damage | in essence, to mount LTSP it is required of an equipment of low range, we can use a PII, with 128 Mb of ram, and a 20 HD of Gb to give service to 5 equipment without noticing decrease in the performance. |
damage | the stations require of means from which they can iniciarse. this means can be: |
damage | a) NIC |
damage | b) floppy |
damage | c) HD, with one of 100 Mb is very sufficient |
damage | we will concentrate ourselves in the second option. |
damage | A typical case of LTSP use is a central servant with a leaned printer and several terminals acceding to the same one to conduct operations and to print in the printer of the server as typical operations we can name: Navegate on Internet, a text processor, etc |
damage | While more power has the servant more stations could be connected. |
damage | We could have, without no decrease in the yield, a dual PIV, with 1 GB of ram and 100 stations working, the scheme of operation of LTSP is very basic: |
damage | A server whom he has modified the service of X to export displays to other equipment of the network, a dhcp server to give directions, a tftpboot server to serve kernel and a NFS server to export UNDER a each one of the stations |
damage | LTSP can be installed from the sources, which we can unload in the pages of the project |
damage | or in the case of distributions as debian, the one that I have used, to use the packages already compiled for her |
damage | a basic package exists that is LTSP-Core |
damage | with this package the system already is prepared to work, but others make lack to obtain the total functionality |
damage | the package makes lack of kernel prepared for LTSP, eye! ANYKERNEL DOES NOT SERVE, SINCE SOME SPECIAL TRAININGS ARE DUE TO LEAN |
damage | If we wished X, we must install two additional packages, the one of the X server and the one of the basic sources, with it already we would have our system to poin |
damage | However, other uses for LTSP exist, we can have a session of shell, a graphical session or a session of telnet. |
damage | with a shell session, we will have a shell in a species of "sand box", chroot of which we will not be able to leave, and that would allow to have stations with shell for use of students |
damage | with a telnet session we will have only prompt so that we make telnet towards other equipment (somebody even uses telnet to connect itself to another equipment) ;) |
damage | and a graphical session where we will have the maximum power, display with all the tools that we have defined for the user. |
damage | the graphical session is preceded of its respective manager of sessions, we can use all the existing ones, XDM, GDM, KDM |
damage | These last ones can, as well, be formed like all session manager, from block the access to certain users, to using subjects to make it showier. |
damage | For the graphical enviroment, also the one can be selected that is desired, from KDM to icewm, happening through Gnome, fwm and others. |
damage | in summarized, Everything a work atmosphere running from a server. It is important to stress that in normal conditions, the stations do not use their resources, falling all the load on the central server. |
damage | However, occasions exist in which we will have equipment that has a little more power, in those cases we can use the power of calculation of these equipment and do what it is called local Applications that is to say, to change the processing of some applications from the server to the stations |
damage | This solution we have used it and it has worked to us very well, its configuration is exaggerated trivial and it is handled from only a configuration file. The only disadvantage is that it requires to install a servant NIS. Of our investigations it is in trying to do the scheme of authentication using LDAP |
damage | LTSP at the time of settling creates some directories to store their archives, being most important where it is the root of the system which they use the stations |
damage | for example, it see the following case (LOOK, this is a servant in operation with leaned stations) |
damage | .// graphic |
damage | As they can see, this is a typical structure of an equipment with installed Linux. |
damage | from which the clients execute everything in chroot, reason why danger that does not exist some of them, skips from that enviroment to the server... |
damage | in debian, the configuration files of ltsp keep in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf and a connection in /etc/ltsp/ is created that aims towards first. |
damage | At this point, arise two questions, how handles the graphics section and how is handled the impression? the graphics section is handled of the following form: Each station has an entrance in the configuration file of dhcp. in this entrance is specified where kernel will look for his and its direction IP |
damage | soon, lts.conf exists another called, located file in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf that has the following structure: |
damage | .// graphic 2 |
damage | the station its defined by the name, that previously had defined in the dhcp server is indicated which is the configuration file for X server and other data such as the type of printer in this case, this called equipment ws006, has an own file of configuration of X server, XF86Config_ws006 call |
damage | this file resides in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/ and its function is to specify the type of video card that has that station, if mouse will use or no, the frequency, the depth of colors and other typical details of a X server. |
damage | this is important since often they can have stations with different monitor, video cards different, etc, and to have only a configuration file of X, does not work. |
damage | We have working from stations with monochrome monitors with old video cards trident 9680, next to equipment are video incorporated to the MB and monitors to color. |
damage | everything connected to a same server. The other interrogative one was the impression. If a single printer connected to the server is had, by defect, all the stations they will impress there. However, how to do if each station has its own printer? in this case it is necessary to install NIS, and when initiating the session each station takes a servant of impression in port 9100 |
damage | soon, it will be necessary to form the system of impression of the server so that it knows that each station has its own printer and to say to him to the application that is being used from the station where it must print. |
damage | Again I show a real case to them |
damage | .// graphic 3 |
damage | this it makes mention to a local printer, i mean that one is connected the server |
damage | Whereas this says that the station ws002 has a connected printer, which can be used connecting itself to port 9100, therefore they are possible to be had manifold stations with printers each one of them, How he is to render? see you yourself. |
damage | .// graphic 4 |
damage | of the ram 50% have not been used and the CPU goes very light, with as soon as a 0,15 of load. how much it occupies the LTSP installation? |
damage | .// graphic 5 |
damage | A last point has to do with kernel. kernel used in this project is kernel with special trainings to be able to work |
damage | all a documentation exists that it indicates how it must be builded. Inclusively, the kernel used by the stations can be applied to the LPP patch to him to unfold the graph that you wishes. It is not difficult but he is not either trivial to personalize kernel for the stations. |
damage | Many people use kernel standard provided by the developers of LTSP or the developer of the used distribution. As far as the servant they do not need any kernel special, if they wish it can personalize it, as long as they remember to maintain the support for networks, NFS and other details more. |
damage | For example, in the shown server, we have compiled a few times kernel to sharpen it and to have a greater functionality |
damage | .// graphic 6 |
damage | some of the changes have been, integrated support stops most of NICs that are obtained in our market has supported for connections PPP in case that they are required we have cleared all the support to FS that we did not use, as well as to controller SCSI, USB, etc. |
damage | In order to finalize, LTSP can be conjugated with mosix to bring clusters can be used like Kioskos of sales, or of navigation (incorporating dispositvo Touch Screen, they could surely have a very pretty and economic module of information) Thanks for their attention, can make questions. |
damage | jaime: listlog |
damage | jaime: listlogs |
damage | : |
damage | habra alguien logeado esto ? |
horacio | hasta aquí lo tengo |
damage | horacio, puedes pasarmelo en un txt ? |
horacio | ok |
felix | jaime: endlog |
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