sarnoldjamesm: it'd make my life easier if you guys included assymmetric algorithms too :)
sh0nXwhere's jamesm?
sh0nXso how is he seeing the questions?
sh0nXi was wondering
sh0nXjamesq: can this new crypto API be used for SSH/SSL? or we still need to depend on software level crypto?
sarnoldi'd think cryptoloop might need to use ECB mode for random access to blocks.. is this correct?
sarnolds/g lists of pages.. i'm drooling. :)
addicthe's probly lookin' for an answer ;)
sarnold(and keeping our translators in mind :)
sarnoldoh, cool! :) good
addictopenbsd use crypto since a while, am I wrong ?
sarnoldaddict: several releases now
addictits what I thought
addictdo you know why linux didn't integrated it before ?
seekerit was a separate patch maybe
addict*btw, hi seeker*
sh0nXCanada :)
sh0nXCalgary to be exact
sh0nXwith the new crypto, is all the memory protected while in use?
sh0nXi would assume so :)
sarnoldsh0nX: kernel memory cannot be paged to disk
sh0nXgood :))
sh0nXi should hope not
addictare you looking for some hardware crypto such as powercrypt ?
sh0nXuh oh
sh0nXa side question not for #linux: how would this kernel API intergrate with *cough* Palladium ;(
sarnoldjamesq, which reminds me:
sh0nXsarnold: those drivers are outdated? (they didnt make a 2.5)
sarnoldsh0nX: that isn't surprising :)
sarnoldjamesq: has there been discussion on using the openbsd /dev/crypto api itself?
sh0nX(C) 1999
Ricardothat was not meant for this channel O:)
addictjamesm: could be nice to past this URL too:
sarnoldjamesq: how would you suggest someone try to implement, e.g, RSA for the plugin api?
sarnoldoh cool :) (re jean-luc cooke :)
rieljamesq: did you read my idea about "random ipsec" without authentication ?   does it look useful or does ipsec really need authentication to be useful ?
sarnoldriel: i'd guess it is useful :)
addictme too
rielbasically the idea was to have a "default ipsec" thingy that negotiates encryption with unknown hosts
rielso a large percentage of internet traffic gets encrypted
rieland passive sniffing of bulk traffic becomes prohibitively expensive
sarnoldriel: you'd upset many major govts... ;)
rielalso, many hosts on the internet have connections with thousands of hosts every day, some of which _will_ have proper authentication
rielso it's not safe to do a generic man-in-the-middle to grab all traffic from a host, it will probably be detected quickly
rielsarnold: that's the idea
rieljamesq: ahh, but it's not about real trust, it is about making passive sniffing of bulk traffic prohibitively expensive
rielsince ipsec hides things like the port number
rieljamesq: if only 0.1% of the participating ipsec hosts have proper authentication, a MITM attack could still be detected quickly
RicardoMmh... I think we're going to live-translate #qc too :-) Sometimes it has interesting discussion :-)
Aradorif we have resources we could try
Ricardook :-) focus :-)
RicardoSome general questions on crypto?
Ricardojamesq is waiting :-)
garoedahow can a normal user benefit of this?
sarnoldjamesq: any thoughts on theo's idea of setting aside one processor of an SMP machine for crypto tasks?
jamesqshould we move this to an open discussion on #linux?
rieljamesq: I guess that's best
addictwhy not
garoedatranslation question: is this part of the talk
addictriel's idea is very interesting
sarnoldgaroeda: dunno.. translate if you've got the hands, i guess
garoedasarnold: ok, i'll try

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