Lovechild early question, are there any plans to implement reverse depencies in portage so that we can automatically remove orphaned packages?
mcp Lovechild: mjc said, prelink is a very good thing. Can you confirm this?
lostlogic The problems with WOLK and some other kernels arise when the kernel source satisfies a package dependency that is normally satisfied externally (ALSA, dxr3, etc.)
Lovechild mcp: so far, it doesn't seem to work properly on my box, I get no speedup in load, and I loose all my icons
mcp Lovechild: oh
mcp lostlogic: maybe some `uname -r` dependencies :)
Lovechild mcp: but I've had it working once and it's jut amazing to see OpenOffice open up in less than a quarter of the time it took before
lostlogic mcp actually, I do have plans on how to deal with this, but am waiting on a portage feature that is in progress before I can impliment the plan ;-)
mcp Lovechild: wooo, incredible
mattam prelinking is just about speeding up startup for C++ applications, so AFAIK it is always good
mcp lostlogic: :-) k
Lovechild mattam: not if it breaks to much shit or causes instability
Lovechild but prelinking is a good thing(tm)
mattam right
mcp I just downloaded prelink, but first I have to same some of my libs first :)
mattam as always
mcp s/same/safe
mcp bah I hate these typos :)
mattam save maybe ?
Method prelink doesn't corrupt and is undoable
Method Nicholas: be sure and mention virtuals with java (and others) and java-config
lostlogic and as complained about before configuration file changes are updated using the etc-update tool... I think Nick is about to mention that..
lostlogic Speaking of, does anyone familiar with it have comments on how etc-update could better handle file updates?
seemant be able to say "pff, just update everthing from x to y in the list"
seemant especially for things like postfix which has a gazillion updates, none of them in files you actually modify anyway
seemant I think it just updates its sample files
seemant all 500 of them :P
lostlogic seemant haha OK I gotcha, any chance you add that to my etc-update features bug so I don't forget about it?
seemant bug #?
j2 lostlogic: automatically update if the only part changed are headers
seemant maurizio: yes! that would be too cool too :)
j2 seemant: congrats for the talk :)
lostlogic j2 that is already done ... mostly ...
seemant thanks Maurizio
j2 lostlogic: oki
lostlogic j2 it catches if the only change is the cvs header line
lostlogic seemant 3804
seemant thanks lolo
j2 lostlogic: maybe it should automatically delete ._cfg0000 if ._cfg0001 is available
lostlogic j2 I've pondered that before... ATM it checks all available updates for triviality and kills them off where they are trivial... but I spose it is usually preferable to kill all but the last file...
lostlogic j2 probably that becomse less of an issue if we do batch operation support
j2 indeed
MrGrim so who else is giving talks at this thing and on what topics?
MrGrim thank you
MrGrim oh wow... that list is HUGE
MrGrim I wish I had known about it earlier...
Arador publicity on tv? ;)
lostlogic MrGrim everything is logged on that site somewhere
lostlogic wb seemant
Nicholas If anyone has any questions on things they'd like to see in portage, feel free to mention them.
Lovechild are there any plans to implement reverse depencies in portage so that we can automatically remove orphaned packages?
MrGrim Nicholas: I'd love to hear more details about any upcoming features... if there are any more
lostlogic Lovechild yes that is a coming feature hopefully he is about to mention it ;-)
lostlogic Lovechild already emerge --depclean -p will show you what packages are not in world nor depended upon by the world packages...
Lovechild Nicholas: How about support for things such as patching sources with diffs instead of getting the full tarball, and parallel download support?
lostlogic I'm still trying to get a patch that was submitted for portage to show the gentoo changelog entry for a package when updating it...
Lovechild lostlogic: now that would be a neat feature...
lostlogic Lovechild search bugzilla, someone already wrote a patch for it... that worked at the time...
Lovechild lostlogic: I know but as it wasn't picked up by portage mainline it was dropped I think.. same goes for parallel downloading
lostlogic Lovechild actually the parellel downloads and merges was something which Nick did impliment (messily) on a previous version of portage, and which should be coming back sometime after 1.4.
lostlogic Lovechild portage is in for complete abstraction and threading or so I hear...
garoeda Nicholas: how difficult is it to develop extensions to portage?
lostlogic garoeda what kind of extensions?
garoeda adding new features eg
Lovechild Are there any plans of moving portage to a database instead of the current system?
garoeda like implementing parallel ebuilds
garoeda Nicholas: or the reverse dependencies
lostlogic Lovechild the ebuilds will stay as they are, the dep tree and the installed package db may be moved to a DB but the flatfile method is definitely still prefered.  (AFAIK, Nick, correct me?)
mattam what are Sticky Flags ?
mattam personal masks ?
Method sticky flags are flags that don't change when you upgrade the package
Method even if the global flags did
Method so that you get the same product back that you had before
Method but upgradeed
j2 useful for PHP for example ..
Method yes
mattam i'd like to have the packages i mask keep masked after an update. Is it that sort of thing or just not bumping revisions ?
Method you can use your own profiles
Method to hard mask stuff
garoeda Nicholas: thanks!
mattam right, but it's not updated at all if I make one
lostlogic We are currently setting up the capability for users to sync their trees via cvsup or sup so that local changes are merged as CVS does rather than overwritten.
Lovechild would it be possible to create a CFLAGS list that compiled some stuff with -O3 and crazy opts, and the rest with more conservative flags..
mattam ok
lostlogic cvsup and sup apparently provide the speed of rsync with the merging capabilities of cvs (I've never used them personally tho)
mattam what about more interaction during the build process for devellopers/willing users ?
Lovechild Nicholas: nice short answer... :)
lostlogic mattam actually we work hard to keep all of our ebuilds non-interactive
mattam this may be a bad example but leaving alsa build all the drivers is not very good
mattam i said for _willing_ users
lostlogic seemant USE=interactive for mattam? :)
mattam :)
seemant I see
lostlogic mattam actually what we do for instance in alsa is it reads an environment variable 'ALSA_CARDS' tod ecide what to merge, if it is empty it does all
seemant mattam: what are the applications for that?
Lovechild people like myself have a special talent for breaking Gentoo, would it be possible to setup a FEATURE flag for debug, that block everything that's harmful for debugging - so we can provide good feedback to our beloved developers?
mattam seemant:  perhaps for configuring things too
Lovechild lemme guess, sticky again :)
Lovechild Nicholas: did so already, no response on that one
j2 !!
lostlogic uh oh... *kicks nick's char*
j2 that's why I asked some time ago. a "debug" useflag
lostlogic don't we have one that most ebuilds ignroe?
j2 nope
Lovechild Nicholas: my bad, the bug it seems wasn't registered
mattam +1 for debug
j2 just several [ -z $DEBUG ]; then ...
Lovechild j2: would be nice if it was a feature flag, and then portage handled it, not the ebuilds
Nicholas Ok... Anyone else have questions or comments?
lostlogic j2 hmm... *takes a look*
mattam just not stripping is not enough
mattam portage already has a flag for stip/nostrip IIRC
mattam Nicholas: a feature request: add license to the small desc
j2 lolo: 9033
mattam :)
Lovechild Nicholas: bug filed as requested
mattam oh an having the ebuild replay only a part of the process, not restarting from the beginning each time
mattam right ? damn me
Lovechild I know rmerge2 does this, but resume support for emerge -e world ... there's nothing more annoying that hitting a bad ebuild combo after 2 says of recompiling
mattam clap clap clap

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