ender .
jmgv does it work with xfs?
hugo Yes.
jmgv oki
hugo If your kernel supports it, Mondo supports it.
jmgv cool
ender I'm a second developer for Mondo, and the main support dude.  I'll try to answer the questions that come up, so that hugo can keep rolling.
jmgv <hugo> It is as stable as it is _because_ it is Open Source.  <--- really good comment
hugo Thanks! :)
ShawnWerk hugo: how does it know what files to backup based on distribution? and the directories? or does it look for common release files (like redhat's /etc/redhat-release and then generate a list?)
ender ShawnWerk: actually, mondo backs up all files.
hugo ShawnWerk: It backs up absolutely everthing, except for /proc, /tmp, /mnt/floppy*, /mnt/cdrom*
ShawnWerk oh :-)
ender ShawnWerk: it doesn't grab /proc, nor /tmp or .... n/m  Hugo got it.
ShawnWerk so i can use it for my old colorado tape drive :)
ShawnWerk which would be a GREAT cause i dispise cpio
ender ShawnWerk: hah!  you shoudl be able to, if you rkenrel supports the drive.
ShawnWerk does mondo allow for easy searching of files of a backup?
ender not at this time.
ShawnWerk i see
ender it is on our TODO list for easier restores.  Our main focus was disaster recovery, where you are recovering the entire file system.
ShawnWerk right now i just cpio -ovB -H crc / /root /bin /etc ...   /dev/st0
ShawnWerk but i find it pretty horrible
ShawnWerk :(
ender nod.
ShawnWerk i will compile mondo tonight :-)
amd could anyone explain me the term 'sane kernel'?
ender amd: Sane, as in it doesn't use cramfs, has ramfs support, has loopback support, and a couple other things which every sane distro should have.
ender amd: I do believe our kernel requirements are listed at http://mondorescue.org
ShawnWerk does mondo compress the data better then cpio? and does it help me determine if the device im backing up to supports hardware compression (this one does but Linux doesn't seem to let me use it?)
ender ShawnWerk: Mondo either uses bzip2 or LZOP for compression.  Bzip2 takes a compression ratio argument, 0-9.  0 being little to no compression, 9 being the highest compression.
amd ok thanks :)
abraar That sounds to be a kernel level issue.
ShawnWerk ender: ok so it relies on system compressors
ender ShawnWerk: if the hardware supports compression, it's a kernel level thing.  Mondo just writes data to the hardware.  It's up to the driver to compress it as it writes.
ShawnWerk hmm, i thought that had to be turned on
ender ShawnWerk: if your tape supports compression, it's best to use 0 software compression.
ShawnWerk well i can't be sure
ShawnWerk since the 'mt' tool doesnt let me change compression
ShawnWerk lemme get the specs
ender nod.
ShawnWerk toms boot disk is horrible for recovery
ShawnWerk try recovering a 2.5 machine with a 2.2 kernel ;)
ender I could be wrong on this, since I have a horrible lack of tape drives to use.
ender heh
ShawnWerk QUESTION: Does my tape drive have hardware compression?
ShawnWerk ANSWER: No, none of the HP Colorado tape drives has hardware compression.
ShawnWerk :(
ShawnWerk i guess i know why not
ShawnWerk now i thought it did
ShawnWerk bah
ender d'oH!
ShawnWerk from HP's site
ShawnWerk ;/
Arador can you automatizate the backup/restore process?
ender cron.
ender Personally, I use cron to make backups and shuffle backup files.  I use NFS, so I shuffle the iso files on the NFS server to keep an archive.
ender Since restores usually require a machine reboot, there isn't a good way to "automate" that.
ender If "nuke" is called from the mindi boot process, It will automagically repartition the disks it finds, restore the data, and re-run the boot loader.  I suppose that is automated in a sense.
sarnold so putting together a bindi for the bsds, or sindy for solaris, etc would do the job?
ender sarnold: quite possibly.
ender sarnold: given that the tools are the same, such as fdisk, mkfs, afio, etc...
ender Pardon me, I need to step out for a 1/2 hour meeting.  Hugo will have to handle the ?'s until I return.
hugo okie
tarzeau huh mondo is not on freshmeat.net ? what's the homepage again?
tarzeau ah mondorescue
ShawnWerk clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
ShawnWerk clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
ShawnWerk clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
sarnold hehe, get shawnWAP to read it :)
ShawnWerk well oddly i cant get two of them working at the same time yet
ShawnWerk i sill search google for mondo backup im sure it will find it
ShawnWerk and then i will play with it since i can't rely on cpio anymore
MJesus :)) difficult, yes
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
hugo :-D
abraar hugo: Have you asked distribution makers to include mondo in popular distros?
hugo abraar: Yes. Mandrake 8.1 and 8.2 included Mondo on their 'supplemental' CD (that was CD #3). Mandrake now has an alliance with Arkeia, so I don't know if they'll continue to include Mondo. However, Mandrake is still rolling Mandrake-specific Mondo RPM's, so I'm hopeful. Mondo is part of Gentoo, Sorceror, LFS, Debian and soon ArkLinux. In general, people pick it up because it's good, not because I ask them, which is good because
hugo usually I'm not gutsy enough to ask people to include it. Perhaps that's because of my upbringing. :)
sarnold silly brits :)
hugo lol
ender back
hugo wb ender
hugo hi honey :)
abraar hugo: I see. -- How are things shaping out? Development is time and time is money. Do you have enough contributors/enterprise customers to keep up with the development costs?
honey hi hugo
ender *cough*
ender abraar: don't you know, Mondo developers run on crack.
ender Seriously, thats a good question for Hugo.  I'd like to see some corperate backing/funding, but I dont' think it's happened yet.
hugo Fortunately, the other developers have paid for a lot of hardware (as have I *g*), so we're doing this almost entirely out of our own bank accounts.
hugo I personally charge for 1-to-1 technical support. If a user donates money for hardware, it is spent on hardware.
hugo If a user purchase my time, I spend that money on food and on my upcoming wedding. :)
ender I got involved because I found NFS support to be a bit lacking, and I couldn't spend any $$ to get support, so I thought I could lend what ever skills I had to the cause.  I seemed to have been sucked into the project, and now it's one of my proudest accomplishments.  (the support side of it, not the development)
hugo Yes, ender saves my sanity by answering 40-50% of the e-mails.
abraar hugo: Has mondo been through any kind of auditing (like security)? It would certainly help to improve its adoption into the enterprise area, IMHO.
abraar s/into the/in the/
ender abraar: Unfortionatly, it has not been through an official security review.  I am going through the code, and slowly helping hugo replace some potential security problems.  Mindi has a planned total rewrite in the near future as well, with security as a concern.
hugo abraar: Mondo is not secure. I mean, it hasn't been audited, so how can it be? :) I've tried to avoid strcpy() and gets() and so on... but you're right, it needs a thorough audit.
ender abraar: it wasn't really designed with security in the front of the mind, mostly because you have to be root to run mondo.  If you're root, then you have other targets than trying to exploit some hole in backup software.
hugo lol
ender abraar: we've pinged him on it..  sarnold is one very busy dude.
sarnold ender, i think you'll have enough fun with the system(3)s for now.. :)
hugo Mondo's biggest security hole is its use of system(), which calls a shell when calling an external executable. That's a gaping hole. I want to use execpve() and similar soon. However, seeing as Mondo is a root-only binary anyway, it's not really that bad ... for now.
abraar hugo: Ever tried contacting Red Hat about the inclusion of mondo (I know you just said that you don't contact distro people, but...). Red Hat Linux/AS is the most widely spread Linux in the enterprise area. It would be a really big advertisement for Mondo.
ender nod.  Most the things we do with system() can properly be done w/out any sort of exec() call.  File opens, reads/writes, all can be done with C functions.  It's just a matter of tweaking the code to do so.
ender abraar: I tried to bring that up, and got some pushback due to the lack of code audits, and the age of hte project.  It seemed that nobody wanted to pick up on it in it's current state.  After the re-writes, I plan to shop it around again (with Hugo's approval of course).

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