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Previous: The free software paradigm,
- It is the theoretical basis that try to explain the fast
growing of some pieces of Free Software -Apache Web Server,
Linux Kernel-.
- Proposed by Eric Raymond, an open source evangelist.
- Development of traditional Software is like building a Cathedral. Its management is
centralized, as the masons only build whatever they were said
to be built.
- The new model: Bazaar model. Decentralized management,
lots of people doing its own.
- It has historical cases on Computational Chemistry: GAMESS,
CCP4. And It worked!
- Bazaar development has one problem: nobody does what nobody
want to do -eg, there are lots of GUIs; but FSF GPLed kernel, Hurd,
ten years after the work begun, is far to be completed-.
- Eric Raymond's model has flaws: it does not explain Motzilla's disaster.
- One of its stronger points is the mass of parallel beta-testers
with knowledge and ability of correct and improve the source
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Up: Some basic concepts
Previous: The free software paradigm,
David Santo Orcero