* andre notes the central issues about LSM as it is w/ any binary class module is the legal aspects and the debates of linking v/s loading, so again Linus has done a great RMS model of muddying the waters of binaries
renemore explanation of "access control" versus "full audit"?
gregkhandre: nope, we use EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL, so as to prevent the muddying.
renethanks, clear
ShawnXcan LSM support functionality mentioned by the OpenBSD people we reguards to Privilage Separation?
ShawnXcdub: great! :)
ShawnXsorry 'with' reguards :)
andregregkh: not valid for the framework as there has to be a private data pointer for various specifics
armyare there plans to included auditing when the current model is in the kernel and working?
gregkh_army: not right now, no.
armygregkh_: owkee, tnx
gregkharmy: there's another very good kernel audit project out there from .au, can't remember the name right now, sorry.
zanshinIs there a list af objects for which security modules can be written?
* andre notes most of these issues on audits and and symbol exoprts are invalid because the simple rule of post the patch against the variation satisfies GPL
riel_cdub: you say that LSM protects objects, but it seems to have callback hooks per system call.
riel_cdub: could you explain why ? ;)
zanshink :)
armygregkh: tnx
andrecdub: how is the addition of LSM against any other bolt on API different, regardless if it is natively adopted
cdubandre can you hold that question just a minute?
andreyeah, but you knew it was coming
cdubyes ;-)
andreadd to the piss in the pot to stir the following: now are all LSM additions derived works and this forced to GPL thus removing the viable secret nature of LSM operations
andrenow if the secret sauce of each discrete LSM is disclosed, what is the use of LSM period
renecdub: could you give an example of a race here?
riel_andre: flexibility
nabandre: I believe the standard response on the LSM mailing list to the former is "ask a lawyer". :-)
renecdub: another kernel level thread? otherwise I don't understand
nabcdub: Is it possible to use multiple security modules at the same time,  and if so what are the limitations in doing so.
riel_cdub: I guess so ;)
renethen it what way could another thread modify foo so that LSM/open cares?
sarnoldnab: 'stacking' of security modules is possible.. david wheeler has a prototype stacking module that allows modules to be stacked and their results combined in the 'intuitive' way
renenm, I'll just listen
andresarnold: but does stacking create force orders of operations ?
sarnoldandre, doing stacking in full generality basically re-introduces the big kernel lock. :) if some assumptions are allowed (no unload of modules), it isn't that bad, I don't think.
andresarnold: different problem :-/
* slack is away: I'm busy
zanshinare syscall hooks and callbacks pointers to fuctions one should fill in when registering a security module?
zanshini see
pdpwhat regulates "Garbage Collection"
nabcdub:  How much overhead is associated in using the various hooks,  in what section of the kernel (fs ops, socket ops, etc) do the largest performance drawbacks lie?
nabcdub: or would this be more related to the implemenation of the hooks inside the security module?
ShawnXCLAP CLAP CLAP, cdub, i have to leave work, but im logging this so I will read it tonight :-)
pdpBut why allow upped sec-levels from un "unsecured sec-level by the Main sec-level ?  ??
pdpyes , why allow sudoers ? which in itself is not kosher
sarnoldpdp: consider the setuid bit .. it allows untrusted users, untrusted applications (shells) to get higher privs when executing the other program....
riel_cdub: does LSM handle passing of filedescriptors via unix domain sockets ?
pdpsarnold: sec-level enhancement like sudo and s-bit should be avoided , as much as possible, exactly then when you want to have security from whitin the kernel which checich checks the privilige of the "user", because that could circumvert the module.
sarnoldpdp: the module gets to decide whether setuid should work or not...
andrecdub: how is the addition of LSM against any other bolt on API different, regardless if it is natively adopted
cdubandre hehe, i just tried to answer that, perhaps you were netsplit off?
andrenow are all LSM additions derived works and this forced to GPL thus removing the viable secret nature of LSM operations
andrenow if the secret sauce of each discrete LSM is disclosed, what is the use of LSM period
andretry that one on :-)
sarnoldandre: flexibility ... a vendor such as redhat can distribute a kernel with LSM turned on
cdubheh, ok ;-)
* cdub tries it on...
sarnoldandre: and their users can apply whatever module (policy) they wish...
andreMODULE_LICENSE argument is fun, so the LSM API is exported as a GPL only API.
zanshinandre: do you have the missing text? I can past it for you.
gregkhandre: yup.
andregregkh: so agree that if the API is GPL thus it is forced to be a derived work, by the defined terms of FSF/GPL
gregkhandre: I'm not going to get into a license discussion.  Look at the code, and draw your own conclusions.
* andre is playing the devils advocate
andregregkh: that is the kind of issue which muddies the waters, when the goal of an API is to derive somethning clean
renecdub: thank you, very nice complete answer
gregkhcdub: remember the stupid root_plug module now in the kernel tree too :)
zanshinCan you explain the part about id's and registering id's once more... when is an object registerd?. And when is it referenced if a syscall is made? And how are the internal hooks hooked on userland syscalls? pffieuw :)
reneerr, okay :)
zanshinvery clear thanks!
cdubzanshin: sure ;-)
fernand0plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plast
pdpclap clap clap clap
viXardAre these modules arch careless?
viXardforgive my english :)

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