Aradorgood night
Aradorhere we start the last lecture of today, but not the last of the event ;)
AradorEmanuel Chanampa, of Echosoft(argentina)
viXardGood evening
viXardnext i´m gonna speak about nano technologies in unix/linux
viXardfirst, we´ll talk about how nanotech works
viXardto then see how it works under unix
viXardnano, we understand, is the measure of tini tiny things (1x10ex-9)
viXardit means at a molecular level size
viXardthis is called nano
viXardas we are developping small architectures to manage small machines or instruments so little that help programmers/users
viXardto do that, we need to know the base of unix fundament y how it worls at a modular mode,
viXardto make this nano tech works correctly we should manage processor information directly
viXardleaving aside the system Task
viXardso, how do we do that? is the question
viXardwell, we just need to atack the system semaphors, using ASm
viXardas base language
viXardas you can remember, asm is an usefull languaga, little and /&//
viXardeven with time is loosing fans
viXardWell, if the programmer use ASM, we can get the programs to use at a very low space cost
viXardand above all to access to are beloved interruptions
viXardin all systems, there are basic ints to all,
viXardbut we should note that these are basic to the processor
viXardand ints we want at the time of work for a nano platform, are most of it a i386 type
viXardTo save space and get direct access and the call the console to retrieve the information of the sysrem
viXardthis base is used for the system on X mode
viXardthe most impontant is to give the user
viXardan GUI
viXardnow the embebbed systems use it a lot, even though the nanotech hasn´t pass the text phase
viXardand it is understandable because it is about using very small systems like medical nano tools
viXardthat are controlled by remote system and are conected throught infrared system
viXardin a very tiny machine i386-type because it is trying to use a protected system in a machine smaller than 1mm
viXardthis small machine just have action by the OS, which is alocated in a ROM
viXardand the unix platform comunicates through ints 8h and 12h
viXardthat are used on these machines
viXardthis ints are inherent of this machines, but aren´t generic of it
bluehackaja ya entre!
Aradorand you need a lot of time to have a base
Aradorgeneric base for use and fast execution
Aradorsynthetizing, lest's see what we've said
Aradorfirst. anno technology -> small system, module equivalent
Aradorsecond, using direct ints with orders to the cpu
Aradorthird, linking to embebbed architectures
Aradorfourth, similar architecture at a "mosaic's picture"
Arador(fluctuant's mosaic struct)
Aradorwell, let's go to the file system, memory and access
Aradorand restrictions
Aradoreach nano machine, has a rom memory, but not an Unix OS
Aradorit's a pre-system that has ~30 ints as maximum
Aradorthat they're called from  a nano paltform
Arador(we say nano platform instead a unix type modified system)
Aradorso, in the file-systems field, we can't pass real files, only ints are emited to ports, the same are returned to the parent OS (Unix)
Aradorand it's shown in the scree
Aradorfor that is convenient to use a graphic interface
Aradorbut not the use of X11
bluehackpara eso es conveniente usa interfaze grafica
bluehackpero no el X
Aradoralternatives are searched, one very important it's MICROWINDOWS
Aradorand embebbed QT
Aradorbluehack: questions on #qt please
Aradorand the TV libraries, although they're not recommended by its' extension and memory usage
bluehacky QT agregado
Aradorthe graphics system allows us to easily call, the machine functions, and save steps
Aradorbut we'll never should re-structure systems as the x11 system because the're multitasking and they eat a lot of resources
Aradorany question?
Aradormore information about microwindows on
Aradora good question, can we've multitasking on a nano system?
Aradori'd say you that yes, but we run into problems
Aradorof system saturation, so se must use
Aradora modified version of the linux/unix/freebsd kernel
Aradoror as i said before, using unix and a nano system
Aradorbut in this way, you wouldn't have multitasking
Aradoryes, virtual processes
Aradorthat's, loading a program and mantaining another in memory
Aradordue that in the nano systems, we don't have extensible memory or upper or extended
Aradoryou only have the base memory 500k and depending on the nano architecture
Aradoractually, you've some projects that're working in nano architectures
Aradorthat you could review, the one is ELKS if i can remember the name correctly
Aradorand the other is L4 but nowadays they're going beyond the scope
Aradorboth them are unix compliant
Aradorbut, in sume, multitasking means: memory usage, resources usage
Aradorbut you win stability, remember that it dependes in the cpu, and the used languages
Aradorif we use asm, we've a basic task, but not real multitasking
Aradorso we lost the multitasking, but in the future, all the i386 proccesors are promiseed
Aradoras the used in nano human machines
Aradorwith that, we can have a multitasking system
Aradorany other question?
Aradorwell, let's go to the memory and task system
Aradoras we will rememeber in a nano system, we'¡ve unix stoping in its semaphores
Aradoras we remember, in a nano system, we have unix holded to get to our goal, get down resources and call the processor
Aradorfor what we just can get one task that works like this:
Aradorfirst program loaded:
Aradoris asigned to low rank values
Aradorsecond program loaded, is asigned to the second program in rank
Aradorand the third program loaded remains in the last position in rank
Aradorthis allow us to have multiples calls to ints and to have something like a multitasking, but it is ficticius
Aradorwe aren't loading programs but asigning them
Aradorthe question is: ¿how we do it?
Aradorwith modules
Aradoreach program, is a asm or C program (yes, C can be used)
Aradorbut be careful, remember that we've to create our own c library
Aradorre-structured, and that means a lot of work
Aradorfor that, it's suggested using libraries as tiny c, ulibc
Aradorthey're more, but these are mostly usables
Aradorwhen you've to adapt them to a nano platform
Aradorso let's remember, we've a basic memory, that we use through direct ints at the computer
Aradorwe haven't real semaphores, due that this is limiting us
Aradorand if it's possible all it's structured in the real i386 model
Aradorso, the memory is assigned, allocated and it's retreated to delete it
Aradorthis is stable and very fast for this kind of computers
Aradormainly for those < 25 Mhz
Aradornow let's see the relation between nano systems and embebbed platforms
Aradorwell, a embebbed system is a reduced one to make it working in small machines and small processors
Aradorthey aren't nano, due that we've all the ints
Aradorof a real processor, but we can connect them
Aradorwith nano machines
Aradorimagine this: in the future everybody will have a hand machine, unix, and they will be allowed to switch on/off the lights of their home
Aradoror see the car's state, or seeing in a nano human machine
Aradorand reviwe the body's state
Aradorimagine all interconected, that's the fundament of the nano technology
Aradorwe don't talk about a microchip, but  a big net, with common ints
Aradorthat allow us to use a lot of machines, systems, etc, and all this thanks to machines no bigger than 1mm
Aradoranswering to your question, ston, you're right
Aradortha coould implie to be controlled
Aradorbut native firewalls are needed
Aradorthis complicate the achitecture a lot
Aradorbut that's why we use a unix platform
Aradorbecause the idea is that everything is in the net, protected,  with privilegies
Aradorany question, commentary?
Aradorwell, let's see the ethic, uses and examples in medicine
Aradorethically, it's no moreal having everybody interconnected
Aradorand it's not accepted by science, but practically is useful
Aradorbecasue with a hand pc you'd know the state of your body
Aradorpulse, glucemia, enzima's nivels
Aradorbut not only in medicine, in houses, cars, what happens in them
Aradorreturning to the questions
Aradoroverflow: the biggest advances in the nano technology are in medicine
Aradorand in the space
AradorI know there trying to create micro systems for watchs and home devices
Aradorbut the real advance was to create an i386 type processor with 1 MB in RAM
Aradorwith a rom with 60 ints in action
Aradorin a size of 0,001 mm sort of
Aradorthis was made in an university at Japan
Aradorow there are ppl working at USA, trying the same thing to fight terminal deseases with nano machines that could atack viruses and stuff
AradorSton: these systems are available since 3 years ago, and from here to 10 years, we´ll be using nano machines even to repair other machines
Arador e0x: the idea es human being interacts with PC and viceversa
Aradora whole big network with out borders
Aradorthis is kind of futurist, but not impossible
Aradoreven some talk about interpretation of electrical human muscle impulse, but this topic is very complicated because human manage voltage between 3 V and 12 ums V
Aradorirolave: well, is an interesting question, well kind of philosophic in fact
Arador but, in my personal thoughts, i'd like to see that
AradorE0x: yes, you are right humanhack...imagine a human acting as rigid
AradorSton: i can tell you corporations like MS are investing in nano tech
Aradorto investigate paralisis, etc
Aradorlrolave: you are right
Aradoris not good to loose the humanity
AradorNanotech is very inmature yet
Aradorbut it could be used for genetic therapy
Aradorjust imagine, get cured of a cold just by modifying your DNA
Aradorusing a machine
Aradornow lets go to the portability topic
Aradorand the mul action system
Aradorwe refer to this as the the use of different kind of technologies in embebbed system
Aradoror maybe in a nano world
Aradorwell, to get this kind of system, we must have some things in mind
Aradorunix systems use POSIX compliant
Aradorand the ELF executable format
viXardthe idea is to gain over other systems
viXardto gain resources
viXardsadly, unix systems don´t have many machine drivers
viXardso we need to go to real portability
viXardthere for we should know the ints and call of the system
viXardand re formule a common base to everything
viXardso, if we build a common library we could inter relationate all other systems
viXardand have common executables in all platforms
viXardthis project was left beside even now, when nano tech is growing
viXardif we have some drivers, having a library, we could load drivers in other systems
viXardas modules of direct allocation
viXardfor tis, is good to have systems like wine, twin, that use re allocation to emulate, i mean they take windows ints and transforms it
viXardto unix ints
viXard( y
viXardin the drivers portability side
viXardthe important is to learn of other platform.
viXardwidnows is an example of mercadology, it had many more drivers than anyone else
viXardso, using this ints re directing technology, we could load windows drivers on unix
viXardgaining periphericals, saving time and action
viXardbut maintatining the posix compilant of unix and other formats
viXardwe are not talking about emulation, instead of the use of external drivers
viXardis time that the platform unix can gane drivers so it can get more portability
viXardjust imagine multi system programs
viXardbut a lot of enterprises don't want to publish information about their drivers
viXardlamentablement that'd be the best option faced with this problems
viXard it's true, it's in what i'm working, and i'll tell you that i'm almost done
viXardjsimao: (¿?)
viXardyes, nano tech will be prural, i mean it´ll be used in all systems
viXardand evryone will comprehend it
Aradorbut the most important is obtaining more control in drivers and making easy its creation to enterprises
Aradorabout the memory; it's true, you must avoid that, you've to realloc and load them on a real way
Aradorthat doesn't eat memory, and the speed is acceptable
Aradorif anybody want to see my work bout portability, look at
Aradorreturning to nano technology, we'll globe all so this technology can fluctuate
Aradordiest, havind a real portability system
Aradorfirst, having a real portability system
Aradorsecond, obtaining a nano architecture
Aradorthird, join all the systems with a nano technology
Aradorwell at what are we pointing to?
Aradorthat the nano technoñlogy, could give support at that it doesnt' mind under what system is the user
Aradordue that we'd have basic ints to all
Aradorthat the systems would interpretate and here we'll read and interprete them
Aradorworkinng not only as a big net, but also as executables multi-system
Aradorin a tiny architecture
Aradorimagine connecting your clock to a unix or dos pc (for example)
Aradorand recognizing the data, using infrared ports existents and understanding the information
Aradoras an application an not dumped data at the os
Aradornd this technology could be aplicated in the operating systems, to save space and gain speed
Aradoreven in the future we could get computers like palms but with the power of an actual PC, without the need of modify the cpu
Aradorjust the OS
Aradorthis could take a long time, but it is not imposible
Aradorand the cost would be low
Aradorabout 400 to 700 dollar
Aradormaybe they replace note books
Aradorit depends of the tech future, but everythig could be based on i386p
Aradorand not optimized to i486 to i686
Aradorfor wich the conclusion we got is to have go archive the software and maintain the actual OS and get it optimized attaching new technologies
Aradorin conclusion:
Aradorthe nano technology will allow us to have a big system network, interconnected, a real multiplatform
Aradorto save space and get smaller machines even get cheaper machines
Aradornano technology saves us time, space, we gain speed
Aradorand maybe it will be the future of mayor human-machine interactivity
Arador well, that's all folks

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