MaiteDear friends
MaiteIt gives me the great pleasure of introduce to all of you. Mr. David Gonzalez Romero, Infomed Node Administrator in the Health System in Cuba.
MaiteHe, will explain the evolution of free sofware and open source in the Telematic Net of web, Telematica de Salud in Cuba.
MaiteI would like to mention, that this project has been honored by the most prestigious Challenge Award Academy in the city of Stockholm, in Health category, for his
Maitecontribution to the global movement, for the benefit of knwoledge and information easy to reach anyone.It has great importance, because the of the way it's reach for it's use and in such low budget.
MaiteNow, here is Mr. David González (Samael)
MaiteFirst, I'd like to thank the fact that you've invited
Maiteto the Telematic Net of Health in Cuba to participate in the Umeet 2002 meeting.
MaiteSince some years, Infomed has come collaborating with Uninet in the development
Maiteof technical contact, professional and academic through the connferency  by text
MaiteIn the same way, when 2 years ago, it was the first UNIX congress in Uninet
Maiteit's come participating users of our net in it, besides of being this space
Maitea link between people form all the world that access our irc net, now being
Maiteof one of the cogress that are taking part in the Free and Open source world.
MaiteOur conferency won't be a magistral lecture, nor a doctorate thesis.
MaiteThe subject that attach us, sin't other that giving to know the Infomed's experiences in the Free and Open Source field.
MaiteFirst, we start saying that InfoMed is charged at nacianl level (Cuba) of supporting all the net infrastructure for the health sector and for all the nacional's
Maiteinformation system for the Public Health Ministery, with the purpose of raising the level of profesional scientifics. Also in the
Maitesame way students and other workers in the health sector are beneficiated. We want to say that Infomed has reached to the most distant geographies of the country, in a
Maitetry to reach to the rural doctor in the mountains, with the latest nes in the healt sector.
MaiteNow, what has to see Infomed with the Free Software?
MaiteA lot, because since the stat InfoMed assumed the free software style as work style. In 1992 under adverses economic conditions, the
Maite idea of creating a telematic net to the health sector emerged. The scientific advances in this
Maitefield were huge and in a lot of regions in the planet prestigious institutions had yet
Maiteestablished their slid bases to make what InfoMedo wanted to make in CUba. In their starts
MaiteInfomed used propietary software, specifically Santa Cruz UNIX, but this was until 1994. In that
Maitepoch, it was decided to use Linux as the base system that suported all the net, they aren't a definition of what distribution was used first Slackware or Redhat,
Maitebut there was something that Infomed has decided: Live or die!
MaiteThe use of free software in the InfoMed net was based in the following:
MaiteUsage of Linux as the net OS
MaiteUsage of apache as web server
MaiteUsage of PHP and Perl as script language in the web
MaiteUsage of Sendmail + imap-UW as mail solution
MaiteUsage of IMP as webmail solution
MaiteUsage of MySQL as database server
MaiteUsage of Mailman as lists server
MaiteUsage of Squid as proxy/cache server
MaiteLinux as the net OS
MaiteIn 1994-95 the decision of using Linux as OS in the Ciudad de la Habana node is taken. In 1995 the national net is created, a  server runnning linux in each province is constructed, a
Maitemultiport card and two modems to receive connections, 13 Linux servers in total. Today: Only between the net nodes there are 61 servers running Redhat Linux and the
Maiteexperience has been extended to institute and hospital nodes
MaiteApache, the most used web server in Internet
MaiteThe apache usage is due to being a modern web server, that accomplish with the actual Internet
Maiterequeriments. Flexible, it allows the job with a wide variety of web extensions, script languages, data bases, etc. Robust, in needs a small number of hours/man in its administration
Maiteand manteinance. Efficient, it uses few system resources, it's capable of satisfacting all our needs in simple and modest hardware.
MaiteSendmail + imap-UW, a mail solution
MaiteWhy? It's what Redhat Linux has by default. To this moments, it has behaved well in our system where it exist a diary interchange of more than 65000 inbox mails and more than 30000 outbox, and some tens of thousand of telefonic mail calls between our
Maitenational net and the outside, where ~40000 more that are internal to the net.
MaiteSquid, an efficient proxy/cache web
MaiteIt restricts the access only to health information. It allows a good optimization of the Internet links ¿results? 6 qyeries per second with 10 spikes and it continues growing. 4GB of information throught it daily 50% is served by the cache.
MaiteOpen source tools, indispensable for Infomed.
Maitehe usage of Perl, PHP and MySQL are indispensable elements for the development of
Maitedifferent proyects in Infomed. Examples of that we have:
Maite - Virtual Library of Heath of Cuba
Maite - Virtual University of Health
MaiteOpensource services that Infomed gives
MaiteIMP, a webmail solution for our users
MaiteHtdig, search and indexing web engine
MaiteWebalizer, web stadistic generator
MaiteMailman, lists server
MaiteForum, Tool to create and administrate discussion forums
MaiteBy another side infomed is who is at charge of hosting, mantaining and refreshing the Cuba Linux Site, today un redesign phase. It supports the mail traffic of the discussion list for Linux Users of Cuba, 727 users and growing. It's
Maiteinfomed too who is in charge of promoting the free software's use in the society. Today, some of their specialists impart courses, conferencies, and they promote the sahring in a real group of Linux users in La habana Province.
MaiteIt's expected to work hardly to implement a course of Linux at user level, in the "Jovenes CLub de Computacion" (Youngs Club of Computation) (Institution promoter of the  informatic knowledge in the island that has more than 350 copmutation rooms in all the country where people goes to learn, practice and develop their computation skills)
MaiteInfomed has today 7000 ppp users, almost 3000 users per each 150 uucp accounts and about 10000 in the rest of the country. The services have evolved in these 10 years
Maitefrom only email to a virtual university and library health. Infomed is today one of the most stable telematic net in the country, of recongnized prestige between the
Maitecuban community and between our users. Winner of the prize Challenge of Stockholm in the health area "For a better contribution and construction of a copmuterized society for all". Infomed hasn't had, to reach the previous, inverting a cent in software for
Maiteservers, we only use free software
MaiteConferencia-brazil.ppt. Peña Escobio, Roger. 2nd reginal forum of free software, Puerto Alegre, 2001
MaitePersonal Experiences. Gonzalez Romero, David. La Habana, 2000-2002
Maitethe questions at #qc

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