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- After some troubles with his institute's software
development policy, MIT hacker Richard Stallman founded FSF
-Free Software Foundation-.
- He created the GPL licence and the copyleft.
The sense of our ``free'' is about freedom of speech, not
Free beer.
- Free software movement claims that development of
software must be free. You must be allowed to improve
the code of the others, as you keep the register of their
- Free software movement looks as basic science development
paradigm. No one can patent Newton's Law. You discover
software -what is about knowledge-, not make software -what
is about industrial machinery-.
- Free Software way of thinking is common on Computational
Chemistry, only look at CCP collaborative projects of UK government,
CCL, QCPE -born on 50's, before Stallman's FSF-, GAMESS, MOPAC...
- You use lots of FSF tools; GNU C compiler, Emacs...
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David Santo Orcero