tarzeaui've made a banner for tiger, can i show?
amdof course ;)
amdheh ;)
sarnold(I thought it was dead, yes :)
tarzeautiger's great i've tried it on solaris
amdhow can i see if a packet is suspicious?
tarzeaudon't forget that thing with the ant
tarzeauprelude-ids or so
tarzeauamd: good question :)
amdnewbie q ;)
tarzeauamd: i use ngrep/tcpdump/iptraf for things
tarzeauamd: sometimes you can see it in one thing better than in another
tarzeauamd: sometimes netstat -i or -s is interesting too
tarzeauamd: to give you an idea what things look like www.linuks.mine.nu/network/
tarzeaujfs: can you give examples
jfstarzeau: of Tiger?
tarzeaureal life ones (just short, so we have an idea for those without much imagination)
tarzeau(and those too lazy :)
jfstarzeau: have I answered your question?
tarzeaujfs: yes thank you :)
* amd thanks jfs and tarzeau ;)
amdwhat if user runs malicious programs with the help of cron?
vizardhow come do we fall asleep? :-)
amdlike setting up a cronjob which periodically sends uptime to a server? (like tuxtime project)
gorogi missed this lecture...
gorogwhat's the next?
amdyou can still ask ;)
gorogand when?
sarnoldgorog, seemant's gentoo lecture starts at 2200
tarzeaugorog: just right now, maybe read up what was going
tarzeaumaybe someone can put it online?
sarnoldMon Dec 16 19:46:47 UTC 2002
amdthanks, jfs
jfsamd: you are welcome
sarnoldjfs: i think i'd like to hear current architecture and problems, and future evolution .. just slightly higher level than actually writing modules :)
amdand we can read history later ;)
vizardtarzeau, nice call at debianplanet :-)
MJesus evolution
tarzeauvizard: if only i knew before i started visiting here which alan's talk
tarzeauvizard: nice organizing!
amddo the typos also count ;)
Ston_design 2 / evolution 3 ? :)
Ston_design 3 / evolution 4
Heimyamd: evolución is Spanish for evolution :-)
Ston_design 4 / evolution 4
sarnoldheh, i count design 9, evolution 8 :)
Ston_ups :X
tarzeaumaybe we need to talk about both?
vizarddesign 7
jfsevolution 7: baikonur, tarzeau, MJesus, Ratta_, melvyn, lopopora
Ratta_102can you tell a short description about evolution?
Ratta_102and then continue with degisn
jfsdesign: manaha, Daper, amd, radical_, Ston_,sergio, majeu,vizard, global_v (9)
vizardi won i won! ! first time ! :-)
sarnoldvizard :)
* Ston_ slap viZard
Ratta_22y si primero hacen una breve descripcion de evolution? y luego siguen con design?
Lovechildjfs: ZZzz... no wait...
seemantor am I late?
baikonuryou're late
* Lovechild hands out free coffee
asymetrix..wake me up before you go go... :)
* sarnold kicks asymetrix
* amd wishes that next year lectures wouldn't start all @ midnight...
baikonurhey it is 9 p.m. :o)
amdUTC+2 isn't the best timezone to live, atm ;)
lopoporaun cuento para ke las personas despierten!
sarnoldamd: heh, if you lived in .au, they'd all start at 0700 and so forth! it could be worse! ;)
Ratta_22este diciendo que primero va a hablar del diseno, no seria mejor al reves?
Lovechildamd: me too.. but the americans are on the other side of the world, and if they are the speakers, we must stay up
* amd tries to understand...
Ratta_22siguen hablando en #redes?
vizardnot me :-)
sarnoldjfs: what prevents an intruder from just updating the baseline file to prevent checks from being run?
amdhow to the tiger reports look like?
eksjfs: thanks for the presentation :)
Ratta_22gente: alguien va a guardar los logs?
MJesussi.... the log are placed in the web as soon  as possible, here:
jfsRatta_22: los ponen en Uninet
Ratta_22MJesus : thank yo
MJesusand after this it could be at http://red.uninet.edu/umeet/english/des.eng.html
tarzeauhere's another exmpale, www.linuks.mine.nu/people/amd/tiger.txt
Heimyjfs: creo que sólo se está traduciendo al español, y hace rato que dije a la gente que preguntase :-)
tarzeaujfs: have you tried tiger on the Hurd too yet? or on some bsd's?
tarzeaui've tried it on solaris, works there nice as well
jfsHeimy: me habían dicho que había al holandés
Heimyjfs: Mmh...
HeimyAh, vale
HeimyPor cierto, a las 10 hay otra presentación, o algo así :-)
HeimyPara que te controles el tiempo ;)
Heimy(10 tuyas)
MJesusa las 11
Heimyah, vale
tarzeaujfs: you should mention harden-doc no?
tarzeauand let me quote apt (from a slashdot post)
tarzeau21:35 <apt> I don't need no steenkin backups  However, I'm sure at least two
tarzeau            other me's in parallel dimensions do, so I'm probably good to go.
tarzeau            Hopefully the other me's in the other dimensions aren't counting on
tarzeaume to keep backups. Those idiots.
jfstarzeau: that's maybe too Debian dependant :)
tarzeaujfs: nah it has quite some good general ideas!
tarzeaujfs: you mean because the word "debian" is in almost any sentence? :)
tarzeaurun it through sed s/Debian/Your\ system/g
jfstarzeau: :)
j2cough ;P
tarzeauamd: btw you should try driftnet some time!
* amd tries...
bartjfs: how long does a normal tiger scan takes on lets say a pentium III 750
sarnoldjfs: same as transarc (DFS?)
jfsbart: I will answer this later ok?
jose_nsorry i'm getting here late. has anyone asked about jfs' experiences with systrace?
jose_n(marius erikson has ported it to Linux 2.4)
jfsnobody has asked :)
jose_nthen i shall ask: have you looked at systrace at all for some of your interests?
* amd hunts some pr0n to test driftnet
jfsnot yet :)
jfswill do :)
tarzeaujfs: you know chkrootkit right?
amdwhat's the lecture's title in english?
jose_na solution for the detection of intrusions and (changes?)
amdthanks ;)
jose_ni think that last word is changes.
jfsjose_n: An intrusion detection and security audit solution
jose_nno, its not. its auditing :)
jose_nmy bad... thanks jfs.
sarnoldjfs, oooh :)
amdjfs, don't forget the driftnet ;)
jfsamd: driftnet?
bartleave #qc
amduse /part ;)
the_freakg une question a propos de lintallation de linux mandrake
tarzeaujfs: thanks for the presentation
the_freakenglish or french here
jfstarzeau: you are welcome

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