Hirogen2riel_: In fact, we should be given a law "spam is only legal if explicity subscribed to"
riel_Hirogen2: I'll get there ;)
Hirogen2so the best method is not to reply at all so he thinks it's a dead adress
angelLuistraductor de la universidad de oviedo: http://tradu.scig.uniovi.es/texto.html
Jugglerhas this actually been verified?  the confirming bit?
seletzi dont like the idea to rely on laws.
JugglerI wonder if there are any references.  The potential is real, but I'm curios if there are any documented cases of this happening.
jmgvand if we try to unsubscribe... they mark my email adreess like a valid address because they know there is somebody behind it
Hirogen2seletz: 'cause it's too hard to trace they just drop the idea, because it would cost too much to prosecute spammers.
angelLuisuniversidad de oviedo traductions: http://tradu.scig.uniovi.es/texto.html
Hirogen2"User Subscribe Page"
Jugglercould be a typo. :)  hehe
damokles(or are to lazy to start a web  browser :)
Hirogen2a typo is to 99% just one mistaken char, not two. A typo is a wrong char but not a missed char.
Hirogen2riel_: it's even worse. most pages just give you a field and submit and that's all...
damoklesa lot of people forget changing html tiltes
Jugglerdepends on if it's a typo due to mistyping or due to language difficulties.  But I agree that's probably an abusive page. :)
Hirogen2no "unsubscrib" filename no "unsubscrib" page title, no "un" at all in there
c58|slkI get 300 daily spam mails :(
Hirogen2well if it's an IP rather than a good DNS name, you can treat it spam.
Hirogen2the HTTP address though.
seletzso lets block all of them?
Hirogen2riel_: see the "header" of the mail... and as you may figure out.. dynamic hosts (and thus a mail-worm... but spam stays spa)
snidearen't there some software that fakes an "undelivrable" mail in order to make them think it's a closed address ? [ i don't know if they really care though ]
dmr_workisn't this list the same as an RBL list? (such as is provided by spamassassin or razor)
c58|slkthe problem es that most mails can be send by your same e-mail adress also
angelLuisEl Proyecto Spamhaus
ifvoiddmr_work: RBL's contain ip's afaik
Hirogen2snide: would be nice if sendmail/procmail interacts with any mail program (kmail,pine) to ask what to do.
Hirogen2another nice action against is, just _SUB_scribe 100000 invalid email adresses to the "unsubscribe" pages.
seletzwho pays them? Is there a list of payers, too?
snideHirogen2: even.. just like the MUA isn't the last step, and behave like a MTA [ like in "bouncing" the mail ]
Hirogen2I read the article about Alan Rilskey and it sounded not that cheap... (they made a sub-ISP)
Hirogen2article from ROKSO
Hirogen2riel_: via viruses.
riel_Hirogen2: not really
seletzThat should be a crime, should'nt it?
Hirogen2worms then.
snideriel_: u cannot defeat dumbness and ignorance ;-p
Juggleractually, sending spam is relatively cheap, which is exactly the problem. :)  Using someone else's computer makes it even cheaper but solving that problem isn't going to eradicate spam.
Hirogen2seletz: A Star Trek Ferengi Rule of Acquisition says 'A warranty is only valid if they can find you'... as is with our spam.
dmr_workriel_: alot of ISPs are cracking down on open relays. local ISPs here in Pittsburgh actually check for open relays. ChoiceOne, and Stargate to name a couple
Hirogen2Juggler: yet I am not even able to trace the mail to the used pc
erikmriel_: note that open relays were considered good practice in the early days of the internet (say, till 1993 or so)
seletzlol, yeah. But one has a list of spammers, and ... ok, nevermind.
Hirogen2even IRC servers look for open proxies nowadays
ifvoiderikm: why?
Hirogen2they should lock their SOCKS proxy, only to use for intranet
chbmifvoid: cause the unwashed masses hadn't hit the internet by then
erikmifvoid: cause you couldn't reach every host at that point. just putting it on a server somewhere in between solved that problem
chbmifvoid: it was like a very big bbs :)
snideriel_: there is only one thing that is unlimited in this world : dumbness ;-p [ that's why email-viruses spreaded so fast ]
erikmchbm: yup :)
Jugglerthis is one of the problems with spam - it's destroying the open, cooperative spirit of the 'net. :-/
Hirogen2snide: and micro$oft makes it worse with their "open" software, to speak of outlook
Jugglerwhat little is left of it anyway.
chbmriel: odly spaming in a crime in US too but they didn't get them for that ;)
erikmJuggler: well, nowadays you can still do it, with a proper DNS setup with and backup MX servers. usually too hard for the average windows admin
Hirogen2riel_: lol... now find a nice way to back-spam
pdpespecially when they get spammed themselves...
snideHirogen2: no really. M$ makes nice softs ;p They just tell everyone that they don't need to "learn" the good usage. i think THAT's the prob...
erikmHirogen2: already done. read /. from last friday
erikmHirogen2: riel mentions it right now
Hirogen2erikm: URL?
erikmHirogen2: riel even gave the URL :)
Hirogen2ah ok
Hirogen2Now ask Alan's neighbors to dump their [biological] waste in front of Alan's house, as a symbol of spam.
snideriel_: hey... he has a fat internet pipe, but just a little snailmail-box ;-)
Hirogen2but they'd better STFU when they talking spam/shit.
pdpgetting rid of junkmail also costs the receiver money
Hirogen2each day i check my emails, I just delete emails by looking at the sender's name. If I donot know it, it's trash.
snideHirogen2: welcome to the new world of "whitelisting" ;-)
Jugglera better analogy is "free speech using YOUR fax machine"... a form of abuse which IS illegal in many contries.
Hirogen2riel_: A quote from a german book about America "This is my house and in my house i'm gonna kill ya"
Hirogen2oh yeah faxing is also bad.
dmr_worksnide: and autowhitelisting
Hirogen2here in germany we receive about 2 spam faxes each night. since then we removed the fax from our telephone line at all.
snidedmr_work: u also followed the thread on /. ? ;-p
JugglerHirogen:  eww!
damoklesriel: so you don't want any public space on the internet, as private property is able to prevent spam?
dmr_worksnide: haven't read it yet.
jmgvbut... is not the samething when somebody put some advertisement paper at your traditional mailbox?
jmgvthey use your mailbox, without permision
ArielILit's the same thing, and it's called junk mail
snidedmr_work: pretty instructive... [ i mean as much as a ./ thread can be ... ]
Hirogen2'If the messenger comes to tell you what taxes you have to pay, kill the messenger.'
ArielILand there is a law for that too
pdpbut the senders pay for it
Hirogen2'No advertisements' printed on the snailmax box
Hirogen2'No advertisements' printed on the snailmail box
ShawnWerkjmgv: bulk paper mail doesn't cost me anything
Juggleractually, since getting rid of waste paper is a big hassle costing both time and money, the difference isn't as big as many people make it out to be. :)  we're just used to paper spam.
chbmjmgv: you can price bandwith and disk space. and that *really* costs mony
snidedmr_work: u just have to filter the comments for cleaning the signal/noise ratio ;-)
ShawnWerkbut bandwidth costs money to send/receive spam.
seletzriel_: but you pay the cost for sisposing unwanted paper, too.
ShawnWerkright, just what riel said
pdpwell, it will cost if your trash-bill comes by the weight of your trash
jmgvi agree, thank you!
Hirogen2ShawnWerk: bandwidth is a luxury
ShawnWerkHirogen2: yes
seletzdisposing :)
erikmseletz: no, I even get money for disposed paper :)
Hirogen2nearly free, luxury.
c58|slkI hate waiting 10 min to download 30 min :)
c58|slkdunno about you
chbmjmgv: it's actually more expensive for you than for them
Hirogen2c58|slk: using FilePlanet?
seletznot in germany AFAIK
Hirogen2seletz: ?
c58|slkUsing my own webmail server :(
Hirogen2we have a 'Keine Werbung' (no ads) for our snailmail boxes
ProGuyHmm, There are ways around the "no junk mail" sticker, they just address them to you -- exactly like is being done with Spam (if you own a domain you will get alot of spam directed to you with name and all)
seletzHirogen2: yes, but we dont get money for disposed paper
seletzHirogen2: do we?
Hirogen2i don't even get money for disposed email
erikmseletz: I know. germany used to dump paper on the dutch market. bastards, that cost me money
Jugglerthe main difference is because paper spam is expensive to send, advertisers tend to target their ads better.  Alot of the paper spam I get is stuff I'm interested in - I've never received e-mail spam I liked.
pdpin NL also, with an distinction of yes/no  "free newspapers (advertorials etc)
angelLuisjacobo: felicidades por tu traducción, está siendo "coj...da"!
angelLuisjacobo: congratulations about your traducction! it's very good!
ChanGuxriel_ : what do you think about services as ordb.org?
gwmI usually call any spammer that sends me a phone number. Collect.
netmanme too, Jacobo
Hirogen2riel_: then block hotmail aol and yahoo
seletz(1) should be quite hard
riel_ChanGux: moment ...
Hirogen2seletz: no...
Hirogen2seletz: the mplayer mailing list has a very good filter...
snideJuggler: pb is that mostly "interesting" spam per email doesn't exist. It is too expensive to collect selective email adresses than to mass-send it.
dmr_workChanGux: haha, do they actually accept the call?
* MiTo is away: (Auto-Away after 10 mins) [BX-MsgLog On]
Hirogen2seletz: it checks for YELLED WORDS, html bold/italic/underlined and offense words
ifvoidriel_: spamassassin also uses 3) and 4)
erikmseletz: (1) is easy. see spamfilter and spamassasin
seletzHirogen2: ok
dmr_workand razor
ChanGuxjeje dmr_work
Jugglersnide:  exactly.  the problem has to do with money.  sending e-mail is too cheap, people abuse it.
dmr_worki use spamassassin and razor together on my qmail setup
Hirogen2i should just grep any mail for the word 'fuck' 'penis' or 'sex' and if it is found, it's trash.
Hirogen2no normal (wo)man would tell me she'd f*ck with ... at ... , not over email, not over unsecure internet :-)
seletzHirogen2: lol, you're right :)
skuldthere is a difference between sexes in this matter.
pdpthat depend on your perception of "normal"
Hirogen2actually, you never talk about love with someone over textual applications (fax,email,icq...)
Hirogen2(but snailmail but that's something acceptable)
erikmpdp: lol, you're talking about buuv ? ;)
jmgvlike terra!?
* erikm hides for pdp
pdpthat not called "normal" yhat's called discretion ...;-)))
Hirogen2pdp: yeah!
pdphi erik ;-)
Jugglerblacklists such as the RBL/SBL have a way too high false-positive rate to be usable in a production environment...
Hirogen2pdp: Spam tells me that someone wants to meet me...
dmr_workHirogen2: but then you'd miss your chance to order a Russian Mail-Order Bride.
ifvoidJuggler: they are very usable in a scoring system like SA
pdpbut but but, they tell all the time i am to small and have no stamina ...;-)
Hirogen2pdp: no time for ya
snideriel_: but does spamming really work in the long term ?
Hirogen2riel_: another (6)'th method of blocking spam would be checking the email adress. Not very accurate but most hotmail adresses have numbers intermixed with chars a normal human would never choose.
Jugglerifvoid:  that still raises the false-positive rate, although by a lower factor than the most common use. :)
Hirogen2like et79z34657. not me.
IkarusHirogen2: many ISP's use randomly generated e-mail addies now
Jugglerfalse positives are the real problem when blocking spam... one blocked legit message is worse than 1000 received spams.
riel_Hirogen2: indeed
IkarusHirogen2: and just tell their customers to ger a redirect
ifvoidJuggler: sure
Hirogen2normal users do not have more than 3 numbers in it. <-- I Guess.
sarnold.. with the unfortunate side-effect that @amazon.com is in the autowhitelist of spamassassin by default :(
ifvoidJuggler: I don't discard the messaged that are marked as spam directly; those are reviewed about one a day or so
erikmsarnold: that's where multiple spamfilters help
IkarusHirogen2: not true, but as a test combined with several others and a scoring system it would be usable
jose_nriel: how well are "spam voting" solutions, like "spamnet" (http://www.cloudmark.com/)
Hirogen2riel_: The least seen thing is the "X-Warning"(?) header, which comes up to mind if you provide a wrong FROM header in SMTP connections.
snideHirogen2: and staticially analysing the "content" of the email ? [ wow.. are there some maths gurus here ?  ;-) ]
Ikarussnide: that is being done
Hirogen2snide: if I would check the content for 'sex' I am sure I would get rid of 50% of the daily spam
Hirogen2see above.
snideHirogen2: i know what u said ;-)
Jugglerhmm, riel didn't mention 7) counting how often a message has been seen and flagging it as bulk if it isn't already whitelisted. :)  the DCC approach.
erikmriel_: depends on the ISP. my record in .nl is five minutes (with cistron.nl)
ifvoidsnide: you need a large amount of spam and non-spam mail to feed such statistical filters
Hirogen2Ther was once a really nice solution, a recycler (german but doesnot matter)...
ifvoidsnide: >1000 or so
Hirogen2you bonuced your mail to the recycler and it sent it recycled back :P (mail contained 234 a's, 23 b's...)
snideHirogen2 ifvoid: just open a domain, and wait ;-p
pdpyou could get radical, and weed out everything with an non-ascii content-header
Hirogen2pdp: and discard anything without ISO-8859-1 or -15 header.
Ikaruspdp: weeding out HTML is more useful
pdpfor instance , and block anything html multipart etc
ifvoidblocking all non-western charsets helps a lot, too
erikmriel_: blocklists need people with clue about spam. at the university I used to work, they didn't have clue and happily blocked *.br, redhat.com, gnu.org and kernel.org
Ikaruspdp: as there are alot of valid attachment (vcards, pgp sigs and such)
ifvoidunless your're from Asia, I guess
snideIkarus: wow.. there are many HTML-freak MUA in the wildness ;-)
Ikarussnide: if people include a text version with their mail it gets through, if they don't or it is more then 50%shorter then the HTML it goes into /dev/null
snideIkarus: u don't know the nice MUA that some *big* companies makes ;-)
Hirogen2but it's ok to block *.pk
pdpOne should choose for an staggered approache: block known spam-ip, then weed out on the obvous, and than fine-tune your filters
Ikarussnide: which is why that methode is only used on one of my spam tests
jnebrerahi rick
jnebrerain Spain such a law has just neen apporved
Ikarussnide: normally I only do spam filtering based on two addy's that end up in the same mailboxes by a destruction of all mails more then 95% equal
jnebrerabut most spammers just come from the USA
Ikaruswhich get about 90% of spam
pdpit is
JugglerHmm... Riel:  you totally left out DCC-like techniques (distributed networks exchanging checksums and counters of seen mail) from "ways to detect, block and filter". :-)  Tsk tsk!
riel_Juggler: no time, can't cover everything
Jugglerdarn, that's my favorite method ;)
IkarusJuggler: well, it is similair to what I do, just on a larger scale
c58|slkmy penis has grow 10 inches!
ifvoidc58|slk: only 10? ;)
erikmriel_: well, depends. state of washington has anti-spam laws which can sue any spammer from any other US state
ifvoidc58|slk: you should get a refund
c58|slkifvoid: the sugar aint working that good
pdponly it has the most politicials in state ;-)
riel_erikm: one moment ;)
pdpthey only act when it hurts _them_
c58|slkthis is it
c58|slkriel_ for president!
skuldBrazil or Netherlands?
pdpboyh could use a nice guy...
erikmskuld: netherlands has a queen, so he could only become prime minister
> yes, where could we to put the signature for this ?
erikmskuld: who in effect has the same power as a president
erikmriel_: sorry :)
riel_erikm: no problem
c58|slkIm moving to washington
chbmriel is too dorky to become president of anything
* chbm hops away
c58|slkIll be rich with my 300 daily mails
sarnoldc58|slk: washington isn't that great :)
c58|slkif I can get 500 bucks for each e-mail of spam
pdpc58|slk:  you cant get in the G R Q busssiness in Wa...;-0
c58|slk500 x 300 = 150000
c58|slkso if thats true ill be rich :P
c58|slkand thats per day :P
pdpBut what if they go to some off-shore spam-haven ?
erikmriel_: interesting sidenote about washington is that the spam cases come in the "small claims court", which means spammers can't be represented by attorneys but have to defend themselves, which they usually can't
dmr_workriel_: so the point of that is to make a spam law just like a common traffic law? If you speed and get caught, you pay a ticket. I think everyone speeds, no?
JugglerMaking laws won't solve the problem entirely, since you'll never get everyone to agree on the proper set of laws, globally speaking.
sarnoldoh? I'm now getting italian spam.... :) heh heh
dmr_workJuggler: and there will always be a loop-hole.
c58|slkbut how can you track the spammer
jnebrerahi rick
c58|slkto sue the bitch and get my 500 bucks
jnebrerayes, but this law only applies to
chbmriel: not incorporated into coutry laws, and iirc doesn't say anything about punishment
jnebreraspam comming from UE, not USA
jmgvnew law called LSSI even forbid send a email to ask you if you wanna to recive a email for a company
jmgvor from somebody
Juggler... and at the rate spam is increasing, removing those 90% will only make a year or two of difference. :)
Ikarusthe problem is that such a law might become too wide for its own good
c58|slkdeath pnealty for spammers
jneveschbm: the e-commerce directive is opt-ou
jneveschbm: the e-commerce directive is opt-out
IkarusI already got threatend when I send a mail to a e-mail addy I was not supposed to know about (mail-admin@)
jnevesnot opt-in
JugglerRiel:  are you aware of whether the internet community has made any steps toward implementing a technical solution, such as HashCash?  see: http://www.cypherspace.org/~adam/hashcash/
sarnoldJuggler: hashcash and the like are patented, at least in the united states. :-/
chbmjneves: i recall something about opt-in being voted ..
Jugglerdarn.  I didn't know that :(
jneveschbm: what seams to work in europe - at least in Portugal - is data privacy legislation - at least I got away with those
sarnoldJuggler: quite the kick in the pants, no? :(
Jugglersarnold: yup.  that explains why nothing has happened with those ideas though...
Jugglersarnold:  which is something I just couldn't understand :)
chbmjneves: until (c) over dbs comes to life!
jneveschbm: opt-out is what you find in the directive - even if we (in Portugal) are late in implementing it
sarnoldJuggler: history has its hand in the matter, of course :) introducing an incompatible mail standard probably isn't going to go anywhere...
jneveschbm: that shouldn't affect privacy laws - and copyright over dbs exists today
JugglerI've seen hashcash proposals which were backwards compatible :)
chbmjneves: i read something about (c) over DBs, even if the data isn't yours
Juggleryou simply make the mail server operate very poorly if it doesn't get payed by hashcash or some other form of ecash.
jneveschbm: law 122/2000, July 4 in Portugal
chbmjneves: obvious collision with current data privacy
Pummelriel_: dou you think url's like this: (http://usenet-addresses.mit.edu/) should be legal in the next future?
jneveschbm: but privacy laws have more importance (it's said on the law text)
jnevesriel_: is there a list of problematic ISPs that users can check ?
jmgvterra is going to get closed in few! at least that is what economy expert think about it
skuldgood job, riel :)
fernand0plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
riel_skuld: thanks
lokimuy buena conferecias
ShawnWerkyes :-)

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