CSMan is that time ok?
@MJnos buenos dias
Ratta hi
@MJnos hi ratta
ebarbeito buenas tardes
EMPEROR hi to all
EMPEROR buenas a todos
Ratta hi
james nas
MJesus hi
james what is a handheld?
@sarnold james: a computing device that fits in one's hand
james okis, a PDA
james In Spain, is UTC+1?
@sarnold i think so
@sarnold Thu Dec 19 17:36:16 UTC 2002
@sarnold check that with your own "date" output
james jue dic 19 18:37:32 CET 2002
ebarbeito jue dic 19 18:36:50 GMT 2002
ebarbeito ;)
james UTC CAMOUFLAGE <---- someone who save it to me? XDXD
@sarnold james http://umeet.uninet.edu/umeet2002/english/des.eng.html
james like pirates, it is on-line before the original
@sarnold really? hmm. :) The logs _will_ be there, shortly after the talk is done..
james :( i was looking for it
Aule enas
Arador the conferency starts it seems
@Arador We're going to start a tak of the moderator of the round table "linux in the public administration"
@Arador he es Borja Marcos
@Arador Borja is know in the specialized circles, specialy abut computer securit, freebsd and as critic specialized in computer science
@Arador besides, is of the first of Uninet
@Arador He has been 15 years trying and fighting with the computer bugs
@Arador and specially he is a precursor of the free sowftware
@Arador his lecture is called "free incompetency"
@Arador Borja: Gracias :-)
@Arador and please don't frighten, it'll be short  and it'll not harm ;)
@Arador It's not new to the presents the following fact: the computer market is in hands of a monopoly
@Arador However, this isn't a new thing, this has been from the start of the computer industry
@Arador The market was dominated by IBM until Microsoft relieved him
@Arador ¿should we accpet the situation and leave it as it's?
@Arador It's been always in this way, no?
@Arador No. in the ages of the IBM reign, the copmuters were machines used by intereprises and research centers
@Arador to "eat"? numbers and clasify databasese
@Arador The public, in general, didn't have a relation with the computers, However, today the computer has become a communication instrument
@Arador SO, that a communication instrument is conqueredm is preocupant
@Arador A lot preocupant, in my opinion, was that the old monopoly  of IBM, that  the age of "electric brains" in the cinema
@Arador I think that there's not a case were is more justified the intervetion of the autority than this, and however, surprisinly (or not) They're doing nothing
@Arador It's relevant that the last balance of Microsoft presented to the SEC (american equivalent to the spanish CNMV ) is
@Arador that Windows and Office are the 85% of the benefits about the manufacturation
@Arador while the rest of the divisions (MSN, X-Box,, etc) are loosing a lot of money
@Arador If this isn't a dumping using a monopoly, came god and see it!
@Arador what's happenning at the same time? It's understandable that in the united states there isn't a lot of movement
@Arador The big enterprises are big donants to the electoral campaigns, and it seems that nobody wants to put a big sancktion to one of the biggest enterprises of the country
@Arador But what happen in europe? IN europe the situation is worse i think.
@Arador i a sequence of letters that  i found the last year with the free "competence" departamente in the CE
@Arador it was clear that they were investigating the inclusion of Microsoft Media Player in Windows and his influence in tjhe server market
@Arador (anybody  that wants to server videos for windows clients has to buy a windows operative system) and that they hadn't RESOURCES FOR ANYTHING MORE
@Arador THis is, in my opinion, in-pardonable
@Arador while the European COmision loses time, the european alternatives (Opera, Linux) are damaged by the Microsoft practices and the monopoly
@Arador But i'm not talking about strange HTML versions or archiv formats
@Arador I'm talking about the barrier that has a potential user of free software, as freebsd or linux
@Arador <sorry about the delay, i'll continue in a moment>
@Arador the number of devices that doesn't hace driver are increasing, and this is due to that the fabricants hide the interfaz description, assuring that it's and industrial secret, what makes impossible (or difficults it) the drivers development
@Arador what strange blak magic is behind this? A few years ago, the chips fabricants  given carachteristic books to any developer
@Arador But in the actual situation, witha  monopoly in the operative system market, it seems that it's no needed nobody more to make the drivers once it's included in the windows cds....To a minority of users it "doesnt have value"
@Arador This is the problem. This is only a supposition (in any case a acusation, i've no proofs)
@Arador but it's a research line that the authority should floow
@Arador :
@Arador ¿Wil be a dark hand that suggest at the manufacturer (= fabricante in previus paragraphs :-/) that it'd easier to include the driver in the cd's if the specifications are secret?
@Arador I'd be surprised that this'd be in this way. You have nothing more to see the agreements clauses in the Windows OEM licenses, that forbid the compercializatrion of any other OS
@Arador ¿Why not give a round to the turkey and do that too? Nowadays, it's the worst problem that the free software faces
@Arador This'd have easy solution: as i proposed to the CE: forbid the comercialization in the EU of devices that doesn't have reasonables conditions to the interfaz description
@Arador It's a reasonable meaure, that doesn't face frontly to Microsoft (so i think that it's cost in the OMC wouldn't be too bug) but that it's a torpedo to their flotation line
@Arador I'd like to see the authority reaction it a petroleum company would make cars with an special  nozzle
@Arador in the deposit that only they could use in their pretol station
@Arador I think that this campain in this sense must be considered by the free software community in Europe
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
MJesus clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
Polkan clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
@Arador Borja: when i buy a device, i look befiore if it's supported for linux. Don't you believe that don't publishing that can go against and sell less for the free software users?
@Arador if the number of users increases, yes. But the start barrier is bigger each time
@Arador toomany: Borja: i'd say more, wouldn't be interesting seminaries facing the directives, to explain what're the open source licenses, and their advantages? Not to mention the patents
@Arador an example: (I'll follow later with the toomany question)
@Arador we've two "hot" technologies in communications
@Arador 1 - wide band? (adsl, cable modem , etc..)
@Arador 2 - wireless
@Arador It's the same to access to these devies with windoes that for example with freebsd or linux?
@Arador Ther're a lot of USB devices that're only supported in Windows. Not even in Mac
@Arador Even strongly standarized devices as modems, now they aren't so standard
@Arador I've 4 extern serial modems, and i save them as a treasure
@Arador It's happening the same with printers
@Arador But that isn't important so much for me. THe really important is that an user that wants wide band has to pay more because he needs a router
@Arador Polkan: for example, olliveti announced that ANY of their new bubble printers would have linux drivers
@Arador borja: and not only because it's a system limitation. Only because the manufacturer doesn't want!
@Arador borja: polkan: godd to know, i'll kick a ollivetti  comercal if they try to sell me anything
@Arador The thing is that it can happen the same with wireless devices
@Arador well, someone will have in whose isps freebsd is the pefered system, and we don't want to hear about windows ;)
@Arador with the wireless devices it happens  the same: the common chips are well supported, but there's new chips whose manufacturers will not release the specifications
@Arador they're separating the windows users from the rest
@Arador welll, we're going to create polemic ;)
@Arador in the last Hispalinux congress, the freebsd group we started our intervention sayng that  there's a "tabu" topic
@Arador licenses
@Arador They could explain other things. For example, i work for an isp, and i have to power to decide what platforms we support
@Arador s/support/use
@Arador The platform i choose uses to be FreeBSD or Solaris
@Arador Biut not because freebsd is "free". Te most of the people doesn't care about that
@Arador i chosse it because:
@Arador 1 - It works really well
@Arador 2 - I wn't change the machine in a year
@Arador 3 - I can havwe a good control of the security. i *SEE* what the machine does
@raul 4 - It's very inprovable that someone call me at 3 of night saying that something isn't running, or be one month hitting my head because i don't know how to make a trivial thing.
@raul Yes, the Windows user lost hours trying to do trivial things.
@raul We will Contine after with the benefits for the comuninty, (that are, and it's incontestable), etc...
@raul But we have to take in mind that we are against a marketing machinarie with a lot of facilities.
@raul Well, Ernesto are going to continue now
@raul But from linux's world have to change the actitude, i think that we have to change a litle the message.
@raul the question isn't if linux is better or worse than ..
@raul rather that the compect "windows vs other OSs" have to be overcome
@raul we continue at #qc channel, for questions and answers
@Arador <we'll try to start the translation soon>
@Arador what im gonna do is to make a little tour about the successes in free soft in Peru
@Arador PLUG (Peruvian Linux Users group) borns in 1997
@Arador which primary goal is to spread? Linux use in Peru
@Arador the main "weapon" of this org is a maillist which actually have about 1500 members
@Arador in 1998 and 1999 seminars and "talks" about GNU/Linux begn
@Arador in the 2000 year a initiative borns
@Arador  by the support of a congresist called Edgar Villanueva
@Arador that it'd derivate in the famous Free Software Law
@Arador  for its realization, we count with direct support from FSF, Grulic & Via Libre (from Argentina
@Arador the 14 december 2001, the law proyect 1609 is presented in the congress
@Arador republic's congress
@Arador in the earlis 2002 the PLUG, Gnu Peru and a good number of activist start activities supporting the law
@Arador there were several seminaries and forums
@Arador it went to the congress to decide and sustent the law's proyect in question
@Arador how you could expect there was too many preassures by both sides
@Arador the 25 march, the Peru' Microsoft General manager sends a letter to the Villanueva's congresists
@Arador in it, he notes the Microsoft position weith the law
@Arador this provoques to so famous reponse to that letter that appeared in verywhere
@Arador all this info you'll find at
@Arador  http://pimientolinux.com/peru2ms/ (translated to several languages)
@Arador the way to make the law isn't good-appealing
@Arador actuallly, it's at the consumer's defense comision
@Arador if it passes this instace , i'd have to pass to a comission to go to a votation at the conjgress
@Arador actually the proyect is frozen by several burocratic motives
@Arador and it's waited that for the firsts months of the next year we'll have a reply
@Arador thanks to all this noise, a lot of entities of the Peruan state started to analize what the free software could offer them
@Arador it've to be said that the peruan government is the bigger softrware pirate
@Arador today we found that for money issues
@Arador a lot of institutions are going to free software (basically linux)
@Arador some examples are:
@Arador the "defensorie " of the population
@Arador national bibliotheque of peru
@Arador Inictel (national institute of techniology and science)
@Arador Imparte (sea's institute peruan)
@Arador well, that's my introduction
@Arador i'll commment some of the facts more important happened in my conuntry
@Arador and some migration experiences
@Arador thanks
@Arador Polkan:
@Arador now, Polkan Garcia has the voice
@Arador from the "defensory of the population (colomby)
@Arador good night/afternoon
@Arador the inmintet arrival of the new technollotgies in our sociey in the lasts years has generated a new reality for the country
@Arador It's evident that in these moments for the new generations using a computer is as easy as usng a phone or seeing the tv
@Arador Hoowever, the knowledge about how the software's industry works by the end user is very few
@Arador despite of  having in their hands the power of onfluence in the evolution of the tendences
@Arador of the said industry
@Arador INstead of that, the copmuter's users of Columbia renunce to that posibility in a passive actitude
@Arador front the facts
@Arador it borns a lot of questions
@Arador ¿how many time will we depend of the foreign offerts in software?
@Arador In front of this facts, born a set of unrest inebitables: When we will be independent of the xtranger offers in software? when we start to generate us or demand in IT? why bill gates wasn't born in Colombia? Where are our computer genius? Why don't exit any national big company of softaware in our country?
@Arador  The posible answers to this questions generate a sad landscape (almost desertic)
@Arador  about our interest and ambitions in the investigation and development area of software at Colombia.
@Arador <raul>  At Colombia linux enter like a boom
@Arador dic 19 23:02:40 <raul>  starting at universities that are the only that had access to it and after starting to appearing the first linux groups
@Arador <raul>  Like at Peru, it acknowledge to propose an alternative for use the free software at the state because a lot of entities at informal level are using it, government institutions and private organizations
@Arador <raul>  To this inititative joing the congressistman called Gustabo Petro
@Arador <raul>  for after of much work own a final document of the project, the lik to this project are in this url (spanish):
@Arador  <raul>   http://www.bachue.com/colibri/ley.html
@Arador <raul>  This is from september of this year, today is started the confrontation against detractors of the same,
@Arador <raul>  http://eltiempo.terra.com.co/opinion/colopi/02dediciembrede2002/ARTICULO-WEB-NOTA_INTERIOR-216972.html
@Arador <raul>  At where they say that this project are noxious and in detrimental
@Arador <raul>  However, the comunity of free software users from Colombia (colibri) are strongly defending this project
@Arador  <raul>   http://www.bachue.com/colibri/guisan-reply.html
@Arador  <raul>  the meeting is open, we feeling that dificult days will come...
@Arador  <raul>  i think that for now is fine
@Arador  <raul>  thanks you, Polkan.
@Arador  <raul>  Now is turn for Jesus Rubio, from the Extremadure governement.
@Arador  <raul>  come on, Jesus.
@Arador <raul>  ------------
@Arador <raul>  Propulsating the inclusion of Extremadura at the society of knowledge
@Arador  <raul>  no to explicit mode of soft. by soft.
@Arador  <raul>  so, at 1997 a projects started
@Arador  <raul>  that pretending that the citiziens from this region will be increased their quality of life by the use of news technologies
@Arador <raul>  Starting a plan for techonology alfabethization by it we teach anyperson that want to can use the news technologie.
@Arador  <raul>  Are this kinds of centers distributed along the region, mainly at the "village" media and marginal neighborhoods
@Arador <raul>  how a way of integration
@Arador  <raul>  the 50% of population from Extremadura are passed by this centers
@Arador  <raul>  and since may, -LinEx was presented at April- of this year ONLY use LinEx for their learning
@raul After if you like i will be deeply in this topic
@raul Another topic are the bussiness
@raul and we created a "borning center" in the net for the companies.
@raul YEs, the project for the bussiness are considerated as valid, we give the physic space, conexion and training for start to the people that request
@raul Actually, we are training they in free software and some do as teacher of others
@raul and another aspect, can be more important
@raul is the education: was a politic decision: that in the next year every student had 1 computer at all the education system from Extremadura
@raul this is supported, however, in the creation of an intranet that attach, now, all the educative centers of the region -and by the way all the townships from Extremadura-
@raul here surge the need of free software
@raul The reasons are mainly 2:
@raul 1.- The money.
@raul We can't pay all the licenses of the OSs and ofimatic suites. Are more expensive the necklace than the dog
@raul 2.- The sharing of knowledge:
@raul If we arrived at this point since 1997, we advanced and consolidated the projects... who guaranty that the software go by the same way?
@raul ?
@raul we had to take the system control
@raul and there surge LinEx
@Arador Another thing to emphasize
@Arador WHen linux emerges, we realise that isn't useful only for teaching
@Arador and we talk with pc wholesalres
@Arador They colaborate and since several days i communicate that in Extremadura
@Arador there's some villages that seel pcs with - only - Linex
@Arador ANd they say that the sun it's still in the mornings.....
@Arador Another:
@Arador The main idea is that the publica administrations have a lot of responsability en this free software thing when adopting our decisions:
@Arador We can, as Extremadura, "impose" that the opposotions be made with openoffice
@Arador IN a conceil here has been made public in the BOE, even.
@Arador And it's going to be proposed in the Junta
@Arador We've had to kill the idea of
@Arador Who gives support?"
@Arador It's clear that the development's enterprises in Extremadura are very happy with this new
@Arador Because are them who can give the support and they're near
@Arador We're talking about knowledge, and in this, is to support free software
@Arador It's clear that it's supporting the man, no for the enterprise and their millions
@Arador well, i'll not extend more and at your disposition
@Arador thanks
@Arador ok, the translation finished, we're sorry we won't translate the round table, we can't do it (at least now) :(
MJesus the traslation will be later, after will finish the talk,
MJesus and coulf finf in the web after tomorrow
boticario ehy alguien me puede decir como era la paguina de las traducciones de las charlas
@Arador umeet.uninet.edu
Kefar boticario: busca directamente en umeet.uninet.edu
boticario gracias
james bye
MJesus hasta mañana a todos !

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