
presential congress

virtual meeting

Organizing Committe


Dear Colleagues:

This year will take place in the City of Havana, Cuba, the 6th Cuban Congress on Neurosurgery and the 1st Virtual Meeting on this major field of studies.

The "Presential" Congress shall be held between December 13th and December 17th, in the "Centro de Investigaciones Medico-Quirurgicas" (CIMEQ).

The "Virtual" Meeting will be held at the Medical Science Information Telematic Net (Infomed) from November 17th up to December 17th through Webpages and email.

The Cuban Society of Neurology and Neurosurgery, the National Group of Neurosurgery and Infomed have the pleasure of inviting all those interested in the field to participate actively in the Congress in either of its two ways (presential or virtual) indistinctly.

It is our desire to propitiate an excellent occasion for the exchange of experiences and approaches between neurosurgeons and other field related professionals, by assuring the success of this bi-annual meeting and guaranteeing the hospitality and friendship you deserve.

Receive our greetings and we look forward for your active participation!!

Organizing Committee of the Congress