* viZard sets mode: +m
viZardWhoohoo! welcome everyone to the close talk in the 10th day of UMeet2002
viZardtonight last talk will be on charge of Francisco Reyna
viZardfrom Monterrey, Mexico
viZardhe is a very young guy (like Marcelo), and he is member of Monterrey´s LUG
viZardhe´s talk is named Introduction to Handhelds wih GNU/Linux
viZardhope he helpm me to put some distro in my iPAQ
viZardwith you Francisco (pragma)
sarnold(please direct questions and comments to #qc, prefix with pragma: to help him find them :)
pragmaThanks viZard,
viZardyeah, i forgot that part
viZardtranslation to spanish #redes, to dutch #taee
pragmaGreetings, first of all, I want to thank M. Jesus Coma for his invitation to UMeet.
pragmaAlso congratulate all the staff for all these days of amazing organization and marvelous job.
pragmaIn any moment, of you have questions I'll stop the lecture to answer you. Now, lets start.
pragmaOur objectives in the lecture are going to be: The understanding of the basic terms, the history of handhelds, the installation process, and the options of Open Source software that you have for installing on handhelds.
pragmaNow, what is a Handheld?
pragmaA handheld computer is a computer that can conveniently be stored in a pocket (of sufficient size) and used while you're holding it.
pragma Today's handheld computers, which are also called personal digital assistants (PDAs), can be divided into those that accept handwriting as input and those with small keyboards.
pragmaWatch [Slide 1] at 'http://people.gnulinux.org.mx/kheb/handhelds/
pragmaThe original handheld that accepted handwriting was Apple's Newton, which was later withdrawn from the market.
pragmaToday, most popular handhelds accept handwritten input such as the Clie from Sony. HP, Sony, Sharp, and other companies make handhelds with small keyboards.
pragmaWindows CE and EPOC are two of the most widely used operating systems in handheld computers.
pragmaHandheld computers are typically used for personal information manager (PIM) types of applications: maintaining schedules, keeping names and phone numbers, doing simple calculations, taking notes, and, with a modem, exchanging e-mail and getting information from the Web.
pragmaIf you like free software a useful concept is the one of an Open Handheld which is a handheld computer running an open source operating system.
pragmaThe only real and important difference that exists between handhelds is the one that makes some of them able and flexible of installing an OS different(GNU/Linux) from the OS pre-installed on them.(Ex. WinCE).Some of the platforms where GNU/Linux can be installed are:
pragma*HP (formerly Compaq) handhelds, iPAQ H3100, H3600, H3700, H3800, H3900
pragma*HP handhelds, HP Jornada 720, 56x
pragma*Sharp handhelds, Sharp Zaurus SL-5000 (GNU/Linux pre-installed)
pragma*Samsung Yopy handheld
pragmaThe hardware on most of these handhelds that makes nowadays possible a GNU/Linux installation is the following:
pragma*64MB RAM (space for installation)
pragma*206MHz Intel processor
pragma*32MB flash ROM
pragma--The History of Handhelds
pragma[Slide 2]
pragmaEverything started with Compaq's Itsy project, their goal was to learn about issues relating to the development of small devices.
pragmaTheir first Itsy prototype offered more computing power and memory than other PDAs, enabling demanding applications such as speech recognition.
pragmaThe handhelds.org project (who's goal is to encourage and facilitate the creation of open source software for use on handheld and wearable computers) followed on from the Itsy project.
pragmaThe work started on an iPAQ development board in April 2000. By June 2000 Linux was up and running on the iPAQ with the X Window System along with drivers for most of the input-output devices builtin to the iPAQ.
pragmaBy that time, source and binaries were posted on handhelds.org.
pragmaBy August 2000, there were at least two companies showing commercial software on the iPAQ. At this point, aspirations raised from a simple development platform to an eventual commercial offering.
pragmaDevelopers thought that Linux on handhelds is not ready for broad consumer appeal, but it does provide choices and customization possibilities not available with PocketPC or Palm.
pragmaToday, There is a choice of at least 5 graphical toolkits with Linux: GTK, Qt, Microwindows, wxwindows and the original Xt. Some of these use X11 but the others use the bare framebuffer interface.
pragmaOne of the main advantages of Linux on the iPAQ is that it uses the mainstream Linux kernel. It does not use a stripped-down variant.
pragmaWell, except for storage and screen size issues, applications can be ported directly to the iPAQ without requiring major rewrites.
pragmaThe Debian GNU/Linux Distribution contains packages built for ARM-Linux, originally targeted for ARM linux desktop machines.
pragmaBecause the iPAQ runs a standard kernel and filesystem, we can install Debian packages on the iPAQ without having to recompile.
pragmaNow, what are the GNU/Linux distributions available on handhelds?
pragmaWell, first of all, GNU/Linux on a handheld means that you can run a Linux kernel (2.4 or 2.2) on a handheld device. With that you get all niceties available in Linux including networking, VM, multiple filesystems, etc. It is similar to running GNU/Linux on a desktop but in a much smaller form factor.
pragmaA common misconception is that Linux on a handheld gives the same functionality of a Palm Pilot or Windows CE. Well, this is just one possible use of Linux but not necessarily all you can do with it.
pragmaAs you will soon learn, the applications you put on your handheld are limited by the amount of "disk space" (read Flash memory) that you have available.
pragmaNowadays HP hosts and sponsors handhelds.org who carry out this huge project.
pragmaThey have two active distributions: Familiar and Intimate, on top of them, graphical interfaces such as OPIE (Open Palmtop Integrated Environment) and GPE(or X) can be used.
pragmaFamiliar Distribution, a lightweight package that includes a new packaging system called ipkg, which is like apt package system for the Debian desktop.
pragmaIt is designed to fit inside an unexpanded iPAQ. Its latest version is 0.6 and it fits in 5.2Mb.
pragmaIt contains the basic requirements for getting the handheld booting, and on the network. Includes ppp, pcmcia, ethernet, wireless, and ssh.
pragmaToday, iPAQ's 3900's because of their new xScale processor of 400mhz Familiar is still being ported, soon for next release v0.7
pragma it should be ready
pragma Familiar, doesn't have support for HP Jornada's yet, but next version as with 3900's it should be ready.
pragmaNow, the amazing Intimate Distro:
pragmait is an extension of Familiar(runs on Familiar). Unlike Familiar, Intimate requires at least a minimum of 140 Mbytes of storage be available, usually by way of a micro-drive.
pragma[Question] <Mave> is there a Palm emulator for linux to run palm apps ?
pragma[Answer] Yes, its name is QPOSE, and it is GPL :).
pragmaIntimate's goal is to provide a "full-blown" distribution for the iPAQ, including things like Doom, Konqueror, and MPEG players. The base image is currently around 56MB in size.
pragmaIt is asked 140 MB because the base of 56Mb is just needed to boot Familiar,
pragmawith intimate
pragmaIt doesnt inclide its real applications.
pragmaIf you want a descent system, you need 140Mb
pragmaIntimate fully matches the Debian directory structure, as this is what apt-get and dpkg expect to work with. Simpler, "Debian on iPAQ". Imagine an "apt-get install Emacs".  :)
pragmaOf course, just imagine Emacs, its a monster, so it wont be pragmatic running it :)
pragma[Question] <sarnold> could one even run emacs on such a small system?
pragma[Answer] yes, but imagine the time it will take to load. Well have to wait for full sopport on xscale processors :)
pragmaOPIE which is a grahpical environment is a "fork" of the Qtopia codebase.
pragma Qtopia (formerly QPE) was written mostly by employees of TrollTech and uses the Qt Embedded toolkit which is produced by TrollTech.
pragmaTheir plan is to remain compatible with the QTopia applications and code,
pragmabut avoid any potentially scary licensing issues and provide completely OpenSource applications.
pragmaOPIE as well is compatible with the wide package repository for the Sharp Zaurus(uses QTopia).
pragmaFamiliar with OPIE use no more than 9.4Mb.
pragmaNow, GPE/X (GNU Palmtop Environment) is a graphical environment running on top of Familiar.
pragmaX-based, designed to provide a standard Gtk-based interface for applications,
pragma and using a relational database as the backend for data storage.
pragmaHowever, most X applications were not designed for the constraints imposed by a small screen and simple input device.
pragmaNow the question comes, which one should I use? Familiar, will be your base image, If you got the huge space, install Intimate,
pragmabut the hard thing is OPIE or GPE/X (if you just want, or have the space to choose just one of them).
pragmaIf you install both, it might be not quite practic, and space used in total is like 28Mb (no applications, just thier base).
pragma[Question] <viZard> what can i run over familiar and few MB of storage? (64)
pragma[Answer] You can run X and OPIE, and use almost half of you MB storage, If your needs arent listening MP3's watching videos, having many books to ready 64 is quite good for a great 11MB dictionary, many apps. But not handling big files.
pragmaI'd been using OPIE without reinstalling for 2 month (I overcame my testing period) and I have 25Mb used.
pragmaI have 32MB of storage. And im limited of not using a full dictionary, I have many apps, some books, but no mp3's, videos, nor large media files.
pragma So again, if you got the space, install both of them. If you need to choose between them you should consider the following:
pragmaGPE has great promises, and a few advantages already.
pragma[Question] <viZard> are the apps compatible with sync softwares?
pragma[Answer] Yes, for example, I sync my Evolution with OPIE, todo list, contacts, calendar are synced
pragma. GPE uses X, giving you all the nice features, especially the ability to work across devices (e.g. run a program on the PDA, but have the display on your desktop).
pragmaIn the Second Slide, you can see an iPAQ with gnumeric, actually just the display. :)
pragmaIf you care about PIM, usability and a sophisticated look where Linux features are an option and not required, then OPIE might be more advisable.
pragmaOPIE uses the advantages of PocketPC (nice look, easy usage) and perfectly transforms them into the Linux world by developing what Microsoft should have done with PocketPC: a usable and productive platform.
pragmaAll features in the PIM suite are by far more advanced than their Microsoft counter parts. Some developers don't like the Qt library and its licensing model as used under OPIE others just don't care.
pragmaWell, you can say that OPIE is more polished and "ready to use".
pragmaSo, Choose GPE if you are interested in the future, choose OPIE if you want a working PDA today.
pragma[Question] <Arador> how can that software be so small?
pragma[Answer] The ipkg packaging system, it makes that the control in each program simple, also if you had ever seen OPIE, you can see that most apps dont have a real science, its simple code, the best chess program for QT uses aprox 1000 lines.
pragma[Question] where can i see a bigger shot of OPIE?
pragma[Answer] http://opie.handhelds.org/screenshots/gallery/
pragma[Question] <Arador> in my 386 with 113 mb hard disk i can't install so many things
pragma[Answer] Well, what is exactly 'so many things'?
pragma[Q]<Arador> X windows system for example
pragma[A] The GPE is a port of X, its much smaller and fits together with Familiar in 10MB.
pragma[Q] can you run familiar and such in desktop pcs (386)?
pragma[A] Of course, you just need a serial port and change your bios to the bootloader used.
pragmaNow, lets talk about the installation process.
pragmaIronically, the initial installation of Linux on the iPAQ requires the use of a Windows desktop platform.
pragmaThis is because we need to install the osloader program, which bootstraps the process.
pragmaHovewer as geeks do, there is already someone who found a way of conecting WinCE with your your Linux.
pragmaThis can only be transferred to the unit by using Microsoft's ActiveSync tool. (or the option I just said, but I havent tried it yet.)
pragmaOsloader also creates the WinCE backup images, which are also transferred by ActiveSync.
pragmaSo you put in a safe place your WinCE image beacuse you paid for it.
pragmaOsloader contains a copy of the bootldr program, which handles how the iPAQ boots.
pragma This is similar to the PC's BIOS/GRUB, and is written to the boot block of the device.
pragmaAs with other devices with a boot block in the flash, this should be write-protected to prevent accidental overwriting.
pragmaThe remainder of the installation process is done by way of a serial connection using a communications program like minicom in most Linux platforms.
pragmaYou can as well finish the installation on a Windows machine using HyperTerminal.
pragmaAll iPAQs until the 3800's come with USB cradles, it means a serial cable or cradle must be purchased before the Linux installation can be completed.
pragmaIt is _required_ serial because the support for USB on the bootloader has a very high degree of complexity.
pragmaOk, once bootldr is installed and running, a dialog is established through the serial port at 115,200 Kbps.
pragmaInstalling or upgrading Linux simply involves entering "load [blockname]" (when {when "blockname" is replaced with bootldr, kernel or root, or a hex address),
pragmaand then sending the appropriate file to the device via xmodem.
pragmaWell, earlier versions of the bootldr had problems with transfers under Linux because of xmodem timing issues, but this has been improved with later versions,
pragma and can be further tuned manually by setting timeout values.
pragmaFor this reason, along with better power management support, I advise you to upgrade bootldr to the latest version
pragmarather than using the one installed by osloader, which will most likely be much older than what's currently available.
pragmaa WARNING:
pragmaDuring this process you have to be very careful so  DO NOT, under any circumstances, reset the iPAQ. There is a chance you could get your device into an unusable state.
pragmaAlthough HP has graciously offered to repair "bricked" iPAQs.
pragmawell, at least temporarly you can tell your friends that you got a $500 cupholder.  :)
pragmaExactly what files are flashed into which sections depend on the particular distribution being installed.
pragmaThey all share the bootldr, and they all have a kernel image and at least one file image, but these can vary considerably between distributions.
pragmaAlso, some use multiple cramfs format filesystems, which is a 'crammed file system' while the latest Familiar uses a single JFFS2 format partition.
pragma The JFFS format filesystem is a special format that enables the constant erasing and writing of the flash permanent memory of the iPAQs, without abrading its surface, and then, within years have an unusable permament storage.
pragmaThe documents located at handhelds.org are all quite complete, and can be followed by anyone with moderate technical ability.
pragma[Q] <Mave> oh, btw there's always real time compression on flash memory, isn't there ?
pragma[A] Yes, the file system, and the flash memory enable this. Most unused things, are remained compressed, so usually the ROM really varies.
pragmaThe good news also is it is actually rather difficult to incorrectly flash the units to a point of not being able to recover to bootldr.
pragmaOnce bootldr is installed and write-protected, upgrading between the different distributions is fairly easy.
pragmaOnce finished the installation you may connect your iPAQ to your computer by means of serial or USB,
pragmaSerial conection is established with PPP
pragmathen by ip masquerading and forwarding you make give your iPAQ access the internet.
pragmaNow, what can you do with an IPAQ with Familiar running OPIE or GPE?
pragmaAs everything, what you use your Open handheld for is up to you,
pragmabut some people use it as an ultra portable GNU/Linux "laptop"
pragmaothers use it as TCP/IP router/bridge for wireless and wired networks,
pragmaand others just want a replacement for their Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).
pragmaJust imagine what you would do if you could take your Linux workstation or server, anywhere you go. :)
pragmaGreat, we got a question
pragma[Q] <viZard> What´s the differnce between PDAs and Handhelds?
pragma[A] During a lot of time, I always tried to figured this out, but today, it really doesnt exist a real difference betweeen them, you can say that you got a handheld with PDA applications as you can say I got a PDA, remember that PDA is a Personal Digital Assistant, so nowadays, Palm, HP, Sony they all have handhelds, even thought some of them are just used as a PDA.
pragma[A2] So I rather dont say that there's a difference bewteen them.
pragma[A3] It's just the way you want to call it.
pragma[Q] <debUgo-> In there any on-going work on XScale support?
pragma[A] You can consult http://www.handhelds.org/projects/h3900.html for complete details about the work being done on 3900's.
pragma[Comment] Compaq Colombia give you a 64MB SD Card for free, if you buy a iPAQ H3950 (U$599) =)~  that would be a great xmas gift.
pragma[Comment] That might be useless, if you are planning to install Familiar :).
pragma[Comment] SD cards are propietary, and Familiar cant support them, neither be licensed with, SD cards forbid the use of open source OS's
pragma[Comment] So you use the called MMC cards
pragma[Comment] Which are MultiMedia Cards, this are available with the GPL licensing.
pragmaAnd that's not all, if you have geek life (Yes, dont worry, I know most of you don't), and you get usually late to the cinema just increase the power of your iPAQ and you get an amazing and powerful handlamp!
pragmaIts amazing the backlight intensity those things can have!
pragmaEmulation, as well is also an area receiving a lot of attention.
pragma People are porting emulations for older devices (Gameboys and SNES, for example) to the iPAQs, and the POSE Palm emulator nowadays is running.
pragmaYou can run SNES9x (a micro ported version) in you iPAQ.
pragmaIf you own a Palm, so using an image of the ROMs in the POSE will be legal and give me access to all the Palm applications.
pragmaI think this is a common situation :).
pragmaNow lets watch Slide 3 and 4.
pragmaGPS (Global Position Satellite), graphical calculators, emulators, spreadsheet, handlamps, mp3 audio player, MPEG video players, wireless connection, SSH, sharing files from the iPAQ via NFS (nfsd), are just some of the incredible thing you can do with your iPAQ and free software.
pragmaNow, lets talk about the iPKG package manager
pragmaiPKG is like the Debian 'apt' package manager, ipkg is a very lightweight package management system.
pragmaIt was designed for Linux installations with severe storage limitations such as handheld computers.
pragmaiPKG is more than just an embedded Linux flash image builder, (although it does that fairly well).
pragmaIt also allows for dynamic installation/removal of packages on a running system.
pragmaNow, some characteristics. IPKG is 'itsy' in several ways:
pragmaa)The control programs themselves are small, (currently about 13kB)
pragmab)The installed meta-data tries to be only what is absolutely essential, (currently about 38kB for a 16MB compressed flash iPAQ distribution)
pragmac)The available packages are small. (The idea is that the package tree should be as fine-grain as possible).
pragmaAn amazing characteristic of the bootloader, is its Dual Booting system.
pragmaThe Dual Booting consists of having an iPAQ second storage place like an MMC/SD, PCMCIA (Hard Drive), CF expansion cards, and being able to boot from there your Open Source OS.
pragmaLets say if you won't remove WinCE, you can have in a secondary storage place your GNU/Linux system and boot it whenever you want.
pragmaProgramming and Cross-Compiling in very interesting
pragmaProgramming in this machines isn't as complicated than on a desktop PC,
pragmabecause your usual requirements aren't complicated.
pragmaprogramming with Python on the iPAQ is available.
pragmaOpie-sh programming is designed to be a frontend to Opie
pragmawhich can be used from the console.
pragmaThis is especially useful for creating interactive shell scripts,
pragma as it will use the Opie interface (which is presumably familiar to the user) instead of a text based interface (which can be confusing).
pragmaIt can also be convenient for prototyping an application that you want to write for Opie without actually bothering to break out the cross compiler.
pragmaOpie-sh does not use an Opie specific libs, so you can just as easily use it with Qtopia.
pragmaThere are two main goals of Opie-sh:
pragmagetting information from the user,
pragmaand giving information to the user. This are the bases for its programming understanding.
pragmaThese functions are implemented through three dialog types.
pragma A file dialog, an input dialog, and a message dialog
pragmaCross compiling consists of simply having a gcc complier for the arm 'gcc-arm' working and having the necessary toolchain on your box (not the iPAQ) in order to compile and then send the compiled files into the iPAQ.
pragmaNow move to slide 5 and watch the iPAQ's expansion Gadgets.
pragmaWell, in conclusion,
pragmaThe community that has formed around the Handhelds.org site and the Linux iPAQ development project, is large and active.
pragmaThe development e-mail lists receive dozens of posts a day, with the IRC channels regularly attended.
pragmaDevelopment guys will immediately feel right at home.
pragmaI really recommend the use of free software in this devices,
pragmaGetting a handheld and installing free software is worth it.
pragmaThe best online resource for Handhelds with GNU/Linux is Handhelds.org, which contains all the links and information of what you need to know about.
pragmaWith this, if there are no more questions I conclude my lecture.
* viZard sets mode: -m
viZardplas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZardplas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZardplas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZardplas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZardplas plas plas plas plas plas plas
viZardplas plas plas plas plas plas plas
Mavewhat can you say about the simputer ?
pragmaMave: Hm, never heard about it.
viZardThanks for this talk, i really need it
pragma thanks to the translators at #redes and I'm available at fjrs@gnulinux.org.mx, or you can find me at #linuxmty at irc.linux.org
viZardnow i can safely migrate my iPAQ to GNU/Linux
viZardi just can run familiar at the moment.
viZardah, libre de inglés
viZardaaa eee iiii ooo uuuu, español que lindo eres tú :-)
pragmaMave: Its not GPL. That the only thing I can say :)
garoedaclap clap clap clap clap
garoedaclap clap clap clap clap
garoedaclap clap clap clap clap
garoedaclap clap clap clap clap
pragmathx. :)
Mavepragma: "The system software of the Simputer, since it is Linux based is under GPL." http://www.simputer.org/simputer/license/
pragmaMave: 'It does not in any way imply endorsement by the Free Software Foundation' http://www.simputer.org/simputer/license/
Mavepragma: it looks more free than iPAQ to me :) that issue is about hardware license software is GPL AFAIK
viZardpragma, puedo correr todo esto [http://opie.handhelds.org/screenshots/gallery/newbg.png] con 64MB y Familiar Linux ?
pragmaMave: Well, Let me read more.
pragmaviZard: Of course!
pragmaviZard: Claro!
Mavepragma: ok, thank you for this great conference.
pragmaMave: Thanks to you, without questions, this might be useless :), anything you need, just contact me.
pragmaviZard: Yo tengo demasiados programillas, y tengo 28MB usados
pragmaSolo tengo 1 libro.
Mavepragma: i will, thanks again
pragmaviZard: Que modelo es tu iPAQ?
viZardumm, ahí falta algo... .pdf reader y .doc reader
viZardbueno bueno, pero todo a su tiempo
viZardsabes lo que dice la nota cuando enciendo mi ipaq?
viZard"El uso de Windows CE en este dispositivo, no indica la ausencia de sistemas libres para esta platafora; solo indica el grado de haraganería del propietario" .-)
debUgo-excelente charla, pragma. 'chas gracias =)
kergothpragma: I'm curious as to why you say GPE is the future, and opie is what you use now
pragmakergoth: As I agree with a partner, GPE required a harder job to have working that OPIE does, OPIE is installed and ready, X will have its climx period, but I think as I had been using it, just not yet. So thats why X is the future, but not now, many thinks are not friendly to new users.
kergothpragma: the fact that X is hard to use now doesnt imply that it will be better than existing solutions in the future.
kergothpragma: that is flawed logic.
pragmaActually, yes. X has its level now, but in a near future, its going to be easier to use, such as the new porting made of OPIE to X.
pragmakergoth: If something is dificult to use, and most people complain about that, ist that like to be improved?
kergothpragma: as I said before, the fact that X will be easier than it is now, doesn't mean it will be superior to -existing- non X solutions. Still flawed logic.
kergothyes, it will be improved
pragmakergoth: After the porting of OPIE to X, QT is goinig to start falling.
pragmaX development is prefered by most of programmers
kergothpragma: okay, so the answer to my question, why you say that GPE is the future, is that you have numerous assumptions.  I thank you for the answer.  The lecture was quite good, and I thank you.
pragmakergoth: Guessing the future doesnt have a single way to reach the goal.
pragmakergoth: No problem. Seeya at #handhelds.org
kergothpragma: indeed :)
viZardlet´s leva pragma go to to sleep :-)
garoedagnight pragma
pragmaThanks viZard :), gn garoeda, seeya tomorrow!

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