grimoire this may be silly, but what does FIXED_1 define as?
jmgv but when do you update the task counter? i suposed each task add 1 when it born and sub 1 before kill.. isn't it?
seletz uh-ohh
jmgv dont worry
jmgv :)
seletz maybe a dump question: What do those hash tables contain? key, value i mean.
jmgv cool
grimoire i'd assume that list is a linked list..?
@sarnold a 32k bitmap for pids?
@sarnold woah; thats a lot of pids :)
chbm uint32
chbm why not use it all :)
cdub do you still intend to provide a generic scanning function with a callback for comparison?
cdub and LSM has hooks in those spots that could do the updates.  (similarly task ornaments would help, i think).
cdub ;-)

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