Session Start: Sun Dec 15 16:49:29 2002
Session Ident: #linux
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* fernand0 has joined #linux
* sarnold sets mode: +o fernand0
MJesushi garoeda.... you have maill
fernand0Our next speaker is Seth Arnold.
fernand0He is a security researcher and expert from the US.
fernand0He is working at
fernand0Wirex, and he is involved in the development of the Immunix Distribution.
fernand0He has been also involved in the organization of this conference.
fernand0Withoy him have no doubt that this conference would have been very different (and not better)
fernand0 /withoy/whitout/
fernand0He is going to talk about an interesting proyect about security-auditing
fernand0open source code: "Sardonix: making the most of our open source"
fernand0Thanks to him for preparing his talk about this interesting topic, and to
fernand0all of you for comming here.
fernand0Mr. Arnold....
sarnoldthanks fernand0 :)
sarnoldi'd like to point out that questions and comments should go in #Qc
sarnoldfeel free to ask them at any time :)
sarnoldi'd like to thank garoeda and Arador for translating into dutch and spanish on the fly for me. how cool. :)
sarnoldi'd liketo first start out by saying
sarnoldthat I don't mean disrespect to RMS when I talk of Open SOurce
sarnoldi think he says many good things, even if they are ocasionnaly irratating :)
sarnoldbut I don't mean anything specific by "open source" vs "free software"
sarnoldthat out of the way...
sarnoldthere is quote, "with enough eyes, all bugs are shallow"
sarnoldit has been attributed to both eric s raymond and linus torvalds
sarnoldmaybe both have said it :)
sarnoldbut the problem is, there _aren't_ enough eyes
sarnoldmost of the software we use and rely on in the open source community hasn't been properly audited
sarnoldmuch of it was just written for fun by enthusiasts
sarnoldwhich is wonderful -- except, programmers make mistakes
sarnoldand without an infrastructure in place to try to correct those mistakes, serious security flaws can result
sarnoldthere are _some_ organized auditing projects, such as the OpenBSD project, Solar Designer's Openwall project, and SuSE and Caldera security teams
sarnoldhowever, caldera and suse's security teams have changed drastically recently .. they no longer get as much time to audit as they used it
sarnold< tarzeau:#qc> and debian? and the hurd?
sarnoldtarzeau: debian has an active security team; to my knowledge, they are primarily response-oriented -- getting the package maintainers into the loop with security fixes
sarnoldtarzeau: to my knowledge, the hurd project doesn't audit anything. maybe they do. I don't know.
sarnold< rene:#qc> and microsoft? :)
sarnoldrene: microsoft's growing move towards C# could mean they have serious security advantages over time
sarnoldrene: but microsoft's biggest problem is that they have immense complexity to deal with
sarnoldrene: anyway, microsoft can afford to hire thousands upon thousands of programmers to just read source code and find vulnerabilities .. maybe they even hired a few specifically for that purpose in their latest security push
sarnoldrene: the open source community cannot afford to hire dozens of programmers to check each other's work
sarnoldwhich gets us back to sardonix! :)
sarnoldthe strength of the open source community is that so many people take pride and ownership in the programs we use every day
sarnold<i'm going to take a bit of a break for translators..>
sarnold < fernand0:#qc> there is another problem: auditing code is not easy
sarnoldfernand0 got this exactly correct.
sarnoldprogrammers have been taught over years to use unsafe programming methods
sarnoldand many errors are very subtle
sarnoldhowever, when someone like al viro takes a look at source code, _any source code_, for about five minutes, he tends to find exploitable flaws
sarnoldal viro is unique, but not necessarily in a fashion that can't be taught
sarnoldthat anyone can find bugs so quickly means we have a ways to go
sarnoldwe need a method of encouraging people to find bugs
sarnoldand do so in a method that does not involve piles of money
sarnoldmy boss, crispin cowan, has been impressed with slashdot for years
sarnoldmost especially, how people spend a _lot_ of time trying to earn "karma points" in their postings
sarnoldpeople go out of their way to write useful and inciteful comments, because they will get moderated up, and thier consistent history of useful postings is advertised, if you will
sarnoldso, my boss thought, "lets try to get these 'karma whores' to audit software, too!"
sarnoldsardonix was born.
sarnoldthe idea is simple: make a repository for storing security audits
sarnoldtie the audits closely to the auditors, and we can produce scores on how well various auditors work
sarnoldby coming up with a suitable scoring function, we should be able to help encourage auditors to look at software and _be precise_ in their audits
sarnold< rene:#qc> sarnold: to open-sourec specifically I believe there is also another problem. sometimes when I find a bug, I end up not reporting it, bacause I was fixing it myself (I have the source after all ...) then get too far into that, reqrite loads, get stuck halfway, and drop it
sarnoldrene: yeah, there is that problem.
sarnoldrene: though maybe the simple solution is for you to report the bug to someone else first, and _then_ try to patch it up. :)
sarnoldrene: that way, if you produce a patch, it will be a tested patch (always a bonus), and people will more readily welcome your bug reports in the future :)
sarnold< jose_n:#qc> does sardonix also score vendors? ie "-1: not responsive" or "+5: rapid response, worked closely with community to develop a fix."
sarnoldjose_n: not currently; to be brutally honest, the scoring doesn't work at all yet :)
sarnoldjose_n: we had plans of scoring specific software programs with respect to their bug histories, though
sarnoldjose_n: the idea is, slashdot's karma system is almost entirely automatic. we'd like sardonix to be entirely automated .. scoring based on response times would complicate matters a bit, but is probably worth investigating. :)
sarnold< docelic:#qc> There should a lot of effort be put into advising existing/new programmers how to write new code with at least basic security aspects in mind (in addition to just working on fixing bugs someone made who-knows-when in the past).
sarnolddocelic: i wholeheartedly agree. my own education experience shows me that security issues are going almost completely untouched in the school system.
sarnolddocelic: one of my own professors was befuddled to see a race condition in action -- imagine if she were to be programming software that could possible accept untrusted input? the result wouldn't be good.
sarnolddocelic: as jose_n points out, this isn't for a lack of resources -- it is because, in part, the computer software industry is dominated by features more than reliability.
sarnolddocelic: so, teaching programmers to write code quickly has been more important than teaching programmers to program correctly.
sarnolddocelic: with the expected consequences. :)
sarnold < fernand0:#qc> there is another problem: auditing code is not easy
sarnoldfernand0 may not have known this when he said it (maybe he did :) but proving code does not have security flaws is an unsolvable problem
sarnoldit has been proven that ensuring code won't have faults in it is isomorphic (the same problem as) to solving the Turing Halting problem
sarnold< riel:#qc> sarnold: one problem I am seeing is that people copy code with security bugs from books and online examples.  Do you know of any effort to audit educational material for security bugs ?
sarnoldriel, i don't know of any projects; they would be difficult under any circumstance, as there are hundreds of programming books with depressingly large (and obvious) security flaws in them
sarnoldi enjoy reading unix books from the mid eighties, and it is pretty depressing to see them using functions unsafely .. and practically every page of one (popular) book I own is riddled with security flaws
sarnoldriel: both jose_n and I have spotted flaws in code examples in linux magazines; we both wrote with our complaints to the editors, but that was hardly a concerted effort. :)
sarnold< fork:#qc> wasn't that Stevens paying for pointing out for errors in his books?
sarnoldfork: I don't recall stevens specifically paying for errors; knuth offered a reward of $2.56 per bug found to the first person to report a bug, however. :) I doubt anyone actually _Cashed_ those checks though. :) (translators: checks == cheques)
sarnoldgiven that auditing software is difficult, no one auditor will find all bugs; so we need to encourage _many_ people to audit software, and hope that together, we can find most of them
sarnoldand, part of sardonix is the research aspect: see if we _can_ encourage people to audit software by providing the proverbial carrot, and hope people "karma whore" themselves to the cause :)
sarnold< docelic:#qc> concerning the bugs in online examples and/or books... maybe some people would gather around sardonix to volunteer to audit the code intended for publishing.. [...]
sarnolddocelic: that is a great idea. I think we should get in contact with the large publishing firms and see what we can do. :)
sarnold< tarzeau:#qc> sometimes secure programming isn't that important...
sarnold< tarzeau:#qc> or it's not easy to have the border between secure and buggy
sarnoldtarzeau: Iván Arce, of CORE-SDI has a wonderful philosophy: "reliability is when programs do what they should; security is when programs do what they should, and nothing else"
sarnoldtarzeau: and, you're right, that some classes of software don't really need to be made secure
sarnoldtarzeau: games are one popular example
sarnoldtarzeau: however, many systems have been compromised by games -- either trojan horses that install new root-level accounts when run by a system administrator, or whose "high scores" file can be used to exploit the system
sarnoldtarzeau: some games, such as quake, can run on a network -- and any user on the network could send quake some poorly formatted input and cause it to execute other code
sarnoldtarzeau: even though some programs don't need to be programmed securely, if they accept _ANY_ input from sources not completely trusted, they need to be programmed with security in mind.
sarnold< Borja:#qc> In fact, gaming machines could become an excellent army of zombies for a DoS being easy targets.
sarnoldBorja: yes :)  which is why even games need to be programmed with security in mind
sarnoldtarzeau: in general, just being a defensive programmer is all that is required to write secure software
sarnoldtarzeau: the mindset should be, with every function, "how could this go wrong if someone was being a smartass?"
sarnold< tarzeau:#qc> i find it not critical if software isn't secure which would cause death/harm to human or other lifeforms
sarnold< blackkoal:#qc> define security in application as you understood
sarnoldsoftware that is critical to one person is trivially unimportant to someone else
sarnoldand, in general, open source software tends to not be used in aircraft fly-by-wire systems, or hospital life support systems
sarnoldand, one of the values of open source software is that the people who have to rely on it can perform their own security audits
sarnoldi think at this point, i've been talking about auditing in the abstract long enough
sarnoldi hope i've made the point that software auditing is an important aspect of software development in general
sarnoldand we hope to discover through the sardonix project whether the "karma whore" effect can help encourage people to perform auditing
sarnold(as my boss says, "that is why it is called 'research'". :)
sarnold< Borja:#qc> Anyway, I don't think auditing is the main point.
sarnold< Borja:#qc> Software should be stronger by design.
sarnold< rene:#qc> sarnold: sorry for being clueless, but what is this "karma whore" stuff?
sarnoldrene: karma whore -- slashdot poster effect of people going out of their way to write useful comments .. just for recognition!
sarnoldborja: the chap who wrote "The mythical man month" classifies bugs into two categories
sarnoldborja: "incidental" and "intrinsic"
sarnoldBorja: incidentle bugs are the buffer overflows and printf bugs of the world -- bugs that might be able to be mitigated by using different toolsets (such as type-safe languages: java, ml, haskell, etc)
sarnoldBorja: intrinsic bugs are are those introduced by the sheer complexity of software
sarnoldBorja: such bugs tend to make headlines frequently, "yet another outlook virus", "yet another IE security bug collected out of three non-problems"
sarnoldBorja: auditing can discover both classes: solar designer's xinetd audit (100KB+ of patch!) was both incidental and intrinsic bugs
sarnoldBorja: but finding the intrinsic bugs takes more work .. hence the need for better education.
sarnoldand, speaking of education, I thought this talk might be interesting if I mentioned some of the common (incidental) flaws that are introduced into software
sarnoldthe most popular form of security problem is the Buffer Overflow
sarnoldthis is made especially easy in C because strings are represented as null-terminated character arrays
sarnoldso, very simple (and often-used) code such as the following allows an attacker complete control over the program:
sarnoldchar buf[MAX];
sarnoldstrcpy(buf, input);
sarnolddepending on the length of the character array in 'input', a malicious person could overflow the "buf" buffer; this could over write nearby variables, or return addresses, or other program elements
sarnoldthis piece should be re-written to either ensure that only MAX-1 characters of input are copied into buf, or abort if input is too long
sarnold(using strncpy, strlcpy, or strlen)
sarnold< rene:#qc> strlcpy?
sarnoldrene: strlcpy was introduced by the openbsd project as a replacement for strncpy .. which has inconsistent semantics.
sarnold< blackkoal:#qc> another question: is there anywhere a website how to write clean code (i mean with clean and good comments, ...? especially how to write comments)
sarnoldblackkoal: there is a list of resources available here:
sarnoldblackkoal: as for writing comments, the short rule is "don't describe what your code does; that should be obvious. describe _why_ your code does what it does."
sarnoldthe next most common type of security flaw is the "printf" bug
sarnoldfor many years, people assumed printf was a 'safe' function
sarnoldbut, in the spring/summer of 2000, someone pointed out that printf has a method that allows writing to memory
sarnoldand _MANY_ programs allow malicious input to supply format strings
sarnoldso code that looks like this:
sarnoldprintf(foo); is likely vulnerable to misuse
sarnoldit should be re-written printf("%s", foo);
sarnoldthere are more complex problems with printf as well, but they are best discussed in a forum specific to printf problems (such as KF's INFOSEC presentation a few months ago)
sarnoldanother common class of errors is the filesystem race
sarnoldthis is al viro's speciality :)
sarnoldthis can be something as simple as use of access(2) in a privileged program to determine if file access should be granted in an open call made on behalf of a user
sarnold(the use normally goes, if (access("/etc/shadow", S_IWUSR)) open("/etc/passwd", O_WR);)
sarnoldthe problem is that someone could replace the /etc/shadow file inbetween the access(2) and open(2)
sarnoldthis is known as a "time of check to time of use" vulnerability
sarnoldthe solution to this problem is more complex: the use of setuid(2) and setgid(2) and setgroups(2) to ensure the _kernel_ does the checks
sarnoldlinux introduced a neat feature fsuid, that can be used to allow a program to emulate the filesystem privileges of a specific user, without dropping full privs
sarnoldthis was implemented primarily for the nfs daemon, but can be used by other programs, such as sendmail, to ensure delivery of mail is handled properly
sarnoldother problems with unchecked inputs include the system(3) function
sarnoldthis function runs a command using /bin/sh, so it is extremely powerful and simple to use -- with the caveat that if any input is supplied by a user, one must be careful of shell metacharacters
sarnoldso, if a user could supply part of the command with input, something like ;rm -rf /;  could ruin your day :)
sarnolda problem source that few people think of is the environment!
sarnoldthe loader provides functionality allowing libraries to be pre-linked into a program, replacing the system libraries, using LD_PRELOAD.
sarnoldso, users can even replace functions with functions of their own choosing!
sarnoldthis is mitigated in glibc by cleaning the environment when performing an exec(), but it isn't perfect.
sarnoldPATH is also popular to abuse; many systems included . (CWD) in the PATH varaible... supplying a /tmp/mail program, one might get lucky if root ever reads his or her mail from /tmp :)
sarnold< majeu:#qc> how can one avoid the problems with the LD_PRELOAD, besides compiling statically
sarnoldthere isn't much one can do; LD_PRELOAD is mostly handled by glibc on linux systems, but the problem is indicitive of the special nature of environment varaibles
sarnoldthe other day, I received an email from Steven Christey, of the MITRE CVE project, with a list of security-sensitive coding mistakes .. it was about 60 categories long, and many entries had a dozen or more (12 for translators :) sub-categories
sarnoldwe will put this list on the sardonix website as a guide to help auditors when auditing software; it seems auditors have a fertile field to look through for security problems :)
sarnolddoes anyone have any questions?
sarnold< sh0nX:#qc> how much of standard open source utils (like core GNU tools) and such get audited?
sarnoldsh0nX: not enough. people are still finding vulnerabilities in tar, rm, etc.
sarnoldsh0nX: i'd like to think 18 years is long enough to get tar and rm stable and bug-free, but .. I guess not. :)
sarnold< crispin:#qc> Steven Christey's list is a richer form of the pathology list that sardonix already has.
sarnoldyes, it should be pointed out that I've only given a sampling of errors :) his list is very long and pretty complete
sarnold< sh0nX:#qc> I'd like to see an open source auditing group/consortium
sarnoldsh0nX: that is rather the hope of sardonix -- by trying to leverage the slashdot "karma whore" effect, we hope we can encourage people to audit software with little more than recognition as payment. :)
sarnold< sh0nX:#qc> how about automated tools that look for things
sarnold  lists many automated tools that help search for problem code
sarnoldsh0nX: one downside; finding flaws is turing-difficult. so these tools are at best heuristics. and sometimes the heuristics aren't so good. it is a tradeoff between falsely reporting errors and missing genuine errors
sarnold< pflanze:#qc> It would probably be a good idea to use "sandboxing" for applications like browsers, icq or irc clients.
sarnoldpflanze: yes, you are right, that can help significantly. projects such as LSM ( are providing frameworks for security modules in the linux kernel to help enable such sandboxes (TrustedBSD for the FreeBSD fans)
sarnold< tarzeau:#qc> does someone know linux se, err selinux?
sarnoldtarzeau: SELinux's biggest problem, as I see it, is that the amount of complexity in their policies rules is extremely high
sarnoldtarzeau: that is another tradeoff -- either sandboxes can be very tight and very explicity -- but take a long time to prepare and validate, or they can be simpler and more granular, but simpler to prepare and validate
sarnold< pflanze:#qc> Re 'proving code does not have security flaws is an unsolvable problem': It's only unproveable as long  as you don't depart from the view that features are more important than correctness. :)
sarnoldpflanze: well, this has actually been proven to be the case -- determining the security properties of arbitrary programs is impossible
sarnoldpflanze: for specific programs, you are right, but even programs that should be small and simple (fingerd comes to mind) have rather poor security records
sarnold< pflanze:#qc> i.e. when you are careful from the beginning (like DJB), it should be possible to write 100% secure software.
sarnoldpflanze: you're right, some diligence on the part of software authors can go a long way towards ensuring good security records
sarnoldpflanze: with the problems that functionality suffers (e.g., recursive DNS servers should be possible)
sarnoldunless there are further questions, I'm inclined to call it a presentation :)
sarnoldthanks everyone :)
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
BorZungplas plas plas plas
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
BorZungplas plas plas plas
BorZungplas plas plas plas
viZardapplause applause applause applause
viZardapplause applause applause applause
viZardapplause applause applause applause
viZardapplause applause applause applause
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
viZardapplause applause applause applause
fernand0plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
fernand0plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZardapplause applause applause applause
fernand0plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZardapplause applause applause applause
zachclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
fernand0plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
pflanzeclap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
fernand0plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
Aradorplas pals pals plas plas plas sarnold
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
Aradorplas pals pals plas plas plas sarnold
viZardapplause applause applause applause
Aradorplas pals pals plas plas plas sarnold
Aradorplas pals pals plas plas plas sarnold
Aradorplas pals pals plas plas plas sarnold
garoedaclap clap clap clap clap clap
garoedaclap clap clap clap clap clap
garoedaclap clap clap clap clap clap
garoedaclap clap clap clap clap clap
garoedaclap clap clap clap clap clap
garoedaclap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
garoedaclap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
forkclap :)
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
garoedaclap clap clap clap clap clap
angelLuisplas plas plas
angelLuisplas plas plas
angelLuisplas plas plas
angelLuisplas plas plas
fernand0plas plas plas plas plas plas plas  plas plas plas
casanegraclap lcpa lcpa lcpa
fernand0plas plas plas plas plas plas plas  plas plas plas
viZardsarnold my chubby dubby bro ! :-)
vegailäpy läpy läpy
angelLuisplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
angelLuisplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
casanegraclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
angelLuisplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
sarnoldviZard :)
OrozZzcongrats sarnold ;)
casanegramuy bien!
mjcsarnold: :)
angelLuissarnold: very good, my congratulations!!! :)))
MJesus¡¡ Hurra sarnold !!
MJesus¡¡ Hurra sarnold !!
MJesus¡¡ Hurra sarnold !!
fernand0congratszZz sarnoldzZz ?
OrozZzfernand0: :P
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
viZardthat´s my bro!
MJesussarnold is the first !!
sarnoldthanks to everyone :) thanks especially to my translators, garoedo, arador, viZard, and raul
sarnoldgrrr, yes, garoeda :)
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
casanegraclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesusclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
pragmaclap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
alexsarnold: good talk !!
MJesusvery nice !!
angelLuisan hurra for sarnold: ¡¡ Hurra !!
Stonperl -e 'print "CLAP "x1000'
viZardsarnold, see? you wouldn´t have problems to impress some ppl if you want to ;-)
MJesusston :))
sarnoldviZard: jejejeje :)
Stonperdi la charla pero llegue justo para los aplausos : )
MJesusaplude !
Stonya :P
Ston<Ston> perl -e 'print "CLAP "x1000'
viZardpoor garoeda is doing all the work by himself
sh0nXclap clap clap clap clap clap clap
sh0nXclap clap clap clap clap clap clap
sh0nXclap clap clap clap clap clap clap
sh0nXclap clap clap clap clap clap clap
raulplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas p
raulplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
sh0nXclap clap clap clap clap clap clap
sh0nXclap clap clap clap clap clap clap
sh0nXclap clap clap clap clap clap clap
raulplas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
sarnoldgorog: the next presentation is in one hour...
Stonsarnold: /exec perl -e 'print "CLAP "x1000'
gorogwho will be presented by?
sarnoldgorog: james morris, on the 2.5 kernel cryptographic infrastructure :)
gorogit's really fantastic
fernand0Thank you to all for comming, and to Seth Arnold for this interesting talk

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