ducky | The title of this talk is "Midas: Open Standard for |
Admin/Financial applications" | |
ducky | these are the topics for this talk |
ducky | 1. What is Midas? |
ducky | 2. Justification |
ducky | 3. Midas's design base |
ducky | 3.1 Needings |
ducky | 3.2 Module's definition |
ducky | 3.3 Architecture definition |
ducky | 3.4 Components |
ducky | 3.5 Comunication's Protocol |
ducky | 3.6 Database |
ducky | 3.7 Design's layers |
ducky | 3.8 From design to implementation |
ducky | 4. Expect ations |
ducky | 5. Questions |
ducky | 1. What is Midas ? |
ducky | Midas is an open set of tecnical specifications which define a |
generic model oriented to the Financial/Administrative Software | |
implementation initially for comercial/or service's enterprises. | |
ducky | Is a documentation repository which pretend a standard for the |
FAS (Finnancial Accounting Software )tools design. | |
ducky | The project's purpose is to encourage multiple implementations |
or different modules written in different languages. | |
ducky | In short, Midas ITS NOT A FINNANCIAL ADMIN SOFTWARE, Midas is |
an open design for the FAS implementation or components of the same in | |
different languages. | |
ducky | 2. Justification. |
ducky | - The existant free projects were designed specifically for |
some countries or at least they present functionality differences (and | |
resources comsumption) related to local needings (we already verified out). | |
ducky | - The project's documentation about their design is very poor |
(at least when we began the research about in the art state). Adicionally in | |
some of the existant | |
MJesus | jaime startlog |
jaime | MJesus: Estoy logueando el canal #redes en [http://felix.zapto. |
org/jaime/redes.html] | |
ducky | ok |
ducky | projects the information in the persistency 's mechanisms |
(database), table's names and fields were found codified which make very | |
complex to understand its structure and its respective relations between the | |
tables. | |
ducky | GNUe's case: we found extensive documentation (in English) |
about its design but no any concrete implementation which could give us any | |
light. Adicional, our initial idea was trying to be simple and concrete, | |
because GNUe was very complex to assume. | |
ducky | 3. Design's bases |
ducky | 3.1 Needs |
ducky | Thinking about the enviroment which it was Midas designed for, |
we found what in Colombia, y a Latinoamerica's big part, exist serious | |
limitations related to | |
ducky | their infrastructure in telecomunications (common dialup |
lines), which the digital information must be trasmited. | |
ducky | In the case of many enterprises which have many branches or |
have sub-enterprises of different geographical places, and their connection | |
needing is imperative. | |
ducky | The FAS software we can found in the actuality in the our local |
marketing its not | |
ducky | designed to work in efficent way under the given conditions |
before (dialup | |
ducky | lines / limited bandwith) |
ducky | In our case (Colombia), in these moments theres no any free |
solution adaptable | |
ducky | to the enterprises needs and no any commercial solutions at low |
price are very | |
ducky | limited. |
ducky | On the another side, the functionally viable solutions, are |
commercial and their | |
ducky | prices are too high, wich in some cases can beat the actives of |
an small | |
ducky | enterprise, which is absurd. |
ducky | Some groups, have been customizing toos, like SqlLedger, (a web |
solution, | |
ducky | s/toos/tools/g |
ducky | under the client/server model, where every data processing, is |
performed at the | |
ducky | server side), which on Intranet based enviroments, (LANs at |
10-100 mb/s), seems | |
ducky | to work very well. |
ducky | In these moments we know about some proyects at national |
level, which are | |
ducky | interested in fill this empty, what in present time we know |
about free SAF | |
ducky | software. |
ducky | nevertheles, under our particular vision, in the SqlLedger |
case, we didnt use to | |
ducky | share the fact about any kind of client's request have to |
travel, to the server | |
ducky | once and another time |
ducky | including data have been already transmited in early operations |
ducky | We havent done the test, but we would like to see sqlledger |
working | |
ducky | trough a dialup line |
ducky | doing an excercise where the enterprise, have an 500 |
processe/services stock | |
ducky | Aditionally, what would happen if i have a supermarket, with 30 |
terminals, | |
ducky | (486) |
ducky | and i wanna implement a FAS system? |
ducky | if i choose sqllegger, ill be in the duty, a graphical |
environment | |
ducky | in order to open a web browser |
ducky | (sqlledger supports text-based browsers) |
ducky | yea..we already know |
ducky | but a text-based browser for the girl who is at the box? |
ducky | "use LTSP and problem solved" |
ducky | ..would say some people.. |
ducky | but and what happen if we wanna free the central server |
ducky | of the load of the X clients |
ducky | its clear, in a LTSP scheme |
ducky | concentrates the all the processing in a single point : the |
server | |
ducky | aditionally, we sum the resources, used by the FAS system |
ducky | remember, we are talking about 30 online selling points |
ducky | why cant i use terminal mode clients (ncurses,etc)? |
ducky | if i would like the database in another server |
ducky | ? |
ducky | or if i already have particular database motor and i wanna use |
in the implementation | |
ducky | ? |
ducky | could it be possible to offer a platform- indepent system? |
ducky | programming language indepent |
evanginee | does anybody have a log of the talk/discussion so far? |
evanginee | on Midas? |
ducky | why not to offer an FAS architecture, which let clients, and |
servers | |
ducky | evanginee, [] |
ducky | :) |
evanginee | excellent, thanks ducky |
ducky | joining to the infrastructure |
ducky | and enteprise's needs? |
ducky | 3.2 Module Definition |
ducky | Analysing this needs, we began to delimit, a design what would |
be compilant with the requests, of the existant demand | |
ducky | in conectivity terms |
ducky | aivability |
ducky | hardware aivability |
ducky | and funcionality |
ducky | (we based on open develoment model) |
ducky | Initially the design is composed of the following |
ducky | modules |
ducky | in the functional part |
ducky | Accounting module: |
` | holas |
` | este server no se supone q debia ser japones? |
fernand0 | no |
` | ah |
` | jo |
` | y de q es este server? |
ducky | it starts on the suposed, of what the accouting should be the |
result of the transactions done, by the software in some time | |
ducky | This module has the capability to generate, the necesary reports |
ducky | in order to achieve |
ducky | the right administration on the enterprise |
ducky | among of them, balances |
ducky | GyP(lost, and gains) |
ducky | Box flow |
ducky | Official books (Major, diary, summary) |
ducky | Stock module: |
ducky | in charge of the management, of the client's state |
ducky | and accounts |
ducky | which lets client's identification |
viva UMEET!) | |
ducky | wholesalers |
ducky | retailers |
ducky | and making of their respectives stadistic resports |
ducky | or account's status reports |
The Organizing Comittee