sarnold/me wonders just how late he is...
angelLuissarnold: hi
angelLuissarnold, a question
angelLuisis sarnold equivalent to sarnolix or sardonix ?  ;) :P
rieldamn, it didn't come back automatically from a split
tarzeauwhere is the list of upcoming talks again?
tarzeaujose_n_: thank you
tarzeaujose_n_: is it possible if there's volunteers now to get a place for a talk, still?
jose_n_talk to vizard or mjesus. i dont think so.
jose_n_but it can't hurt to ask
sarnoldtarzeau: i think the schedule might be pretty full..
tarzeausarnold: it's not extendable? this whole idea is very nice to me, and having such talks spread over the year would be very nice
fernand0we can think about scheduling talks out of umeet if we cannot find space
fernand0it would be nice
sarnoldtarzeau: heh, not a bad idea, but scheduling these things takes a lot of work :) I know I couldn't do it year-round...
jose_n_its also a lot easier for people to tune in it the date is something special
sarnoldtarzeau: we do have multiple lecture tracks throughout the year
viZardyou are distracting the doctor :-p
fernand0but the idea of stand-alone talks is nice
jose_n_heh ... its actually helping me pace :) vizard will have to start translating on the fly soon (if not now)
jose_n_actually, is the pace ok for people in #linux?
viZardto speak?
jose_n_yeah, i try and read it to myself twice before i paste the next section.
viZardif you wish, we can take the +m off
jose_n_no no, that is ok. just making sure it is not too fast.
sarnoldthought it is a tad disorienting to be in all three channels and watch the screen fly past.. :)
jose_n_heh ... yeah, tell me about it ...
sarnold"and nothing external to that set" ?
jose_n_yeah, no other keys
jose_n_its a self contained set of keys. if you're in any way signed in, you're in the strong set.
sarnoldso having one's key signed by someone in the strong set is sufficient for one to also be in thestrong set?
sarnoldI wish I had bothered ted tso to sign my key at OLS :)
jose_n_heh ... i'm not in the strong set, but i could be (via dug or niels, for example)
sarnoldhummm, 180 gig drives 180 bucks at fry's this weekend. tempting. :)
jose_n_heh ... do they sell OC-3 links, too?
sarnoldare there any active 'projects' to try to map/close those disjoint sets?
jose_n_(i'll answer on #linux)
MJesusjose, and did you find any more trojans in all files downloaded ?
tarzeaujose_n_: that ASxxx map are these devices on the internet doing important stuff?
jose_n_its autonomous sytsems, the unit of global routing
jose_n_ie "OARnet is AS600"
tarzeauwhat do these things look like, are there pictures?
MJesusanswer on #linux please

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