viZardI think i read that just the base image can take about 140 MB on an iPAQ, is that right?
Mavedebian on IPAQ. cool!
viZardquestions at the end?
pragmaIts fine, That one is answered on the next information  :)
Maveis there a Palm emulator for linux to run palm apps ?
sarnoldheh, emulate palm on ipaq running linux...
Mavesarnold: like vmware on a box ?
viZard140 MB
sarnoldmave, yeah :)
Mavecool, thanks
viZardwoa woa, you just said 140 MB
viZardah, just answered :-)
viZardthis guy reads my thoughts
* viZard needs to buy a 256 Mb FLASH Mem
sarnoldheh, could one even run emacs on such a small system? :)
debUgo-viZard: just need U$85 for a 256MB CF Card
viZardwhat can i run over familiar and few MB of storage?
viZardletīs say 64 MB
viZardare the apps compatible with sync softwares?
* viZard is very insterested on migration :-)
viZardhave read 4 Asimovīs books on my iPAQ :-)
sarnoldoh my :)
viZardreading the fifth
Aradorhow can that software be so small?
Aradori mean with a few mb, it seems you have all you need:P
viZardwhere can i see a bigger shot of OPIE?
Aradorin my 386 with 113 mb hard disk i can't install so many things
pragmaDoes it run Familiar?
Aradorno, debian potato,
Aradorat least the last time i touched it
AradorX windows system ofr example
Aradorcan you run familiar and such in desktop pcs?
Aradorok, thanks ;)
Aradorpragma: let me do clap clap clap clap clap clap in advance, i need to go to sleep ;)
pragmaArador: Thanks, gn.
Maveoh, btw there's always real time compression on flash memory, isn't there ?
viZardWhatīs the differnce between PDAs and Handhelds?
debUgo-In there any on-going work on XScale support?
debUgo-Compaq Colombia give you a 64MB SD Card for free, if you buy a iPAQ H3950 (U$599) =)~  that would be a great xmas gift
debUgo-yep, but i want a XScale not a StongARM :P~
debUgo-uh, damn

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