Lovechild let's get ready to rumble !!
tarzeau i wonder why there's another distribution? (i'm surprised how popular gentoo got, haven't tried it myself though)
tarzeau i mean you take some policies of debian, why not do a ports system FOR debian?
chadh tarzeau: Gentoo *is* the ports system
ShawnX clap clap clap? oh im so behind today :(
tarzeau chadh: hmm it's also the name of the distribution, no?
tarzeau ShawnX: either that, or too early yet
Lovechild seemant: what about the reference platform, that's binaries tight=
@seemant yes, I'll get to that :)
gerk seemant: you go baby ;)
chadh tarzeau: My point is that what makes Gentoo unique is the ports system.  If you add the portage to another distribution, it essentially would be Gentoo
ShawnX tarzeau: for the JFS presentation ;-)
tarzeau chadh: i was on #gentoo a few weeks ago and aksed if it'd be possible to have gentoo's portage system (emerge and stuff) in *any* linux distribution, i didn't get any useful answer
tarzeau chadh: well or, it was it's specific to something
ShawnX tarzeau: i was working on something like that
tarzeau chadh: just like the freebsd's ports, or netbsd's to netbsd...
ShawnX but it uses Imake :-)
ShawnX i call it iports
chadh tarzeau: yes, you could.  Although our ebuilds are specific to our init system and file hierarchy
tarzeau i think one is based on another openbsdo or freebsd on netbsds or some way somehow (correct me if i'm wrong)
chadh tarzeau: It really comes down to defining what a distribution is: Is it the packages offered, the location of those packages, and the init system?  More, less?
tarzeau chadh: true, i will not try to answer these questions
chadh tarzeau: me either.  It is very murky, and porting package managers to different distributions just makes is murkier
Lovechild seemant: can we expect ELF prelinking as a feature in 1.4 final ?
lostlogic Lovechild: yes.
lostlogic Lovechild:  portage support is already completed by Carpaski.
carpaski It will be public/stable shortly.
Lovechild lostlogic: cool, I heard cretin talking about it, but is it really safe yet?
lostlogic Lovechild: my system and carpaski's systems are runing with it problem free so far.
Lovechild lostlogic: cool
lostlogic Lovechild: the biggest problem for me is the length of time it can to reprelink things...
lostlogic s/to/to take/
Lovechild lostlogic: I already spend hours compiling, what's a few minutes to relink
lostlogic Lovechild: trunuf.
samiam with Gentoo neing source based, would it make an easier linux to use for embedded applications?
lostlogic samiam: that is one of our goals as portage and the gentoo base system is getting ported to more platforms.  We are also working to continue supporting 2.2 kernels as 2.2 is a much smaller kernel for embeded applications.
Crast samiam: actually, i'm working on using gentoo as a base for a mini linux distro, a 'linux on key' to put it on a usb key flash device for x86 platforms, to use as a portable linux system you can use anywhere, but unlike the business card linux, actually be read-write
samiam that sounds reasonable, a friend just went through the pain of paring down a RedHat install for this purpose...
mcp huhu
Crast samiam: with portage it's really easy, as you can specify USE flags which don't compile stuff you won't be using.
MrGrim Does gentoo plan to try to make itself available to all users eventually or does it plan to continue to offer itself as a "not for everyone" distribution?
samiam Crast: that sounds really cool, always been kinda partial to the bootable business card. I've been waiting for 1.4 to give you guys a try... really anxious now
Crast samiam: cool.  my project is not an official part of the gentoo project, just a personal side project... dunno where it's going to go, but i'll be sure to let the internet world know :)
samiam thanks for the effort, looking forward to hearing more about your side-project Crast... Thanks for the answers
Crast samiam: sure thing.
lostlogic MrGrim: the only thing that keeps everyone from using gentoo is the install process... and there is work in progress to make a more graphical installation process.
tarzeau is there some page like freshports or debianhelp for gentoo?
MrGrim have the developers thought of the possible implications of losing their original fan base as they attempt to move to such an install process? Part of the alure of gentoo as its "Get your hands dirty in the nitty gritty of linux" sort of image...
lostlogic MrGrim: we aren't worried about that, because we will (or I will die) continue to have a simple and bare bones console install procedure.  That was one of the things which first brought me to the project.
Crast hopefully just like the linux kernel moved to the gtk kconfig, but kept menuconfig and make config, they will keep the text install
Crast ah lolo, beat me to it.
lostlogic :-D
psypete comment to seemant about current talk: the ARM processor is also supposedly being ported (though i have not confirmed)
MrGrim lostlogic: cool =)
@seemant see #linux, peter :P
Lovechild seemant: it would be nice if you mentioned the massive documentation effort done by the developers and users of Gentoo, one of the most valueable asserts of Gentoo
psypete seemant: hehe
MrGrim yes gentoo is extremely well documented which is one of my fav parts
psypete i also love the fact that gentoo is open-minded enough to have a package called "pornview"
MrGrim hahaha
samiam :-)
psypete ;-D
@sarnold optimizing the common case? :)
MrGrim a custom optimized pornview at that
Lovechild sarnold: optimize do nothing loops... like microsoft :)
vertex Currently, organization of perl modules is a bit messy( if you have a ton of them like I do). Are there any plans to integrate CPAN insto portage? If not, will you continue to write ebuild for all modules? This could take lots of overhead.
Crast MrGrim: what does it do?  i cant find that package
psypete if you happen to test out pornview, you might notice it may or may not build; if it does not, you can visit, which i'm sure seemant will cover soon
mcp how about security in gentoo? are daemons like bind, apache per default chrooted?
MrGrim I dunno actually... I think it's an app to organize your... picture... collection
psypete *HINT*
psypete *@SEEMANT*
chadh vertex: We have a very cool response to that
Lovechild the documentation forums is awesome
chadh vertex: unfortunately, I'm not the one to tell you about it
psypete (feedback such as bug reports on ;)
tarzeau how many gentoo developers exist today?
lostlogic I'm not sure if daemons run chrooted, but I know they do run unprivledged.
lostlogic tarzeau: see the devlist accessible from
Lovechild psypete: maybe it's my karma... but I've gotten only bvery little response on any bug reports on bugzilla.
chadh tarzeau:
sethbc Lovechild: i make sure to respond to all the bugs i get as soon as i get a chance, which is usaully within 8 hours
tarzeau chadh: thanks
psypete Lovechild: you may even never get response. but commonly someone will find the bug and fix it or report it to someone else. (i've found in my limited experience :D) but it's also a good idea to report bugs to the maintainer or creater of the package that failed, or to come on irc and bug the devs about it ;)
Lovechild sethbc: I only just got a reassignment mail for my bug on software raid via none EVMS on the liveCD today
tarzeau what's so special about your bug tracking system?
sethbc Lovechild: yeah sometimes they slip through and it depneds on who's getting the bugt, but by and large the system gets better every day
Lovechild but for ebuild submission bugzilla ROCKS HARD
lostlogic Lovechild: a lot of the time a bug won't get much attention if we just don't have a good solution to it... but rest assured we won't ignore it...
lostlogic tarzeau: nothing particularly, just how we use it is fairly unique
Lovechild lostlogic: good, because as it is, I have to rely on gentoo 1.2 to get software raid without EVMS
tarzeau and is there something like or /why_debian page for gentoo?
sethbc tarzeau: heh i'll get right on that ;-)
sethbc tarzeau: with video =P
vertex chadh: dude, you can't leave me hanging like that?
chadh vertex: seemant is addressing it right now
tarzeau sethbc: heh :)
Crast sethbc: that would be awesome.  but doesnt the about page sorta do that function?  the 'larry the cow switched to gentoo' one?
chadh Gentoo is like ....   cool.
sethbc Crast: yeah but larry the cow isn't will ferrel
vertex sweet!
chadh vertex: it actually generates a temporary ebuild and them merges that.
Crast sethbc: ;-) I think larry the cow is much cooler though
mcp cool. emerge Net: ... stuff
sethbc very
tarzeau sethbc: seen ellen feiss?
sethbc tarzeau: i'm partial to janie porche, but we're getting ot ;-)
vertex i own ellen feiss ;)
psypete rofl.
@seemant questions, people?
chadh "And it was a good distro!  I had to repartition, reformat really quickly.  Needless to say, it wasn't nearly as good"
mcp seemant: yes. do you know gentoo runs daemons like apache, bind etc. in a chrooted env.? lostlogic wasn't sure
vertex The perl module issue was my only hangup about gentoo. Now that it has been addressed, I can say, without a doubt, gentoo is the most powerful distro ever.
mcp seemant: perfect
gerk seemant: sing! sing!
ShawnX heh
mcp seemant: does gentoo handle the emerge stuff somewhat like debian? via /etc/apt/sources.list?
psypete seemant: gentoo seems like a neat distribution, but i hear that it's got trouble when it comes to adding packages that don't have this thing... the 'GPL' or something? what's the deal with licenses?
MrGrim seemant: sing sing sing sing
vertex seemant: sing...
vertex Lovechild: I'm looking for you on /. page, am I missing it?
Crast psypete: seemant removed the +m on #linux, you can ask in there
gerk seemant: does Gentoo work on more than jsut x86? ;)
Lovechild vertex: And Lovechild writes with some more 2.6 news: "I recently did an inteview with famous kernel hacker extraordinare and all round nice guy Robert M. Love for, about kernel 2.6 and what can be expected for desktop Linux users, when the new kernel series is released.
psypete Crast: i know, but i don't wanna mess up the flow of seeman'ts
Crast psypete: ah.
psypete gerk: i hear they can run it on those Apples now...
gerk psypete: really? cool ;)
mcp seemant: sounds really nice :) thnx ... I think I have to have a look at gentoo after I finished wolk4 :)
psypete one guy even mentioned his kernel running in 10 spark stations or something...
vertex Lovechild: you are officially a geek superstar ;-)
@seemant mcp: I believe we even offer wolk in the portage tree :)
mcp seemant: wooohoo
Lovechild vertex: hehe... my mission is complete... to kill the tinyminds,org server
mcp seemant: great :) I am pretty sure gentoo users will like wolk4 server edition :)
sethbc mcp: oh a server edition eh?
vertex gerk: I can tell you that gentoo runs great on apple hardware.
gerk vertex: cool :)
@seemant vertex: meet gerk -- team lead for Gentoo's PPC port :)
sethbc gerk: hrm you ever run on apple hardware =0
mcp sethbc: yep, only good, fast, stable, needed stuff w/o all that experimental patches that are in wolk3.x now :) I decided to do so some days ago and many of the wolk users really appreciate it.
gerk seemant: arch plug? ;)
sethbc mcp: i would *really* like that...gonna have preempt low lat stuff in it?
mcp sethbc: and for sure, security related things.
vertex oh, i feel quite privledged to meet you. Kudos for some great work! I longed for the days of LinuxPPC, and then came gentoo...
sethbc vertex: yeah i'm on my tibook right now ;-)
mcp sethbc: yep, but in a really cleaner way now, 3.x had some issues with this. It was soo difficult to merge new versions of patches into the 2.4.18 tree (which wolk3 was based on)
gerk vertex: much thanks :)
mcp sethbc: also rmap will go in :) (almost done)
sethbc mcp: oh i love rmap, what are you basing 4 on 2.4.20?
psypete i have a question! oh! oooh!
mcp sethbc: yep, 2.4.20
sethbc mcp: whats the eta if you don't mind me asking?
psypete i'll wait for seemant to be done with this question before i ask
mcp sethbc: if all goes the good way [tm] ;) I think in ~ 1 week for wolk4 server edition.
psypete mcp: what is wolk? (off topic so you can PM me if you wish to answer)
sethbc psypete: working overloaded linux kernel
mcp sure I wish :) but I think its kinda on-topic because sethbc and me are talking about :)
mcp psypete:
psypete i like the penguin.
sethbc mcp: yeah, i'm lookin forward to a little stripped down version, a lot of the patches were nice, some weren't so nice ;-)
mcp and before any1 says: nah, very empty homepage, I know :) I have to put up a new homepage which much more info, url's, expplainations while xmas
mcp sethbc: :-) ack
@seemant shut up peter
mcp hu?
psypete sorry :) didnt know you had more developer examples
gerk seemant: multi-arches plug? ;)
tarzeau do you work together with any other distro, developers?
tarzeau what are other distros to you?
gerk seemant: mozilla is a GRP pkg btw
sToneheAd oh
mcp sethbc: maybe you (gentoo) can also take my 2.2.xx-secure tree (intended purpose is for servers etc.). Or does no one of gentoo users use 2.2.xx anymore?
sethbc mcp: well gentoo relies heavily on devfs
chadh mcp: I'm sure we would love to have it
sethbc mcp: but it would be sweet
Lovechild mcp: only a very few gentoo users are registered as using 2.2 I think, but we can always offer the option
sToneheAd yes my concern is that, if i want bleeding age, i could mess up my system if something doesnt works as it was supossed to, so the reason i ask it is that i have concern about QA more than bleeding age
mcp sethbc & chadh: ok :-)
sethbc mcp: i'll draw up an ebuild for it
mcp cool
Lovechild sethbc: you're an ebuilding machine...
@carpaski one sec... Changing boxes real quick.
sethbc Lovechild: heh not really, i don't do that many, i should do more ;-)
Lovechild sethbc: any chance we can an update the the ebuilders guide so we can see how to use IUSE and all the other features and are nice but noone knows about?
mcp Lovechild: you also work for/with gentoo?
sethbc Lovechild: hrm i'll talk to people on the doc team
chadh Is this channel being logged?
Lovechild mcp: I maintain some media ebuilds, and I test stuff like prelinking
mcp Lovechild: cool
mcp Lovechild: mjc said, prelink is a very good thing. Can you confirm this?
Lovechild Can't open perl script "/home/david/-jp.sinfo": No such file or directory
Lovechild cat: /proc/ide/hde/model: No such file or directory
Lovechild [OS] Linux 2.4.18-wolk3.8 :: [Uptime] 6 hrs 48 mins 58 secs :: [CPU] 1-AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1600+ @ 1405 MHz (256 KB) :: [Memory] 186/514M Mb (36.25%) :: [Video] ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV200 QW [Radeon 7500] @ 1024x768 (24 bit) :: [Disk] 28.4/77.0 Gb (37% of ) :: [Network] Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10) (28.46M In, 8.74M Out)
Lovechild Wolk works just fine on Gentoo :)
mcp wooohoo
mcp :-)

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