mulix what about compaq's SSI project?
pask maybe it is a "too early" question, but can i have an ha fw solution based on openmosix and vrrp with stateful table in a bi-node (or tri-node) cluster
ladypine What about grid clusters, Condor clussters? From my experiance, condor works. It even supports migration.
irbis I will talk about it.
mulix irbis, you forgot to mention a certain clustering company that Moshe Bar works for
irbis I will talk about it.
irbis Wait a minute.
ladypine If Moshe Bar is such a great student, why is he not listed in any of the MOSIX publications? Some of his better students are, such as Oren La'adan, Avner Braverman, and Oren Du'er.
irbis I will give a response about it. Hold a minute.
mulix irbis, if Moshe worked on MFS, how come his name doesn't appear anywhere in the code with the other authors?
irbis Good question.
irbis I heard lots of time that MFS was Moshe's work.
mulix You shouldn't believe everything you hear.
irbis When I read that piece of code -two years ago-, I was not too much interested on credits.
irbis I knew on that epoch that It was work that prof Barak team
irbis put I did not know anybody of the team.
irbis Mulix, I would like for you to stay to the round table after my talk and before the next talk.
mulix irbis, I'm still at the office, but I obviously care about this subject. I'll try to stick around.
irbis Thanks, Mulix
ladypine irbis, what new features did Moshe Bar develop for the openMOSIX kernel, that the MOSIX kernel did not have?
irbis hold on, wait to the round table.
irbis I will talk about this, but I can not keep the talk and the conference at the same time.
ladypine irbis, Just today Moshe Bar wrote in his mailing list that MOSIX has been stable for four years now. How come openMOSIX fixes so many bugs then?
irbis Moshe Bar has his opinion.I have my own.
irbis The kernel code has deadlocks, and the userland tools does strange things with pointers.
irbis "happy castings"
visik7 lol
hightower MOSIX or openMOSIX has deadlocks irbis?
irbis It works now, but it can not work on newer processors. And it will not work on 64 bits.
irbis MOSIX, OpenMosix, and the linux kernel. The three.
hightower hehe
hightower kernel isn't surprising new ;)
mulix ah, the mysterious IA64 port... how come the code isn't developed in the open?
pask maybe it is a "too early" question, but can i have an ha fw solution based on openmosix and vrrp with stateful table in a bi-node (or tri-node) cluster
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap

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