiQ shrugs
viXardeven Stallman ask to debian to get in part of debian GNU/Hurd team
* LarstiQ knows Jereon
[freedom]Any project have in mind specifications, what about this?
LarstiQmake that Jeroen :)
LarstiQviXard: It still doesn't parse, what do you mean ?
raphaMy Pentium-166 box loads Linux > 2.4.10 in less then 2 seconds.  (From lilo to init). Can you make an estimation for ZealOS here, as far as possible as of the differences between both systems?  Accept no limitations)
viXardpardon me ?
LarstiQviXard: "ven Stallman ask to debian to get in part of debian GNU/Hurd team
viXardeven Stallman asked to debian to get in as part of debian GNU/Hurd team
JALHrapha, dunno, it loads instantly atm, I can't think it will take very long to load
raphakay :)
LarstiQviXard: I'm not sure what that means, everyone can work on Debian GNU/Hurd
[freedom]Now, if i need install Zeal OS, what about the partitions in my disc?
viXardyeah, I mean....
JALHfreedom, only supports floppy loading atm
JALHor you could do it via grub
[freedom]Grub, nice for me
viXardwell, I don´t think there´s enough people working on it
JALHany more questions or whatever, I'll answer on #linux
LarstiQviXard: "enough" ZealOS has 3 to 4 core members :)
* LarstiQ should insert a ? and a , there
[freedom]ok.. :)
LarstiQviXard: It is making progress, there is being worked on, and even a release is planned
* LarstiQ gets back to his regular network
viXardhope so.....
LarstiQ16 channels is just a wee bit overkill ;)
LarstiQsee you next time
JALHwhat is that ?
LarstiQ(and ircnet for some)
JALHzealos chan is #zealos on opn
* LarstiQ waves and departs
End of #qc buffer Wed Dec 05 23:17:26 2001

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