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The fever of Linux's fashion, and some Linux Miths.

One day, by a mistery reason, Linux was no more a extravaganza and became cool. But we must renember that:

All this affirmations are not ``cool'' for non-technical users. And most of them are mixed with Linux miths. Anyway, nobody makes MS-Windows better than M$, thus if we begin to modify all the things that make Linux powerfull, changing for Windoze things, we will have more Windows again.

Personally, I have heared for a important and famous person of Linux orbit "X-Window sucks". He also have said "Linux sucks" and other things like this, thus it looks that all that it is not his product sucks. Anyway, it is a strong stream of opinion on some circles that Linux should look and act like Windows, but being free. It is the ``grandma is at the keyboard'' stream.

By other way, the power and the flexibility of X-Protocol and Unix capacities will save the day on the day-to-day use on a laboratory. We change some time of learning for better features.

On the other side, important distributions, with M$-Like instalation procedures, needs more time and knowledge to be instaled than other more user friendly -IMHO, only more pretty- distributions.

Many times you are forced to install one operating system or distribution acording to your boss's opinion about what is more user friendly. No way that most of them looks the same after installing. It doesn't matter.

Maybe, with all this fever of Linux's fashion, people that really loves Linux and Free Software continues being misfits. But nowadays only these misfits can take the best of the hardware.

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David Santo Orcero 2000-11-24