garoeda I think it's about time i present to you our second Gentoo speaker
sarnold carpaski: ready to go onto the portage details? :)
garoeda It's Nicolas Jones
garoeda the Gentoo Linux Project Coordinator
garoeda and he's going to present portage, the package management features it offers
garoeda and the coming developments in the portage system
garoeda carpaski: it's all yours :-)
garoeda correction: carpaski maintains Portage ;)
carpaski Ok... Hi.
carpaski There we go.
carpaski Gentoo, as most of you have just been hearing is a ports based Linux metadistribution.
carpaski A distribution derrived effectively derived from scripts.
carpaski Sorry. had to change boxes.
Nicholas Ok.
Nicholas Let's try that again.
Nicholas By meta-distribution I mean that the entire system is effectively script derived. The scripts and the applications that run them are collectively known as portage.
Nicholas Each script (known as an ebuild) provides descriptive data, dependency information, and compilation code for a single package.
Nicholas The descriptive data contains information such as licenses, a package description, homepages, and tarball locations. Fairly similar to what you'd find in an rpm spec file or the pkg-* and makefiles of FreeBSD.
Nicholas Portage provides the capability to search the descriptions and titles of all the packages installed on a system with a simple 'emerge -s package' or 'emerge -S word'.
Nicholas This of course provides admins with a very easy way to keep their users up to speed with the applications they need to be productive.
Nicholas Description searching is fairly slow in the combined meta-data and build data, so portage accommodates by using a distributed meta-data cache which contains pre-parsed data from the ebuilds.
Nicholas Dependancy tracking is a strong point of Gentoo's portage system.
Nicholas USE flags provide a very well defined set of flags that describe major optional components.
Nicholas There are 120 flags that define optional components like Arts and XMMS support, database types, graphics libraries, and X-windows support.
Nicholas Each of these flags are aimed at giving the user the greatest control over their system with minimal effort.
Nicholas Portage tries to mix ease of maintenance with advanced configuration control to give the administrator the most optimal and useful system they can have.
Nicholas Portage also takes into consideration packages you have merged to add USE flags to your system.
Nicholas Merging a jre will cause 'java' to be added to your USE flags.
Nicholas Of course, you can force removal of all automatic flags by disabling them from make.conf. If you wish to have a package available, but not allow other packages to be dependent upon it.
Nicholas Virtuals are a system by which portage can associate multiple packages that provide the same function.
Nicholas The JDK's and JRE's are a good example of this.
Nicholas Every architecture has a profile from which it is based.
Nicholas In that profile there are definitions for the automatically set USE flags, required system packages, and a default listing of virtuals.
Nicholas The scripts (ebuilds) portage uses for compilation are simply bash scripts.
Nicholas They define a set of operations that compile a package.
Nicholas These steps are exactly the same as you would see if you were to build the package by hand.
Nicholas Portage and it's supporting files provide many additional functions to scripts to speed up the process of dealing with multiple architectures and options.
Nicholas Packages may inherit eclasses that provide functions to handle common tasks such as filtering flags, dealing with CVS, or even completely automating a build process by declaring a few variables.
Nicholas In the build process portage uses a feature called sandboxing.
Nicholas Sandboxing locks the compilation of a package into limited set of directories to ensure that files modifications can be tracked.
Nicholas Configuration files are tracked very closely as well.
Nicholas Portage employs a feature called "Config Protection" to ensure that important files are not overwritten.
Nicholas By default this applies to the majority of /etc, but other directories can be added easily via the environment variable CONFIG_PROTECT.
Nicholas This is very similar to how FreeBSD approaches configuration file updates. The process uses vimdiff to give side-by-side comparisons of the current and newly-merged default configuration.
Nicholas Portage also maintains a list of merged configurations so that remerging a package will not cause a configuration file to be listed for updating.
Nicholas When merging packages portage maintains a listing of all the packages that were explicitly merged in a file called the 'world' file.
Nicholas This file is used when you perform updates so that only packages you need and want are used to create the package tree for your system.
Nicholas 'emerge gnome' would compile everything needed to use gnome, and would append gnome to your world file.
Nicholas Updating on Gentoo is fairly simple. Just 'emerge sync' to get the latest tree, then 'emerge --update world' which lists updates everything you've explicitly merged and required updates to satisfy them.
Nicholas You can also tell portage to go deep, updating everything, regardless of it being explicit or not. 'emerge --update --deep world'
Nicholas You cna see examples on
Nicholas Portage provides a few methods for determining the stability of packages too. The unified tree we use for portage allows anyone to start with a completely stable system and take it completely out to the edge with a few simple edits of configuration files.
Nicholas Using masking provides gentoo with a quick and easy way to distribute packages for testing, while keeping the stable users stable and the others just out into bleeding.
Nicholas A few new features coming to portage will greatly help out users.
Nicholas Sticky Flags will allow users to mix and match stable and unstable packages without having to choose one or the other.
Nicholas Fakeroot and user privileged merging will remove root from the compilation process for added security.
Nicholas Presently the digests calculated on all ebuilds prevents users from acquiring malicious tarballs from mirrors, as has been happening recently. Gentoo users have made the first reports.
Nicholas Reverse Dependencies should be appearing in the near future as well. Informing users of how altering their confurations and unmerging packages will affect their system.
Nicholas Lovechild: ^^^ :)
Nicholas Along with Reverse dependencies, portage will gain the ability to rebuild packages if your use flags change. Dependence on packages such as QT can be removed from all linked packages and you system will function without extra intervention.
Nicholas Other features being considered are alternate rsync trees. Which would allow portage to be employed in rolling out non-gentoo package sets and tree with minimal effort.
Nicholas <Lovechild> Nicholas: How about support for things such as patching sources with diffs instead of getting the full tarball, and parallel download support?
Nicholas Patching sources is a fairly difficult problem.
Nicholas It is being considered, but will be a little ways off before anything is done about it. (Unless someone feels up to the challenge.)
Nicholas Parallel download support hopefully will be a possibilty early next year.
Nicholas Any more questions?
Nicholas Parallel merging should be worked into portage as well.
Nicholas  <garoeda> Nicholas: how difficult is it to develop extensions to portage?
Nicholas Depends on what kind of extentions you mean.
Nicholas <garoeda> like implementing parallel ebuilds
Nicholas Parallel as in running two emerges, shouldn't be too difficult. It does require ensuring that the package lists do not in any way overlap, and that all db writes are locked.
Nicholas Parallel ebuilds, as in threading is much more of a problem as portage needs some rewriting to remove some globals.
Nicholas The ultimate goal would be to make portage pluggable. Allowing you to use whatever methods you wish.
Nicholas Things like syslog messages as opposed to console messages.
Nicholas How the db is stored...
Nicholas <Lovechild> would it be possible to create a CFLAGS list that compiled some stuff with -O3 and crazy opts, and the rest with more conservative flags..
Nicholas Yes. That is the intent of sticky.
Nicholas Those are the flags that will be maintained when sticky becomes active in portage.
Nicholas Any of those variables specified in your environment will be maintained when you do an 'emerge -u world' or an 'emerge -e world'
Nicholas EXTRA_ECONF and EXTRA_EMAKE are undocumented, but will allow users to specified specific flags to configure and make... Accompanied by sticky, this will allow fine-grained control of package options.
Nicholas Lovechild> people like myself have a special talent for breaking Gentoo, would it be possible to setup a FEATURE flag for debug, that block everything that's harmful for debugging - so we can provide good feedback to our beloved developers?
Nicholas That is a really good idea... Wanna post a bug on it for me? ;)
Nicholas HMmmmm....
Nicholas Ok... Anyone else have questions or comments?
Nicholas <mattam> portage already has a flag for stip/nostrip IIRC
Nicholas FEATURES=nostrip  ----  I do believe.
Nicholas Might be a restrict... I'd have to look.
Nicholas mattam> Nicholas: a feature request: add license to the small desc
Nicholas That's doable.
Nicholas Anything else?
Nicholas Lovechild> Nicholas: bug filed as requested
sarnold If there is nothing else, I'd like to thank Nicholas and Seemant for presenting, and thank our translators for their tireless efforts :)
Nicholas <mattam> oh an having the ebuild replay only a part of the process, not restarting from the beginning each time
Nicholas FEATURES=noauto <--- Should be listed in make.conf
Nicholas Using ebuild.
Nicholas I think that's all.
garoeda clap clap clap clap clap
garoeda clap clap clap clap clap
garoeda clap clap clap clap clap
garoeda clap clap clap clap clap
j2 clap clap
vegai herm, just missed ,)
Vegas well done
ag clap clap clap
vegai gotta get the logs
j2 clap clap clap
sarnold clap clap clap clap clap :)
sarnold clap clap clap clap clap :)
sarnold clap clap clap clap clap :)
lostlogic clap clap clap'
Lovechild AWESOME LECTURE SET.... Gentoo totally rocks
viZard applause applause applause applause
Nicholas Lovechild: I have that one in my list. Emerge will have a --startwith 'package', or somethign to that effect.
viZard applause applause applause applause
viZard applause applause applause applause
viZard applause applause applause applause
viZard applause applause applause applause
viZard :-)
bcowan GOOD JOB!!
BaSS Nicholas good job :)
Lovechild Nicholas: why not write to a worldlist backup and delete lines as they are merged, and then just parsing the remain lines to emerge afterwards if we fail for some reason ?
Lovechild not that it happens everytime I do emerge -eu world
Nicholas Lovechild: Hmmmm... Interesting.
Lovechild but as I said, I'm talented... I see broken OSs, they run like normal OSs, they are not even aware they are broken.....
lostlogic '/var/cache/currentmerge
Arador Nicholas: plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas (late sorry;)
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
casanegra clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
Lovechild Nicholas: of course we have no assurances that just emerging again will fix the problem unless we log the type of error
viZard applause applause applause applause
Arador plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZard applause applause applause applause
Arador plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
Arador plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
casanegra clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
Arador plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
Arador plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZard applause applause applause applause
Arador plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
Arador plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
casanegra clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap!!!!!!!
Arador plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
casanegra clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap!!!!!!!
Arador plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
Arador plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
Arador plas plas plas plas plas plas plas plas
conman clap flood++
MJesus bravo bravo bravo !!
lostlogic Lovechild usually need to go into a package and fix something and then try to resume, but either way having it stored in a file would be quite nie
MJesus for seemant and carpaski
garoeda clap clap clap clap clap !!!
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
Nicholas garoeda: Sure. Can you email them to ?
Lovechild while(1) cout <<"CLAP!" <<endl;
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
Arador killall Lovechild ;)
garoeda Nicholas: i will do that from the moment they're on the website
garoeda Nicholas: and i corrected my spelling mistakes ;)
Lovechild Arador: you can't kill me, I know Kung Foobar....
casanegra clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap!!!!!!!
casanegra clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap!!!!!!!
j2 nite
MJesus traslator, arador, horacio to Spanish, garoeda to Dusch
Lovechild Arador: muhahahaha...
MJesus traslator, arador, horacio to Spanish, garoeda to Dusch
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
sarnold garoeda :)
vegai where were the logs again?
garoeda after all these wonderfull gentoo presentations i feel the urge to 'emerge sync' my pc right now :)
BaSS nites
garoeda and again a wonderfull evening has come to an end
sarnold woah, something is broken
sarnold heh, looks like my alternate self dissapeared 1.5 hours ago. :-/
garoeda during the netsplit i think
mzulu buenas noches
mzulu alguien me puede recomendar algun manual unix fasilito de digerir:aqui un autodidacta
sarnold mzulu: o'reilly books are good
sarnold mzulu: the linux documentation project HOWTOs are ok
mzulu thanks sarnold..and how easy??
sarnold mzulu: varies from easy to difficult
sarnold mzulu: but, if you are self-taught, well worth the effort :)
mzulu the matter is that it is not about linux..i think i need to know a bit about unix too
sarnold mzulu: also, reading manpages... cd /usr/bin, ls, and read every manpage :)
sarnold mzulu: hmm, linux is similar to commercial unix systems in many ways, but not all
sarnold mzulu: and it varies quite a bit by vendor; solaris is different from aix is different from SCO ..
mzulu i see, but u know, when it does not starts, there´s no man no nothing -)
sarnold mzulu: you could also play with FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, etc
mzulu :-) u think?? it´s hard enough with linux only i think
mzulu i come from windows.. jeje
sarnold mzulu: mzulu well, they are different enough that they can provide a good learning experience
mzulu reading it a good begin...??
sarnold mzulu: one nice feature of *BSD systems, they tend to have very good system documentation
sarnold mzulu: reading is about the only way to learn unix :)
sarnold mzulu: reading is about the only way to learn unix :)
ag jeje..somebody ´s is palying football with me??
sarnold hehe
ag ok..understood..u know i´ve discovered these by my own and i thought i could´nt reach these point so only ahead..
sarnold ag: you can go far without formal classes on unix
ag i gone to take them sure
ag i.m going(better)
ag what about courses in redhat?
sarnold ag: the documentation on should be enough for a first introduction to their tools
garoeda ag: is very usefull too
sarnold ag: combined with the HOWTOs that are typically written with redhat in mind, you'll do alright :)
ag take note
ag it like the lucas projetc in spanish??
ag excuse is in spanish too
ag and it is lucas..jeje..ok thanks
sarnold ag: lucas y COMO, if I recall :)
ag ok..i knew this site so i was on the way..but very useful your help, thanks
ag and the o´reilly books
ag ;-)
sarnold ag: manpages :)
sarnold ag: and try lots of different systems
sarnold MJaw: goodnight amiga :)
garoeda MJaw: goodnight !
sarnold grrrr
ag lots??? u kidding...jeje..ok, i´ll try
sarnold ag: lots :)
sarnold ag: try every linux distribution you can, and the BSDs. :)
MJaw last logs:
debUgo- =)
sarnold thanks debUgo- :)
debUgo- MJaw!
garoeda sarnold: in what language will OpenMosix be given?
sarnold garoeda: i'm not sure
sarnold garoeda: the topic is in english, but the guy is from spain :)
garoeda sarnold: i'll be around...mayby i can refine my introduction skills :)
sarnold garoeda :)
garoeda sarnold: only practice helps :)
sarnold garoeda :)
garoeda i just noticed that there are no women that will give a presentation
sarnold hummm, you're right
garoeda that should change, somehow in the feature
garoeda s/feature/future
garoeda and i read a few weeks ago that the number of girls in sciences (at our university) is still decreasing
sarnold decreasing? i wonder why
Geryon garoeda is scaring them all away
sarnold :)
garoeda Geryon: very funny :)
debUgo- heh
Geryon :)
garoeda i'm doing now computer science, in the first year we have +- 50 boys and +- 5 girls (don't know exact numbers)
Geryon i think it's more like 70/5
garoeda oh my, that's even worse
Geryon indeed it is
debUgo- that % is pretty normal in science, IMO
debUgo- at least here in .co
Geryon but it shouldn't be :(
garoeda same here in .be
debUgo- i should be a civil engineer...
debUgo- =P
garoeda only if bill gates was a woman...that would attract *a lot* of girls :-D (lol)
mzulu ok ciao everybody, sarnold see u
sarnold mzulu: ciao :)
mzulu and thanks
garoeda mzulu: ciao
sarnold BAH, I forgot to update the Subject: YET AGAIN
sarnold that makes three times. at least three times.
jose_n sarnold:
sarnold jose_n: slike :) but that image caused mozilla to .. misbehave. while loading it, it caused odd effects in the spinner at the bottom and the pulsating M, along with the vertical scrollbar...
jose_n eek ... sorry. its just a png ...
jose_n downloads ok in netscape 4.7
garoeda konq too
jose_n i need to learn povray more better, but thats the gist.
garoeda jose_n: looks cool...but i still don't know what it means
jose_n heh ... its the paths my my cable modem to random points on the internet
jose_n every hop is an autonomous system (ie Qwest, UUNet, ATT, BBN, etc ...)
garoeda wow, i thought it had something to do with the deeper meaning of life

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