|Mixtli|traduccion aqui ?
|Mixtli|okas... espero.
viXardquienes traducirán al inglés?
|Mixtli|npi de ingles.
viXardtenemos voluntarios?
|Mixtli|no mames.. yo quiero que traduzcan del ingles al espaniol.
sarnoldquestions/comments in #qc
viXardtraductores por favor
viXardnecesitamos traductores
|Mixtli|y donde puede estar del ingles a espaniol ?
lokiNext talk: 1900
slackhi acs!
lokicreo que ya empezo
acshola slack!
lokiya mero comenzara
viXardalguien traduce?
tin_if no one is going to translate i can try
coredviXard yo puedo traducir
coredviXard i can try too
viXardempiecen por favor
tin_thanks to all for coming ...
coredToday we will talk about video digital edition on windows
coredi mean on linux
tin_there are lots fo things to say about video
tin_video is juist photograps that are continouosly emitedd
tin_but due to the visual system human beings have, we can cheat it
tin_and believe that 25 images per second are a continuaos movement
tin_in the near past video storage was analogic , but we are not going to talk about this
tin_we are goingo to talk about digital video
tin_1 and 0s
tin_Lets talk about digital video
coredwe'll get center on the digital video
coredand its posibilities
tin_GNU/linux is a wonderful mate , working with video
tiriI recomend to put mode +m on this channel :)
viXardEMPEROR, saca ese script por favor
viXardo bájate del op
tin_why do we need technology?
tin_we can do it whit digital cams , anoalgic cams and then digitalize the signal ...
tin_tv signal...
tin_all of them are valid video sources to play with
tin_in this speech we are going to center in the semi-professional ones
tin_we are going to work with qualities near to the real tv programs
tin_until the MiniDV arrival, we were limited to cams , with qualities very far from professional ones
tin_quality is given by the resolution
tin_VSH is about 320x200 pixels of resolution
tin_but i'm not sure of the numbers ...
tin_now, we have evolved in the digital field to superior qualities
tin_like SVHS
tin_but the digital video entry has been a revolution
tin_digital MiniDV cams are about 600 EUR
tin_so the market has been filled with them
tin_if you want exact details about VHS
coredif you want to know more details about VHS
tin_ http://www.home-cinema-guide.co.uk/vhs2.htm
tin_and more info about digital cames (600-2400) at:  http://www.imagendv.com/tabla.htm
tin_before buying a cam, thing , look at the photos , read help webpages ---
coredyou should look in the forums too
tin_from now we are going to use the reference
tin_ http://www.es.gnome.org/documentacion/articulos/kino/kino/
tin_and we are going to center in the use of Kino
coreda program for digital video editing
tin_a program speciall thought for the MiniDV video edition
tin_it is amined to be very easy to use
tin_and it is recommended to install from packagers
tin_because compilation can bring problems due to its library dependeces
tin_there are Debian and RH packages
tin_so installation is easy
tin_acs@linex:~$ dpkg -l | grep kino
tin_[20:26:20] <acs> ii  kino           0.51-1         Non-linear editor for Digital Video data
tin_and i have a more modern version at /usr/local
tin_/usr/local/bin/kino --version
tin_[20:26:50] <acs> Preferences constructed
tin_[20:26:50] <acs> Gnome kino 0.6
coredwhen you compile
coredthe source code of kino is very easy to track down
coredits made on c++
tin_and uses several libaries that make a  lot of the actual work
tin_acs@linex:~$ ldd /usr/local/bin/kino | wc
tin_[20:28:29] <acs>      36     144    1985
coredits depend on
cored36 libs
tin_it depends on 36 libraries
tin_some of them:
tin_brom1394.so.0 => /usr/lib/librom1394.so.0 (0x40547000)
tin_[20:28:54] <acs>  libavc1394.so.0 => /usr/lib/libavc1394.so.0 (0x4054a000)
tin_[20:28:54] <acs>  libraw1394.so.5 => /usr/lib/libraw1394.so.5 (0x4054e000)
tin_[20:28:54] <acs>  libdv.so.2 => /usr/lib/libdv.so.2 (0x40552000)
coredthis libs are for the ieee1394 speed
coredand the video editing format
tin_we put the video into the computer , in order edit it...
tin_minidv record at 2GB/10min
tin_so dumping such straem in the PC
coredits take us
coredabout 20 Mbps
tin_more than 20 Mbps
tin_we can put it though USB2
tin_but it is imposible por serial or paralel ports
coredthe fact is that all this flaw
tin_in fact it is doe
coredgoes in the high speed
coredport ieee1394
tin_putting the stream though the high speed iee1394 (FireWire) port
tin_port that is perfectly supported bye kernel 2.4
tin_and by patches in the 2.2
tin_with a very good stability
tin_so we are no going to have any problems with iee1394
tin_look at:
tin_ http://www.es.gnome.org/documentacion/articulos/kino/kino/modulos.jpg
coredin this shot you have the necesari kernel config
tin_well, i have ther kernel ready
tin_so i plug my digital cam
tin_at the ieee1394 port
tin_as shown at
tin_ http://www.es.gnome.org/documentacion/articulos/kino/kino/x78.html
coredwhere you have photos of my cam
coredand that i'll going to plug right nw
corednothing else to connect the camera the system recognizes such and as they show logs
coreddo you have any question?
coredyou have to make the question on #qc
coredwell lets keep going
coredmy kernel dosent have the ieee1394 support
coredand i had to compile the modules
coredits better to work with modules
coredin case we have to upload it or load it
coredand restar the cam comunication
coredthere are question
* tin_ is back
tin_how can we connect the cam if we havent a iee1394?
coredwith kino can we control the cam
tin_there are PCI cards that provede us with ieee1394 ports
coredlike with premiere play and rewind buttons
tin_2nd question: how can we connect the cam if we havent a iee1394?
coredyou can rewind the tape and make play with it
tin_there are PCI cards that provede us with ieee1394 ports  , they are about 30 EUR
coredwith the ieee1394 we can connect hard drives
coredfor example, they are commenting to me that one of 200 GB costs 360 euros
tin_<viXard> Technical problems :)
tin_i apologize for the interrumtion
tin_we are here again
tin_we have already compiled the modules
coredfor the ieee1394
tin_and loaded with modprobe video1394
coredand we load it modprobe video1394
tin_once donde this
tin_when we plug our cam
tin_logs will say:
tin_Dec 10 20:45:12 localhost kernel: ieee1394: Host added: Node[00:1023]
tin_GUID[344fc00039709c10]  [Linux OHCI-1394
tin_that is, a new host has been added to the port
tin_(our dig. cam)
coredthat he is already available to be used from kino
coredand is time to start kino
tin_now, the moment to start koni has arrived
coredviXard Let us wait for a second.
tin_we are at the end of
tin_i've been asked if kino works with all
tin_minidv cams: the anser is YES
coredsince all of them support a common protocol
tin_because all of them support a common protocol
tin_Lets start kino
tin_we see:
tin_ http://es.gnome.org/documentacion/articulos/kino/kino/x106.html
tin_we are at  the ediiotn screen
tin_but çwe have nothing to edit
coredkino also works with MicroDV?
tin_<ximet> does kino also works with MicroDV?
coredno i dont know that format
tin_asc: Sorry i dont know about the MicroDV format
cored<ximet> the one of the MicroDV is the format of the new Sony...
tin_nest thing to be done is capture some scene from our camera
tin_if we press on the capture tab
coredwe can capture sequence
tin_as we can see in
coredof video
tin_inside  http://es.gnome.org/documentacion/articulos/kino/kino/x131.html
coredwhere its explain the entire process, with details
coredtechnical problems
coredi apoligize my fall
tin_we were at the capture part:
tin_ http://es.gnome.org/documentacion/articulos/kino/kino/x131.html
tin_we have captured the desired scenes form the recorded tape
coredwhen we capture the desire escene
coredthe recorded tape is known with the name "gross"
tin_now, we are going to mount each on eof the secuences
tin_we can , in a very basic edition.
tin_cut video segments
tin_and put them in  a single sequence
coredand to join it in an only sequence that will be the published video
tin_whcich will be the edited video
tin_but kino allow us to join the seqs
coredlike we can see here:
tin_is a more interesting way
tin_as we can see at:
tin_ http://es.gnome.org/documentacion/articulos/kino/kino/x232.html
tin_in the tab FX
tin_we can join tow sequences with
coredwe can join 2 sequence with diferent effects
tin_different effects
tin_blanking out...
coredor we even can apply effects to all a sequence
coredwe can of comfortable and fast form previsualize the effects
coredand as they are before applying them
coredapplying them is not a very heavy process either
coredwhen working with digital video without compressing
coredenough express in the edition can be worked
coredsince we have already commented, we can capture video of análogicas sources, and Kino is able to incorporate it like sequence to the edition
coredalthough still it is a functionality that is a little green
coredyou have more details in:
coredOnce we have finished the assembly
coredthe moment arrives for exporting it to a compressed format of distribution
coredsince nobody would want something that occupied 2 GB each 10 min
coredkino is able to export to several formats
coredlike SVCD
coredbut we can use transcode that still is able to export to more formats
cored<c58|slk> where can i download kino
coredyou can obtain it from http://kino.schirmacher.de/
coredalthough I recommend to you that you install it of packages
coredonce already installed
coredyou can test with more new versions
coredwell, now already we have our video in a format like DivX to be distributed
coredburning it to a cd
coredand we can share it with our family
coredin order to remember that birthday or that wedding or to remember with the friends that
coredin aim that nothing limits to you already:)  
coredhere are some of the kino advanced features
coredthat they come from the certain hand of plugins
coredone of them allows to label the video
coredand the other
coredit can make really impressive effects
coredthis last one is part of kinoplus
cored http://es.gnome.org/documentacion/articulos/kino/kino/x406.html
coredif you want to code kino plugins
coredits not a very complex task
coredgood, we have some pending question
cored<bitland> according to the fast and approximated calculations, would be needed 18 GB hd for a film of a duration of average hour and, that usually is the habitual thing, that minimum benefits it has to have the computer where is executed so that he is viable using it?
coredthe computer really does not have to be very powerful
coredwe needed to have free space in the hard disk
coredand soon, if we want to pass those 90 min = 18 GB to DivX for example because we will need several hours based on micro that we arrange
coredits can takes you about 5 or 10 hours to put it in divx format
coredthose that you have passed DVDs to DivX you will know what costs; -)
coredgood, the talk is close now
coredquestion time
cored<bitland> it is possible to be used without problems in any other platform (mac, freebsd...)
coredi suppose you are talking about kino
coredthen the truth, I suppose that yes, although you it could not assure
coredbut if there is drivers for ieee1394
coredmaybe somebody have done the job
cored<rawsock> had you test cinelerra? how its going?
coreduy, this are greater words
coredwithout a doubt, for the edition of professional video, Cinelerra is the best option
viXardWell cored, i think you have done a great job
viXardwe couldn´t ask you for more :)
coredsomething allows to have several flows of video during the edition that kino does not allow but more complex is enough small pause, to be asking in
coredfor the debian users:
coreddeb http://userpages.umbc.edu/~fu1/debian unstable main
viXardi think is enough
viXardthanks every one, the Q&A will continue at #linux
coredmy fingers dosent have more power
sarnoldcored: thanks for translating :)
sarnoldcored: very nice ;)
coredsarnold no problem
cored<c58|slk> For example if I use my laptop to capture video, but I do not have the space sufficient podria to become by local network?
coredhmmm, because you must have an excellent network to support the data flow.  I do not believe that it is a viable option.  He is better for example to put a connected extra hard disk to ieee1394:)
cored<ximet> Ieee1394 can be used to capture video since it becomes from/the dev/video one
coredI do not know the API accurately, but I believe that he is very similar.  An eye to like doing plugin for kino throws that you got it examples
cored<ximet> more than nothing to make "transmistions" in the network with ffmpeg, for example
coredI finish remembering that the digital camcorder can be treated like/dev/video using certain programs
coredviXard We thank for to Alvaro Castle by so splendid dissertation:)
cored[16:42] <MJesus> clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
cored[16:42] <MJesus> clap clap clap clap clap clap

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