zanshinwhat is meant by stateless TCP?
sarnoldzanshin tcp tends to require keeping a _lot_ of state in the kernel, of current sequence, packet fragments, window size, etc.. and kernels take a long time to throw away this information when no longer needed
zanshinah oxay
sarnoldhave you tried xprobe or queso or nmap's OS identification to see how minewt identifies?
zanshinSo with minewt running you can hide behind this virtual router and not be traced back? Since when you quit the router is gone... or are there still any traces?
zanshingrrr !@#$ irc server
sarnoldooooh :)
zanshinabout the question I asked... did I miss the answhere or was there no answhere yet?
zanshinha here it comes :0)
jmones<DanKamin> In terms of queso/xprobe identification, minewt really offers only one service:  ICMP Echo -> ICMP Echo Reply
jmonesopps... sorry... i thought you refered to previous question :)
zanshinhow should I see those pics?
sarnoldzanshin, easiest is to view the pre-generated ones in a web browser..
zanshinyeah I mean how should I "read" them. I don't know what enthropy is etc. ect.
sarnoldah, nice, sourceforge project... the viewer is probably Free too :)
sarnoldzanshin: ah, with four-dimensional visualizations it is difficult to say what it "represents" .. but good random numbers should look very diffuse
lokiviZard despues de esta platica a donde te puede uno contactar?
zanshinah okay so diffuse is good. That makes sense :)

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